King Freeman
This entire debacle has opened my eyes to a few things regarding this cancel culture.
Being a serial abuser is disgusting in of itself but people allow themselves to get so engulfed in rage that they don’t even realize that the same article that they’re citing & reposting says, “He did not penetrate her with it.”
That’s not buried within the article. It’s literally 3-4 sentences there after. If we’re going to fight for our women then we have to make sure that we’re coming correct. This kid was an easy target but what do we do for the people whose character isn’t so easily assailable?
Then when someone looks at the “Me Too” movement with a side eye we question why. We rebut by saying the number of victims outnumber the number of false claims but then we have situations like this. Cries of “rapist” and “he stabbed her in the vagina with a fork” when it’s right there in the text that it was a threat and didn’t actually happen.
We can’t keep getting mad at others for not seeing the bigger picture when we’re not able to see the bigger picture ourselves.
We can make our points without the extras.
In b4 "but but ..."