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What Common Misconception Do U Hate To Hear Repeated As Fact?

You can crack open a Quran and read the word of Allah (SWT) for yourself to see what he says, namely about how people, in this lifetime and in ones before ours, turn away from his way and do as they wish on a daily basis. And what does Allah (SWT) say the reward for doing so is? For hurting children? Commiting rape? Mutilation?

I won't apologize for slavery. It was and is horrible, whether practised by Muslims or anyone else.

But in essence, you're describing wickedness in man, which is inherent. Does Allah (SWT) guide all these actions himself? Does Allah (SWT) allow some to go astray and others to accept his way and are given the time to live by it. Have you read the Quran or the other books sent down by the Messengers through time?

If so, we can talk about the totality of it all. If you choose to look at the evil that man does, I cant blame you, but I will be there to provide the adverse.

A faith doesn't live in books. It lives in the word and deeds of it's practitioners.
So when you have a bunch of dirty practitioners doing a bunch of dirty shit all over the globe, tells me the word of Allah has the conviction ability of a 90s gay conversion camp
A faith doesn't live in books. It lives in the word and deeds of it's practitioners.
So when you have a bunch of dirty practitioners doing a bunch of dirty shit all over the globe, tells me the word of Allah has the conviction ability of a 90s gay conversion camp

I take it you have been to such a camp before to be able to determine such a thing. Please, for the sake of the thread, clear up any common misconceptions of such places.

As Salaam Alaikum @Okuzedrol . Read the Quran if you wish and see what the answers are for yourself. I would recommend you keep the nature of man, presently and throughout history in mind in regards to why Messengers have to sent to remind us in the first place
I take it you have been to such a camp before to be able to determine such a thing. Please, for the sake of the thread, clear up any common misconceptions of such places.

As Salaam Alaikum @Okuzedrol . Read the Quran if you wish and see what the answers are for yourself. I would recommend you keep the nature of man, presently and throughout history in mind in regards to why Messengers have to sent to remind us in the first place

I don't get down with curricular logic.
You can't use a book to disregard the actions of practitioners.

Which is why Christianity is a piece of shit religion too.

You pointing out sin and the wickedness and unrighteousness of man do nothing but validate our need for a savior.

Man thinking he need a savior is what has lead to men being slaves
Read an interesting write up on this. Basically Bezos doesn't care about turning a profit, just having the largest market share. He personally profits but the company is only ever in the red.

Knew someone back in the Bay who worked there as a programmer and he confirmed a lot of what I read. He was also completely miserable there and felt like he was setup to fail for a living

i been trying to tell niggas this.

thats his selling point.

he gets into a market, buys a company, lowers the price to drive out the competition to gain a bigger market share. but the company is losing money.

his money comes from cloud computing but its not enough to sustain the company.

and this is where speculation comes in.

the fact that he has so much stock and is still buying shit, gives the illusion that he is a safe investment.

i get more heat from this and musk than i get from shitting on lavar ball.

when he became the riches man ever.....i got like 100 voice messages and texts saying i was wrong.

but niggas also told me trump was a good business man.
I think we can judge the history of Islam to generally say Islam was spread via violence. If it weren't for "mohammed or die" Islam wouldn't have nearly the amount of practitioners it currently does
but doesnt Christianity go about it the same way?
"Think about the kids in Africa " when throwing away or not eating food.

the phrase is used all around the world. Africa is a continent and people arent starving as they show on tv and they don't live in huts either
met a nigerian chick....she asked me.....can you tell me where in africa the kids must walk twelve miles to get a bucket of water?
Not Athiest

Just anti-Abrahamic

Niggas never have shit to say about Buddhism, etc.

Speaking of Buddhists, there is a misconception that Buddhists are never violent nor have they ever been. However there is currently a genocide being committed by members of the Buddhist faith in Burma against the Rohingya people
Beating your kids keeps them out of prison. That one never gets old for some reason. 99% of all prisoners were beaten as children. Fact.
you really gon just misspell happiness tho? and twice at that? lol

You cant be mad at white people for slavery because blacks owned slaves too

They did, true

Because buying them was another way to free them and it was safer than the underground railroad so when they had the money, of course they bought slaves.

Not defending those people because the "American slavery is ok because blacks owned slaves" is literally one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. However, when they make that argument, they are typically referring to the Africans that owned and sold slaves to Americans and Europeans not blacks in America that purchased slaves.

That the wage gap is 77 cents to the dollar. It's actually 66 cents to the dollar, if they'd bother to give a fuck about black women's experiences.

No offense. That wage gap argument is bullshit. It's just a raw average and doesn't control for a myriad of things such as hours worked, job position, career, etc... Basically, when you actually account for those things, the gap shrinks considerably, to almost 0 in some cases.

Actually most feminist "facts" suffer from problems like this, that's why they'd collectively be my vote for this topic.