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FEATURED Would Black Americans Be Better Off Going Back To Africa?

I will say one thing though. It wouldn't be a bad idea for Black Americans to invest in development along the West coast of Africa. Beach property is premium everywhere in the world except on the West Coast of Africa. They don't seem to care about it there, so you can get it cheap. One person alone couldn't do much with it because you got to build up the infrastructure, but a collective that builds up the resort industry along the African coast will basically be guaranteed to profit greatly.
On another note alot of yall have the same distorted view of Africa as white people... Africa isnthe most diverse continent in the world cultures languages hues etc
Some Africans have the same distorted view of black Americans as white people. So we both need to do better dealing with one another
On another note alot of yall have the same distorted view of Africa as white people... Africa isnthe most diverse continent in the world cultures languages hues etc

I don't think anyone is treating Africa like a monolith. We understand that the Igbo in Nigeria are different than the Tutsi in Rwanda who are different from the Khoisan in the South. That doesn't change the core point which is that all of them are significantly different culturally than us, and those differences would make it hard for us any great number to just uproot from America and find a home in any of the countries over there.
I don't think anyone is treating Africa like a monolith. We understand that the Igbo in Nigeria are different than the Tutsi in Rwanda who are different from the Khoisan in the South. That doesn't change the core point which is that all of them are significantly different culturally than us, and those differences would make it hard for us any great number to just uproot from America and find a home in any of the countries over there.

I think that goes for uprooting and moving anywhere tho. regardless of who you are you take some of your culture with you and you(or your descendants) adopt some of the culture of where you uprooted and moved to.

Its gonna take adjustments on either side of the coin
I don't think anyone is treating Africa like a monolith. We understand that the Igbo in Nigeria are different than the Tutsi in Rwanda who are different from the Khoisan in the South. That doesn't change the core point which is that all of them are significantly different culturally than us, and those differences would make it hard for us any great number to just uproot from America and find a home in any of the countries over there.

The core point might be the same but the reasoning behind it might not be. And I think that's what that post was getting at. Two people can come to the same conclusion for different reasons.
I think that goes for uprooting and moving anywhere tho. regardless of who you are you take some of your culture with you and you(or your descendants) adopt some of the culture of where you uprooted and moved to.

Its gonna take adjustments on either side of the coin

True, but the more different the cultures the more difficult integration will be. Like I've traveled quite a bit in the Caribbean, and I've definitely come across places that I felt like I could move to and be fine. I don't know if there are many countries in Africa where I could say the same.
True, but the more different the cultures the more difficult integration will be. Like I've traveled quite a bit in the Caribbean, and I've definitely come across places that I felt like I could move to and be fine. I don't know if there are many countries in Africa where I could say the same.

True indeed but that would take actually going to the places and seeing for yourself tho.

Theres plenty places that I havent been to in the states that I might not on the surface have wanted to move to but after visiting I might could see the potential. And places where on the surface it looks dope but after spending some time there its like nah fuck all that lol
Y’all going to go to the places and “gentrify/force” your own culture on folks lmao

Y’all ain’t giving up who you are to assimilate to the new place.

Y’all complain when some Americans complain about foreigners not assimilating here.
Black Americans got way too much pride and ego
Africans got way too much pride and ego

It will be constant conflict...

Visiting is cool.... Cuz it's a beautiful continent, and they really put on for tourists...

But effectively integrating into their economy.... That shit ain't happening