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Speaking of Buddhists, there is a misconception that Buddhists are never violent nor have they ever been. However there is currently a genocide being committed by members of the Buddhist faith in Burma against the Rohingya people

....while this is true technically.

Your post is also misleading in a sense.

The debate is generally not if a religion has violent people (which to every person with an inkling of understanding knows this obviously), but whether the religion sanctions it in its scripture.

Which Buddhism as preached by sakyamuni never did in its original form.

This is why it is generally held in much higher regard by people that are critical of religion in a logical sense than the people of the book, because those Buddhists are going against every single thing ever spouted by the founder of the religion, with no loopholes that can used to justify evil.

Can't say the same about the 3 abrahamic religions in any sense.
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....while this is true technically.

Your post is also misleading in a sense.

The debate is generally not if a religion has violent people (which to every person with an inkling of understanding knows this obviously), but whether the religion sanctions it in its scripture.

Which Buddhism as preached by sakyamuni never did in its original form.

This is why it is generally held in much higher regard by people that are critical of religion in a logical sense than the people of the book, because those Buddhists are going against every single thing ever spouted by the founder of the religion, with no loopholes that can used to justify evil.

Can't say the same about the 3 abrahamic religions in any sense.

This was the convo I wanted to spark with my comment. Because the acts of violence currently associated with Islam are in fact not sanctioned by the Quran.

As Muslims, we believe the Quran to be the word of Allah (SWT). And in the Quran, killing children, women, orphans, widows, captives of war, non-combatants, committing sexual acts outside of marriage, and even destroying buildings or felling trees in a time of war are all explicitly outlawed. And while people can do these things and say that they are doing them in the name of Islam, they are also explicitly termed hypocrites (Munafiqeen) for doing so. And the punishment for being a hypocrite is severe.

I know you study religion @Zagreus so I won't paint you with the same brush as those who don't. But those that don't need to study all faiths in an objective manner if they are going to be critical.