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Who banned hellczar from the cool table forum betting thread

Ijs we both got a 48 hour ban it was mistake and I was free for maybe one hour but they fixed it what’s the issue? It’s weird tho niggas will get offended but act like they have no part in it
Telling you that ain't got nothing to do with my genitals, you get off inviting other dudes to your privates. Stop quoting me you bitch ass nigga
You gonna sue me Goldilocks

You gonna run to the law or streets, I'm good either way
I think the bottom line is this.

If you're going to make a complaint about a poster, and you refuse to use the ignore option, you force the mods to look into the entire situation.

And in this situation there was enough antagonizing going on both sides, and a refusal to back down on both sides, that both sides needed to chill.

We try to let y'all hash out your own shit.... But if we're going to make a decision, it's not going to be a popular one with the people. It's a decision we decided to make that we all feel comfortable standing by.

Like AP said infamous took his without complaint, and maybe that's because he saw the whole process play out.

Someone always gonna have something to say about everything the mods here do. That's a given. So as long as we moving in unison it really don't matter.
I think the bottom line is this.

If you're going to make a complaint about a poster, and you refuse to use the ignore option, you force the mods to look into the entire situation.

And in this situation there was enough antagonizing going on both sides, and a refusal to back down on both sides, that both sides needed to chill.

We try to let y'all hash out your own shit.... But if we're going to make a decision, it's not going to be a popular one with the people. It's a decision we decided to make that we all feel comfortable standing by.

Like AP said infamous took his without complaint, and maybe that's because he saw the whole process play out.

Someone always gonna have something to say about everything the mods here do. That's a given. So as long as we moving in unison it really don't matter.

Nigga YOU were the one that declared he would be banned for saying that shit. That's why I @'d you.

Then you turned around and banned me for it.
Nigga YOU were the one that declared he would be banned for saying that shit. That's why I @'d you.

Then you turned around and banned me for it.
Like I said. I took it to the table. Spoke my part. Heard some feedback and after y with the final decision. I could give a fuck less if you got banned. As long as he did. You being as much as an antagonizer as he was is 100% factual. So while he may have crossed the line, you clearly egged him on. Even after we attempted to intervene in the past. So yes he gets banned for 2 days.

You may not be happy with being banned right along with him, but you was arguing right along with him. Saying whatever you felt you could get away with at moment.... AND BY THREATENING to turn it up.

Like you can't make threats to get your way and just assume everything gonna go in your favor.

I mean, this is about as far as my explanation gonna go in this. Cuz as far as I'm concerned it's done and over. But please don't antagonize people for a reaction... Call foul on the reaction, then be surprised when you get caught up in the blow back. Shit just not being realistic.
seems like there's always controversy about posters bringing up other posters family members.

How about yall just make it a rule on how that shit won't be tolerated and if you do it.. you get banned for a set amount of time

seems like there's always controversy about posters bringing up other posters family members.

How about yall just make it a rule on how that shit won't be tolerated and if you do it.. you get banned for a set amount of time

Niggas forget y'all gave me and order of protection because he was following me around the site. Instead of being a bitch I flipped it on him. He started the shit not me.

I told nigga to leave me alone and he didn't so that's what he got. Now niggas screaming chill. Foh.

As a group you niggas made the wrong decision. If something I was doing was problematic one of you should have pointed that out. There was ample opportunity. To this point still none of you have actually done that. You niggas aren't providing any clarity. That's my issue.

I want to know what it is I did that day to get banned so I don't do it again.