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FEATURED Would Black Americans Be Better Off Going Back To Africa?

I think a lot of people forget that this country already tried sending African Americans back to Africa. That's how the country of Liberia was formed, and that country went on to be considered the worse place in Earth for a while. Now of course the way America did it was fucked up. They basically took land from people living there and gave it to Black Americans, so the experiment started off wrong. That said, even when America washed it hands of it, the Africans and former Black Americans still couldn't get a long or agree on anything.

The history of that country is shocking and shameful

The Black Americans viewed the Africans as uncivilized and due to brainwashing they ran with it.
Didnt exactly start out like that. When American & Caribbean blacks went back there to settle, it was hard for them to relate with the people there, since a bunch were educated and brought back over a lot of Americanize traditions: Christianity and america style politics. Top that off with not having friend encounters, especially with the isolated bush tribes. Then a few native chiefs didnt like them and kept sending over parties to raid their settlements.

The really crazy and shameful shit is, they then acted like the racist white people in the south that they escaped. Labeled themselves the elite minority, started dressing like white southerners, made plantations and forced natives to be slaves, practiced segregation against natives, did not allowed them to vote, become citizens or own anything. Then encouraged missionaries to come over and covert/ civilize the natives.
I don't think they always tell the black British to go back or look at all the black people in places like Brazil and the Caribbean. Never hear the tell the Afro Latinos that either.
You would never see African celebrities go on a big media platform talking down to the other black groups in the Caribbean or South America saying they don’t have any culture and need to come back to Africa.

Could you imagine popular celebrity Africans telling Jamaicans,Haitians,Cubans ,Dominicans, Brazilians and Colombians etc saying they don’t have any culture etc to leave their countries and come back to Africa on a big media platform ,they would get cursed out . Funny enough Black British phenotype look more closely to Africans cause they only been in Britain for maybe 1 to 2 generations top , I don’t know why they don’t go after them.

Some of us Americans probably got ancestors that predate the United States back when it was 13 Colonies and Native Americans were here in a larger number than today.
Cause it's bullshit man.
Niggaz took a poll of a whole continent of people and reported back?
Nah most of you've never been there!
You've either let the media or word of mouth shape your narrative and swear by it.

Lol look most of us don’t hate other blacks like Dis does. He wants to be the king of all the blacks and thinks we the best. It’s purely American ignorance based on twitter posts.

I know y’all be agreeing when he gets in his anti gay anti democrat hate liberal shit. But a fool in every way.
  • Ether
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Cause it's bullshit man.
Niggaz took a poll of a whole continent of people and reported back?
Nah most of you've never been there!
You've either let the media or word of mouth shape your narrative and swear by it.
Nah. Media and word of mouth only confirms my personal experience. The love ain't there. Not enough Elzos. We get more than enough unprovoked smoke. There should be literally ZERO Africans/African immigrants with smoke for black Americans. They sold us! We have done nothing to warrant ANY animosity, so fuck taking a poll, why shouldn't we acknowledge the elephant, that the love has been one-sided????

Black Americans been openly reaching out to Africa for about 50, 55 years. Think about the 60s and 70s, the Afrocentric explosion, dashikis and afros..it was a Renaissance... then the feeling got restored again with in the late 80s/early 90s, we put on for Africa...we crashed out for Mandela.. we were all in...

Think about all that imagery and content from those eras... ok... now where's the reciprocation from Africa during that time? Where's the definitive love back from the Motherland? Where's their collective effort to embrace us back?

Africa is a tribal continent. They practice tribalism, not collectivism as a black Diaspora.
Lol look most of us don’t hate other blacks like Dis does. He wants to be the king of all the blacks and thinks we the best. It’s purely American ignorance based on twitter posts.

I know y’all be agreeing when he gets in his anti gay anti democrat hate liberal shit. But a fool in every way.
I click show ignored content and of course the autistic AIDS candidate is still obsessed with me. Obsessed with a nigga you know has you on ignore

Look, I entertained your meds babble for 5 years but I can't anymore cuz you all you do is tell lies like a hoodrat bitch. No way you ever met your father. Nothing you say about me is rooted in truth. There's no dignity in the words you type, its just cringe obsession

Stop typing about me, stop DMing me, its what's best for your what's left of your mental health, faggot 🙏🏽
I do be back home🤷🏽‍♀️
Also not scared to try new shit.
Big tuff ass yankees worrying about if someone gonna like em like it's the first day of highschool.

