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What Common Misconception Do U Hate To Hear Repeated As Fact?

That the wage gap is 77 cents to the dollar. It's actually 66 cents to the dollar, if they'd bother to give a fuck about black women's experiences.

You're wayyy off. The wage gap is more like 93 cents to the dollar and it was a feminist that exposed that truth.


the fucking article said:
One of the best studies on the wage gap was released in 2009 by the U.S. Department of Labor. It examined more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and concluded that the 23-cent wage gap “may be almost entirely the result of individual choices being made by both male and female workers.” In the past, women’s groups have ignored or explained away such findings.
Columbus landed in Hispaniola, aka the Dominican Republic. He killed Tainos/Arawak Indians. Aka Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Jamaicans. Thats where the first slaves were brought, that's where the first sugar plantations were set up, I don't think Columbus ever even made it to actual America and if he did it was the tip of Florida and that's it, but they don't teach you that til college either, and only if you take certain courses. He fucked over the people of the Caribbean not America and Native Americans like people think of it.
that is a long boat ride from the DR to plymouth rock
Columbus landed in Hispaniola, aka the Dominican Republic. He killed Tainos/Arawak Indians. Aka Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Jamaicans. Thats where the first slaves were brought, that's where the first sugar plantations were set up, I don't think Columbus ever even made it to actual America and if he did it was the tip of Florida and that's it, but they don't teach you that til college either, and only if you take certain courses. He fucked over the people of the Caribbean not America and Native Americans like people think of it.

Columbus never stepped foot in either North, Central, or South America, only the Caribbean islands. Plus, Columbus singlehandedly started the trans-atlantic slave trade when he started sending Natives back to Spain as slaves in 1493.
Columbus never stepped foot in either North, Central, or South America, only the Caribbean islands. Plus, Columbus singlehandedly started the trans-atlantic slave trade when he started sending Natives back to Spain as slaves in 1493.

Interesting. Gonna research this some more.
lol explain
long story short...tesla doesnt make money from selling cars and loses tons of money. they are running a huge scam, two words......carbon credits
and amazon loses a shit load of money and very few businesses are profitable.if amazon stock drops in price...bezos wont be the riches anymore. the stock in inflated.

both are living on promises and greed of investors that cant stop investing for fear of losing all there money.

they both sell the be rich tomorrow so invest today shit.

i should be finished with some shit i been writing about it in about a week.
long story short...tesla doesnt make money from selling cars and loses tons of money. they are running a huge scam, two words......carbon credits
and amazon loses a shit load of money and very few businesses are profitable.if amazon stock drops in price...bezos wont be the riches anymore. the stock in inflated.

both are living on promises and greed of investors that cant stop investing for fear of losing all there money.

they both sell the be rich tomorrow so invest today shit.

i should be finished with some shit i been writing about it in about a week.

That'll be a dope write up, drop it here when you're done fam.
That it has to be fact because it's written in a book.

A lot of bias and misinformation in the written word. Research your research. Take everything with a grain of salt.
long story short...tesla doesnt make money from selling cars and loses tons of money. they are running a huge scam, two words......carbon credits
and amazon loses a shit load of money and very few businesses are profitable.if amazon stock drops in price...bezos wont be the riches anymore. the stock in inflated.

both are living on promises and greed of investors that cant stop investing for fear of losing all there money.

they both sell the be rich tomorrow so invest today shit.

i should be finished with some shit i been writing about it in about a week.

Read an interesting write up on this. Basically Bezos doesn't care about turning a profit, just having the largest market share. He personally profits but the company is only ever in the red.

Knew someone back in the Bay who worked there as a programmer and he confirmed a lot of what I read. He was also completely miserable there and felt like he was setup to fail for a living