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Women of ABW...

Chill. He got a wife and a hoe.

Lmao, dude went from talking about how he doesnt wanna fuck a chick at work cause hes faithful to his wife to saying he got a full time side chick.

The lies mfers tell.
Lmao he did say that didnt he...

Imma also say i been out the game a long time.

So maybe women are moving different these days.

Fellas of the ABW, tell us some of the hints women throw yall have noticed as well.

It varies individually from woman to woman. The common factor from much of those is that they're always making oblivious in the most contextually ambiguous way so that she wouldn't appear as the vamp or slut making the first move.

But here's a list of different cases:

  1. 14 and half years old. 2008
    . Second-grade secondary. A clique of three or four female black students around my age approachs I and a North African buddy of mine coming back from a walk at the nearby public park and starts bullying us. They mockingly asked us if we were a gay couple and soon after we tell them we were straight, they tried forcing their way on our pants to prove it. We yelled at them and ran away, shocked. After that, we denounced them to a member of the school staff close to us, but didn't took us seriously-- offhandedly reminding us that we use to naively stalk every once and again student girls we held a crush about during breaks. I know that unwanted surveillance behavior is a nasty thing even coming from teenagers with little to no romantic or sexual experience, but... comparing juvenile socially awkward behavior with attempted molesting, really???
    [*]16-17 years old. Spring to October 2010. Fourth-fifth secondary grades. I was still stuck enough to not tolerate discussion topics sensibilizing us about sex education to the point I had to spend a couple of weeks at the school library after I had a panic crisis and nearly threw up in classes (tHaNkS mOm ???) . A close Haitian-born classmate of mine of mixed Haitian, Dominican and Hispanic descent - who would soon later become one of my many hook-ups and the longest-running of them all (the most annoying and wasteful too) - a conservative hottie from an overreligious Christian background and self-claimed virgin girl who vowed prenuptial chasisty decided, annoyed by what she later claimed being, I quote "me acting pruggish and creepy to hide the hidden truth that [I am] a pervert" made a mission to prove her point by spending most every single weekday morning prior classes times running on me, force me into her arms, profit my tendencies to compromise out of politeness and still oblivious about girls's physical forms of advances, spending entire minutes rubbing her whole body, pelvis to tits, against mine (and I was the hypersexual perv??) till her nipples were stiffening. Several months later, my manhood had finally cracked. She was one year older than me;
    [*]Winter 2011. My eldest brother's newfound girlfriend starts hitting on both I and my older brother. They broke up a couple of months later.
    [*]18 years old. Fall 2011. Adult secondary school. Just there to revise a class session I needed to succeed to enter into college the next Winter. The same girl mentioned above was there too. She acted a little more obvious into her flitrations at that time for a while: she tried to hold my hand, cross her arm with mine, smiled and giggled at anytime I was saying and during our extracurricular Jiu Jitsu sessions partnering with each other... people and even the sensei were literally asking us to stop that neverending tension between us and start concluding it appropriately into a hotel room! But her being the stuck-up, self-righteous prick teaser she was and I being still a gullible novice in the game, nothing happened. She winded up trying to make me jealous by getting particularily nice and physical with other boys she partnered with out of nothing, but came back with me when she surprised getting chummy with three or four other girls from my class. Got my first experience with alcohol and went to a nightclub: I grinded many men's girlfriends, a celebrity ans even nearly get proposed by the female bouncer charged of the restrooms to follow her at her home but my eldest brother cock-blocked me
And then you know what, eff that shit.

Too damn long, too damn expletive, too many cases to tell. Gotta see next time.


Wtf are you doing right now? This the kinda time you on? Why you going out of your way to fuck up the vibe in here?

You and allbuildingsmatter. Like what's the endgame here
Lol, I was oisaed off because expressing out how many times I get hitted in was well too damn long to publish and edit and all of a sudden, I am part of some conspiracy aimed to bring down the fun on this forum? Damn...

This guy a father lol