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What Common Misconception Do U Hate To Hear Repeated As Fact?

Serious answer, couldn't tell you exactly but I know I was in college and we talked about it in class. We had history books written by black people so a lot of stuff like that came up.

oh ok...

i wasnt trying to play you or anything

i just wanted a reference so that i could research it

but you've equipped me with enough for me to do my googles

thanks hon
Columbus landed in Hispaniola, aka the Dominican Republic. He killed Tainos/Arawak Indians. Aka Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Jamaicans. Thats where the first slaves were brought, that's where the first sugar plantations were set up, I don't think Columbus ever even made it to actual America and if he did it was the tip of Florida and that's it, but they don't teach you that til college either, and only if you take certain courses. He fucked over the people of the Caribbean not America and Native Americans like people think of it.
oh and that mental health issues doesn't exist according to black parents.

neither does stunted growth or genetics. U didn't eat enough vegetables and that's why your brother taller lol