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Who banned hellczar from the cool table forum betting thread

seems like there's always controversy about posters bringing up other posters family members.

How about yall just make it a rule on how that shit won't be tolerated and if you do it.. you get banned for a set amount of time


@Duwop literally did this in the off topic thread. Then after I pointed it out he did it again in this thread I got banned. @Inori that's my issue. No one can seem to point me to any rule I was breaking that got me banned tho.
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The mods reserve the right to place any poster on cool out period of we feel the need.

U were banned for your role in the exchange. You constantly antagonized someone knowing that it was surpassed the line of casual exchange. Mods had to intervene several times, yet you had no hesitation in starting things right back up. You routinely called him gay slurs, refused to place him in ignore and instead opted to throw even more insults that were considered by the entire mod staff way too personal to ignore. You may not have gotten a warning, but to be demanding us to make a decision when you had no intentions of backing down, it shouldn't come to a surprise that you got caught up in that decision.

Both of y'all were out of line, and both of y'all needed a break. We totally can give a poster a ban to "cool out" if we feel they are getting to emotionally invested in online feuds.

And that's pretty much what happened.
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Niggas forget y'all gave me and order of protection because he was following me around the site. Instead of being a bitch I flipped it on him. He started the shit not me.

I told nigga to leave me alone and he didn't so that's what he got. Now niggas screaming chill. Foh.

As a group you niggas made the wrong decision. If something I was doing was problematic one of you should have pointed that out. There was ample opportunity. To this point still none of you have actually done that. You niggas aren't providing any clarity. That's my issue.

I want to know what it is I did that day to get banned so I don't do it again.
Your attacks on his sexuality got you banned. You homophobic and he played the cards he was dealt to get at you

Seems very fair to me
Fam I was okay with being banned from the off topic thread but not the nba thread

That’s the main reason I’m posting at this site. Don’t do this not the same day Miami is playing their first preseason game

I don’t wanna be apart of this
They banned me from my Marvel thread, these niggas ruthless
Your attacks on his sexuality got you banned. You homophobic and he played the cards he was dealt to get at you

Seems very fair to me

So calling someone who claims to be gay and also calls other posters gay a "faggot" is a bannable offense on abw?
Every answer from exchanges is now ignore or ban

How about letting the shit play out until someone gets shit

ah ok I see where you're coming from. While that's a fair stance... if this shit is continuously causing problems on the site... Maybe it warrants a discussion if that should be a rule or not just so there's no confusion.

Bringing family into arguments on here seems to be a point of contention with many posters... that's all I was saying.

Y'all got it lol
Who banned you from the NBA thread?

Was it a poster?
How am I supposed to know?

I just can’t go in there the same way I haven’t been able to go into the off topic thread since yesterday
I assume somebody paid for it but I’m cool man I don’t wanna participate

all that’s gonna do is make me wanna post somewhere else

call me a bitch or w/e but nah this is why I came over here