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Who banned hellczar from the cool table forum betting thread

A nigga fam constantly get brought up and he the one to get banned while the offender who constantly flirting with niggas gets mad because those niggas call him what he is. You niggas are wack

I was called slurs before I started making nigga uncomfortable. Ain’t you ex police or something. Might be a plant
How is it we were both banned for 48 hours but this nigga been posting from yesterday?
He was banned again

Why wasn't he banned for the initial 48? You niggas stay on some fuckshit.

Y'all banned me the same amount of time you set out to ban him when I was the one that called shit to your attention and somehow I got punished more in the end.
@AP21 answer this man
im not sure why Czar's ban wasnt the same exact time. I assumed it was

Freeman was banned b/c of his role in the exchange. Czar never complained about him once, but he retaliated on Freeman b/c of the repeated homophobic slurs. Not saying it excuses his actions, but it provides some context.

Czar was banned for his role in the exchange as well. Czar crossed a line he knew was established and doubled down on it after he was made known of that line.

Neither one of them were innocent in it, but Czar not serving his full allotted punishment was an oversight.

I really aint trying to go back and forth about this all day either. At this point, there are some that will never agree with any punishments that come down from the mod staff. I thought everyone that gave an opinion made compelling reasons as to why they felt the way they did. At the end of the day, staff as a whole made a decision to punish both.

I will say that it seems to be forgotten that infamous was banned for 2 days for a similar offense, and he took his punishment and didnt say shit about it...and he's a mod, but no one seems to bring that up when it comes to talking about the mods being fair.
im not sure why Czar's ban wasnt the same exact time. I assumed it was

Freeman was banned b/c of his role in the exchange. Czar never complained about him once, but he retaliated on Freeman b/c of the repeated homophobic slurs. Not saying it excuses his actions, but it provides some context.

Czar was banned for his role in the exchange as well. Czar crossed a line he knew was established and doubled down on it after he was made known of that line.

Neither one of them were innocent in it, but Czar not serving his full allotted punishment was an oversight.

I really aint trying to go back and forth about this all day either. At this point, there are some that will never agree with any punishments that come down from the mod staff. I thought everyone that gave an opinion made compelling reasons as to why they felt the way they did. At the end of the day, staff as a whole made a decision to punish both.

I will say that it seems to be forgotten that infamous was banned for 2 days for a similar offense, and he took his punishment and didnt say shit about it...and he's a mod, but no one seems to bring that up when it comes to talking about the mods being fair.
Well I've told you that wasn't fair
Why wasn't he banned for the initial 48? You niggas stay on some fuckshit.

Y'all banned me the same amount of time you set out to ban him when I was the one that called shit to your attention and somehow I got punished more in the end.
Must have been an over sight

im not sure why Czar's ban wasnt the same exact time. I assumed it was

Freeman was banned b/c of his role in the exchange. Czar never complained about him once, but he retaliated on Freeman b/c of the repeated homophobic slurs. Not saying it excuses his actions, but it provides some context.

Czar was banned for his role in the exchange as well. Czar crossed a line he knew was established and doubled down on it after he was made known of that line.

Neither one of them were innocent in it, but Czar not serving his full allotted punishment was an oversight.

I really aint trying to go back and forth about this all day either. At this point, there are some that will never agree with any punishments that come down from the mod staff. I thought everyone that gave an opinion made compelling reasons as to why they felt the way they did. At the end of the day, staff as a whole made a decision to punish both.

I will say that it seems to be forgotten that infamous was banned for 2 days for a similar offense, and he took his punishment and didnt say shit about it...and he's a mod, but no one seems to bring that up when it comes to talking about the mods being fair.

So making homophobic slurs is a bannable offense?
im not sure why Czar's ban wasnt the same exact time. I assumed it was

Freeman was banned b/c of his role in the exchange. Czar never complained about him once, but he retaliated on Freeman b/c of the repeated homophobic slurs. Not saying it excuses his actions, but it provides some context.

Czar was banned for his role in the exchange as well. Czar crossed a line he knew was established and doubled down on it after he was made known of that line.

Neither one of them were innocent in it, but Czar not serving his full allotted punishment was an oversight.

I really aint trying to go back and forth about this all day either. At this point, there are some that will never agree with any punishments that come down from the mod staff. I thought everyone that gave an opinion made compelling reasons as to why they felt the way they did. At the end of the day, staff as a whole made a decision to punish both.

I will say that it seems to be forgotten that infamous was banned for 2 days for a similar offense, and he took his punishment and didnt say shit about it...and he's a mod, but no one seems to bring that up when it comes to talking about the mods being fair.

Somehow with all this writing you've still failed to tell me why I was actually banned. Was I warned about anything I was doing? No.
Was he? Yes.
So why did I get banned for some shit he knew he wasn't supposed to be doing?Cause I complained?
Why wasn't I given the same warning? If I was breaking some kind of rule.

Basically you're saying you banned me cause I made him mad enough to say some shit he was specifically told wouldn't slide.

Somehow with all this writing you've still failed to tell me why I was actually banned. Was I warned about anything I was doing? No.
Was he? Yes.
So why did I get banned for some shit he knew he wasn't supposed to be doing?Cause I complained?
Why wasn't I given the same warning? If I was breaking some kind of rule.

Basically you're saying you banned me cause I made him mad enough to say some shit he was specifically told wouldn't slide.


I mean, the decision wasnt mine alone so i just want to make that clear. Everyone who was online at the time had a say and everyone's thoughts were considered.

For instance, you and I textually spar a few times a week. I feel pretty confident to say you and I keep it at the jokes and keep it moving. We're able to exist in other threads on the site.

From the outside looking in, it looked like early on, you and Czar were on that same vibe, then somewhere it went left.

I asked both of ya'll to chill out, so idk if you consider that a formal warning or not, but be real with me freeman, you had a role in it as well. It's not like Czar just started talking about ya folks out the blue. Again, I'm not justifying the way he chose to handle ya'lls back and forth but to try and pretend like he wasn't provoked is disingenuous.

This is why i personally dont resort to telling any of ya'll to "eat a dick" or "suck my dick" or whatever shit like that b/c the convo can go left real quick and it can take a jovial back and forth and turn it into some real shit, whether it be irl or online.

A lot of these things are still kinda new. It's not like these situations happen every single day, and for the most part, at least with me, I try to let ya'll sort it out first before intervening. We just had a thread what...a month ago where people were complaining about mods and talking about what mods dont do and shit. At the end of the day, like i said in my last post, no one is ever truly happy about a decision that comes from the staff.

But these are my thoughts and not a representation of the staff.