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COMMUNITY Women can be pedophiles too- Official "Teacher assaults student" thread v2

If you find a prepubescent girl attractive you need to be killed ASAP. I don’t care if you never acted on it yet.

Bloodline gotta go.

It’s a huge difference from a 17 year shaped like 31 year old sexy women and a child in the 3rd grade.
That is also a typical French "love story" .

Have you grew up watching 'Leon: The Professional" by the French blockbuster-chasing filmmaker Luc Besson ('Fifth Element' , 'Lucy' , 'The Transporter' franchise, 'Valerian' ...) ? The sentiment of unease you had when you are realizing this is an "ambiguous" Beauty-&-The-Beast fashioned love story about a would-be autistic hitman i his thirties (Jean Reno) and a fourteen years old teenage girl (Nathalie Portman. Much ironically, that breaktrough role was the main reason why both men and tabloids started to hit on her... she was still thirteen years old!) who changed his life? And the serenading 'Shape Of My Heart' beautifully orchestrated by Dominic Miller and Sting??

Besson had once publically confessed that the film is a celebratory ode to the "love" story between him and his twelve-years younger wife... the thing is that when they so-calledly "fell in love" for each other, he was aged of twenty-three years old... and she was ELEVEN!!

Jean Reno did a Interview in a Magazine years ago where the Interviewer was drooling over Natalie Portman, now an Adult, and Jean, being a true Gentleman, stating that he never found her sexually attractive, that he still saw her as the young Girl he remembered in "The Professional".

There was another story I remember reading where the original Story to "The Professional" had Leon and this little Girl actually having Sex in the Movie, but Jean Reno wasn't having ANY of that nonsense. If what you say is true about Luc Besson, he clearly had a twisted vision to how this Story was going to be told. I've always found it disturbing how they sexualized Natalie's character in that Movie.
Jean Reno did a Interview in a Magazine years ago where the Interviewer was drooling over Natalie Portman, now an Adult, and Jean, being a true Gentleman, stating that he never found her sexually attractive, that he still saw her as the young Girl he remembered in "The Professional".

There was another story I remember reading where the original Story to "The Professional" had Leon and this little Girl actually having Sex in the Movie, but Jean Reno wasn't having ANY of that nonsense. If what you say is true about Luc Besson, he clearly had a twisted vision to how this Story was going to be told. I've always found it disturbing how they sexualized Natalie's character in that Movie.

Jean Reno is a true gentilhomme. He is one of the few master-class actors I still hold with the utmost respect and admiration.
A nigga said 17 ain't a kid is the dumbest shit I ever heard.

In Quebec, the age of consent dropped from 16 to 14 and even then, I refuse the advances of any minor in her late teens. It didn't bothered me much when being wooed by 16 or 17 years old girls when I was 19, 20 or 21, but afterward that was a categoric NO to that nonsense.

Niggas have to set up some limits.
In Quebec, the age of consent dropped from 16 to 14 and even then, I refuse the advances of any minor in her late teens. It didn't bothered me much when being wooed by 16 or 17 years old girls when I was 19, 20 or 21, but afterward that was a categoric NO to that nonsense.

Niggas have to set up some limits.

Is the legal Drinking age in Canada still 18?
In Quebec, the age of consent dropped from 16 to 14 and even then, I refuse the advances of any minor in her late teens. It didn't bothered me much when being wooed by 16 or 17 years old girls when I was 19, 20 or 21, but afterward that was a categoric NO to that nonsense.

Niggas have to set up some limits.
I respect where you coming from with your message but the fact remains, she's still a minor at 17.
In Quebec, the age of consent dropped from 16 to 14 and even then, I refuse the advances of any minor in her late teens. It didn't bothered me much when being wooed by 16 or 17 years old girls when I was 19, 20 or 21, but afterward that was a categoric NO to that nonsense.

Niggas have to set up some limits.
You would be surprised at the shit these niggas was saying on FB.

Dude said he would be cool with having a 17, 18, and 19 yr old girlfriend.

Niggas saying you should get a younger girl because they have better infertility.

These are dudes who are older enough to be their fathers saying that shit.
Acting on it grants you that label. As far as I'm concerned, you can find muhfuckas attractive and keep it to yourself, never speaking on it or anything, taking that shit to your grave without ever acting on it and no one would care. It's that moment that you act on that urge, attraction, or fantasy that you move into full-blown pedo territory and are to be handled accordingly.

