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Your third option was for the mother to tell the other kids life isn't fair

Correct. That still doesn't translator to 'buy shit for one kid and not for the others'. In fact, in that SAME post you just quoted, in the SAME third option, I actually said to tell the other two kids that you'd make sure to get them stuff also.

So what are we talking about here?
Correct. That still doesn't translator to 'buy shit for one kid and not for the others'. In fact, in that SAME post you just quoted, in the SAME third option, I actually said to tell the other two kids that you'd make sure to get them stuff also.

So what are we talking about here?

I dunno man maybe we interpretin' the story in different ways. I'm thinkin' she spent bruddas money on all her kids coz the other dads don't give, so to say "tell them you'll get them school stuff later" defeats the point of the discussion a lil.

But if you thinkin' that she was movin' money around ight cool I see you
I mean, I wouldnt be happy, but whats the alternative? My kid got all brand new shit and his siblings wearing shit with holes in them? That aint the environment i would want my kid in anyway.

Them kids aint strangers, theyre my childs siblings, so I would care for them to he happy only because their happiness would effect my kid.

Is it a L? For sure. Would I go out and say only spend clothes for my kid and have him see his own siblings bummy? Nah.

the dad is right for being pissed

but I agree with this post above

even tho the kids got different fathers, they shouldn't have different resources living in the same household

in the end it only helps your kid if his siblings feel the same support

and as long as the BM is really being equitable with it amongst all the kids, then you really shouldn't stress her about it

now if the other fathers feel some type of way then they should step up.......or if the BM picking and choosing when to be "fair" with the money then I'd have a problem with it

if you in a situation like that, it's really all about the kids at that point
So if you gave your baby's mother $600 specifically for supplies for your child, you'd be upset if she actually spent it all on your child?

Some of ya'll are starting to sound silly.

if I have a child with someone and she struggling with her other kids I will help out and wouldn't hesitate. Same way I would buy them birthday and Christmas presents they don't need siblings division
So he should punish his child cause the other fathers are bums?
Well this time its gonna be a crap shot, next time he can adjust shit cuz I know it ain't his fault but I also cant look at hurt/sad kid eyes