You can crack open a Quran and read the word of Allah (SWT) for yourself to see what he says, namely about how people, in this lifetime and in ones before ours, turn away from his way and do as they wish on a daily basis. And what does Allah (SWT) say the reward for doing so is? For hurting children? Commiting rape? Mutilation?
I won't apologize for slavery. It was and is horrible, whether practised by Muslims or anyone else.
But in essence, you're describing wickedness in man, which is inherent. Does Allah (SWT) guide all these actions himself? Does Allah (SWT) allow some to go astray and others to accept his way and are given the time to live by it. Have you read the Quran or the other books sent down by the Messengers through time?
If so, we can talk about the totality of it all. If you choose to look at the evil that man does, I cant blame you, but I will be there to provide the adverse.
A faith doesn't live in books. It lives in the word and deeds of it's practitioners.
So when you have a bunch of dirty practitioners doing a bunch of dirty shit all over the globe, tells me the word of Allah has the conviction ability of a 90s gay conversion camp