You can keep it yourself but the fact that the attraction is there is what makes you a pedophile. If you think a 5 year old kid is sexually attractive - you're a pedo even if you never become an abuser.

If fucking a 17 year old should be described as a pedo you would also have to label anyone who's been attracted to a 17 year old a pedo.
I would. Fucking with a minor makes you pedo. And before you go on about hebephilia or ephebophilia, the general public doesn't discern between someone attracted to prepubescent children or teenagers of varying stages of puberty; if you're messing with a minor, you're a pedo.
What if he just turned 18 and his girlfriend is 17 and they’ve been dating for 3 years?

Is he a pedo?
You would be surprised at the shit these niggas was saying on FB.

Dude said he would be cool with having a 17, 18, and 19 yr old girlfriend.

Niggas saying you should get a younger girl because they have better infertility.

These are dudes who are older enough to be their fathers saying that shit.

Being raised into an African family but being born and raised in the West, I have some mixed thoughts about older men dating or marrying up far younger women of legal age... heck, my late father was old enough to be my mother's father and was one year younger than my grandmother. To me, men above age 30 who hit on women between ages 18-22 are definitively borderline and vice versa, BUT because they are regardless all legal, I have a "do you do" policy about it. Coming around with the "my body my choice" social philosophy implies lots of logical and rhetorical consequences at some measure.

However, even there we're still observing cases that mirrors grooming and statuory rape onto younger partners, like it did happened to August Alcina with Jada Pinkett Smith (who has and still continues to keep being dismissed by both public opinion and mediatic cover because again, double standards) or lately as claims this white actress about her ex-lover Marilyn Manson, this Rachael Evans Woods something. Even that tramp of Monica Lewinski is clouting around, claiming now that former POTUS Bill Clinton had statuorily raped her for being a quarter of century older tripled by the fact he was her employer and the goddamn leader of their nation at that time. Some minor groupthinks online even opines that Will Smith and Jared Leto might be accused of statuory rape against Margot Robbie too for the sake of having been two of the idols she literally did grew up from the cradle watching and admiring them.

Hence why I found that we may goes far with that newfound mentality within our both generation and epoch. And I think that both academics and the legal apparatus has a moral duty to explore these newer territory.

Aside from that, NO eeeeew! Below 18 these people online shall be tipped off to the cops right now! Big RED FLAG!!! People don't set any limits.
I'm 29 and have had an 18 year old girl show slight interest. It was obvious enough when she previously lied telling me she was 23.

I don't know about any of u and ur dealings with women of that age but the overriding sense I got in all our conversations (we work together btw, please don't go assuming I ever reciprocated any interest) was that she's exactly as naive and immature as you'd expect someone still in or just out of highschool to be. I don't use those terms as slights, it's just a fact of inexperience.

That's not something I find attractive in the least as a grown man.

So even for women of that age (high teens), it shouldn't be as simple or shortsighted as how good they might look (in appearing physically developed). That viewpoint is disturbingly opportunistic to me. it's the psychology of it.
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You can keep it yourself but the fact that the attraction is there is what makes you a pedophile. If you think a 5 year old kid is sexually attractive - you're a pedo even if you never become an abuser.

If fucking a 17 year old should be described as a pedo you would also have to label anyone who's been attracted to a 17 year old a pedo.

Exactly. Not being a textbook teenage molester while still feeling sexual attraction toward teenagers still make you a hebephile or ephebophile. Lest, someone having either of these pulses.

It's like saying you are not a textbook queer because you're good at hiding the occasional instances you've been having a "gay" lisp and the TOCs that came with the territory, gawking at a person of same sex's body or personality with a nonplatonical afterthought and smash women everynight. Yes, you're not identifying to a label: but you still have lingering homosexual tendencies regardless.

That's the same thing. At the end of the day, you get a hard-on and feels a titillating blood rush over a man's booty. Or in the said context, toward a female childs aged between 12-17. The only thing that keep you away from becoming like the ones who sasiated in their hubris was that your morals are either strong enough... or you're having a TikTok account and are basically a hypocrite.
Or even worse, you're being familiar with the dark side of PornHub, Deviantart and the Dark Web.