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Who's Side Are You On


if I have a child with someone and she struggling with her other kids I will help out and wouldn't hesitate. Same way I would buy them birthday and Christmas presents they don't need siblings division

That's not really what the issue is here. I feel like some of ya'll are just trying to bend over backwards to sound noble. Whether or not you'd be willing to help with her struggling kids isn't relevant. The issue is that he wasn't really given that choice. She made it for him, and he didn't like that. There's nothing in the story that says that had he be informed that she needed help with her other kids that he wouldn't have been down for it.
That's not really what the issue is here. I feel like some of ya'll are just trying to bend over backwards to sound noble. Whether or not you'd be willing to help with her struggling kids isn't relevant. The issue is that he wasn't really given that choice. She made it for him, and he didn't like that. There's nothing in the story that says that had he be informed that she needed help with her other kids that he wouldn't have been down for it.
Lmao you seem mad at my stance on the situation. If I was in this situation and she said that money you gave I split it I would reply I would be disappointed that you didn't.

I'm not noble that's just how I feel
So you think taking a kid away from siblings and a mother has no consequences??? In the long run it's more expensive then just helping out

I’m saving my child from his mother.

She cant afford the basics for them kids. So I will save my child instead of leaving him in that environment

What the fuck wrong with you niggas
So it's wrong to you that she's treating all 3 equally?

That has nothing to do with the way I treat my child and things I get.

Her ass saying you can’t get your child what he needs if the other kids that ain’t yours can’t get the same.

She dictating how you treat your child because of other kids that ain’t yours.

What we doing today
Lmao you seem mad at my stance on the situation. If I was in this situation and she said that money you gave I split it I would reply I would be disappointed that you didn't.

I'm not noble that's just how I feel

I'm not mad. I just don't buy it. I fully believe that you might be a generous person and willing to help out the other kids. I just don't believe you or any of the others taking this side would be ok with someone just taking your money and spending it the way they want without your permission. But I don't know any of you, so I could be wrong.
I'm not mad. I just don't buy it. I fully believe that you might be a generous person and willing to help out the other kids. I just don't believe you or any of the others taking this side would be ok with someone just taking your money and spending it the way they want without your permission. But I don't know any of you, so I could be wrong.
It's not your money anymore once it reaches her hands, the other parent does what she thinks is right regarding their household. I agree with Chicity, you don't want this happening then go shopping yourself and take the stuff to the kid.
I'm not mad. I just don't buy it. I fully believe that you might be a generous person and willing to help out the other kids. I just don't believe you or any of the others taking this side would be ok with someone just taking your money and spending it the way they want without your permission. But I don't know any of you, so I could be wrong.
Cool I get that actions speak louder than words. Situations like this I will always be helping
Really said if all can’t get none can’t get with the money you gave for YOUR child.

I mean, I wouldnt be happy, but whats the alternative? My kid got all brand new shit and his siblings wearing shit with holes in them? That aint the environment i would want my kid in anyway.

Them kids aint strangers, theyre my childs siblings, so I would care for them to he happy only because their happiness would effect my kid.

Is it a L? For sure. Would I go out and say only spend clothes for my kid and have him see his own siblings bummy? Nah.

Niggaz ego be wild as shit.

I care about my kid, but fuck their siblings.


You can't convince me you love me if you don't show love to my sister or my brother and they live with me.

People gotta think about the waves their actions send. Dude only thinking about his feelings and his pride. Not the feelings of his child and their relationships with their siblings. Ain't no way in hell I can go to school fresh and my little brother or sister bummy.

And that father teaching this?
I was raised to never eat around people unless I got enough for all them. Thats something I carry as an adult too, and something ill teach my kids.

And this dont just apply to food. So even though Im not gonna be happy paying for clothes for another mans kids, its bettee than the alternative to me.

Either way its an L, but I chose this L.
I see I don't even need to be in here...

Homie got it covered

Niggaz ego be wild as shit.

I care about my kid, but fuck their siblings.


You can't convince me you love me if you don't show love to my sister or my brother and they live with me.

People gotta think about the waves their actions send. Dude only thinking about his feelings and his pride. Not the feelings of his child and their relationships with their siblings. Ain't no way in hell I can go to school fresh and my little brother or sister bummy.

And that father teaching this?
This is a slippery slope

Had she told the dude what the situation was upfront, who knows what his reaction would be. She took away his power of choice.

Where does it stop though. What if she takes any support she gets from him to spend on the other kids. You're taking advantage of him taking care of his responsibilities while not holding the other two dad's accountable for their lack of monetary contributions.
the dad is right for being pissed

but I agree with this post above

even tho the kids got different fathers, they shouldn't have different resources living in the same household

in the end it only helps your kid if his siblings feel the same support

and as long as the BM is really being equitable with it amongst all the kids, then you really shouldn't stress her about it

now if the other fathers feel some type of way then they should step up.......or if the BM picking and choosing when to be "fair" with the money then I'd have a problem with it

if you in a situation like that, it's really all about the kids at that point
Also good post
This is a slippery slope

Had she told the dude what the situation was upfront, who knows what his reaction would be. She took away his power of choice.

Where does it stop though. What if she takes any support she gets from him to spend on the other kids. You're taking advantage of him taking care of his responsibilities while not holding the other two dad's accountable for their lack of monetary contributions.
If she paid bills with the money instead of school stuff would you have a problem