The Bawse
DAMN you know the companies that make dumbbells and shit are caking up right now. Can't find a single dumbbell in stock anywhere, nevermind a pair of dumbbells.
This guy lmao
60lb dumbells?I got a lil barbell and plates that gets up to 80 lbs
60 and 40 lb dumbells
I can make that work but I miss the gym bad
60lb dumbells?
Who is u Hulk Hogan?
I just made the jump to 40 from 35.
Plan is to hit 45lb by 2021
Thank you for this brah
Not only did I fall off the wagon, I got ran over by that bitch
I'm starting fresh Monday frfr
This gonna have to be me brahI been all over the 10 min no equipment workout videos on YouTube
Since I’m working from home I’ll do one on my lunch break and another in the evening
This gonna have to be me brah
I lost all the motivation I had when the quarantine first started
post the links famthe 10min body weight videos are nice and short - im not a fan of long sessions
I use the ones on bully juice youtube channel