How about this, they'll probably treat yall the same way ya'll have treated them
Are u home now though? U are not even living where u were born but think we should try to live in a place we never been. Where is the logic in that? Our ancestors fought and shed blood for the freedoms we have here nobody gave us anything and the fighting they did paved the way for others to come here and prosper also. The 14th amendment was paid for in our blood
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I click show ignored content and of course the autistic AIDS candidate is still obsessed with me. Obsessed with a nigga you know has you on ignore

Look, I entertained your meds babble for 5 years but I can't anymore cuz you all you do is tell lies like a hoodrat bitch. No way you ever met your father. Nothing you say about me is rooted in truth. There's no dignity in the words you type, its just cringe obsession

Stop typing about me, stop DMing me, its what's best for your what's left of your mental health, faggot 🙏🏽

Lol I ignored you first so stop playing victim. Just stop saying dumb shit we all know you just an internet character you don’t do anything in the community besides twitter. Elzo just like hood shit from afar. One day you gonna have to get real bitch.
Nah. Media and word of mouth only confirms my personal experience. The love ain't there. Not enough Elzos. We get more than enough unprovoked smoke. There should be literally ZERO Africans/African immigrants with smoke for black Americans. They sold us! We have done nothing to warrant ANY animosity, so fuck taking a poll, why shouldn't we acknowledge the elephant, that the love has been one-sided????

Black Americans been openly reaching out to Africa for about 50, 55 years. Think about the 60s and 70s, the Afrocentric explosion, dashikis and afros..it was a Renaissance... then the feeling got restored again with in the late 80s/early 90s, we put on for Africa...we crashed out for Mandela.. we were all in...

Think about all that imagery and content from those eras... ok... now where's the reciprocation from Africa during that time? Where's the definitive love back from the Motherland? Where's their collective effort to embrace us back?

Africa is a tribal continent. They practice tribalism, not collectivism as a black Diaspora.
The bolded is wild to me. Media and rumors is your go to? You doing exactly what Chinese and Japanese do in their country. Since they rarely see blacks, they watch the media that depicts us in a bad light and they roll with that.

A lot of this stuff can be researched. Plenty youtube channels where people deacribe their times living in a african country after living in the states. Hell, just got to a country in africa to get your own perspective. Many people have moved there and had/have great experiences. Hell, my cousin moved down their for a year and wants to stay their eventually.

Some africans probably dont like us but to use that some and say a whole continent is kind of wild. You dont see that?
The bolded is wild to me. Media and rumors is your go to? You doing exactly what Chinese and Japanese do in their country. Since they rarely see blacks, they watch the media that depicts us in a bad light and they roll with that.

A lot of this stuff can be researched. Plenty youtube channels where people deacribe their times living in a african country after living in the states. Hell, just got to a country in africa to get your own perspective. Many people have moved there and had/have great experiences. Hell, my cousin moved down their for a year and wants to stay their eventually.

Some africans probably dont like us but to use that some and say a whole continent is kind of wild. You dont see that?

Nah most of you've never been there!
You've either let the media or word of mouth shape your narrative and swear by it.

Nah. Media and word of mouth only confirms my personal experience
Lol so thanks for confirming I'm right I guess..
How many times you been over there?

You believe what you want to and your algorithm probably corroborates that.
If you've never seen any news on countries in west Africa reaching out then you simply didn't want to.

Are u home now though? U are not even living where u were born but think we should try to live in a place we never been. Where is the logic in that? Our ancestors fought and shed blood for the freedoms we have here nobody gave us anything and the fighting they did paved the way for others to come here and prosper also. The 14th amendment was paid for in our blood
Isn't the fact that I'm not living where I was born proof enough that it's not some big spooky ish to try living somewhere else?

My problem is not even African Americans wanting to stay here, that's y'all prerogative. It's the What if they don't like us or Our cultures will clash posts.

Just sounds scary asl.

The reason why the back to Africa conversation keeps coming up is because black Americans aren't treated equally over here, so it's not about people telling you to leave its people giving you all an option and everyone vehemently denying the option saying y'all are good. No niggaz ain't good, tf you mean.

Not saying over there or anywhere else is perfect, but just the idea of trying something new with people that look like y'all got some of y'all like this

It's kinda funny.