Welcome To aBlackWeb

Weird habits.

I bite my nails

I crack my fingers all the time

When I'm driving and in traffic I add up the numbers on a license plate.

I'm very quiet and I really don't like talk to people until I'm comfortable.

I have the useless ability to remember the whatever you wore the first time I ever meet someone. Can't remember names tho

I like to read books, papers and comics upside down
I bite my nails

I crack my fingers all the time

When I'm driving and in traffic I add up the numbers on a license plate.

I'm very quiet and I really don't like talk to people until I'm comfortable.

I have the useless ability to remember the whatever you wore the first time I ever meet someone. Can't remember names tho

I like to read books, papers and comics upside down

As in you're upside down? Or the book/Paper is upside down?
What a freaking weirdo.

I peel off my fingernails.
Pop my knuckles constantly.
Scratch my head when it doesnt itch.

I do a lot of weird shit
When i buy stuff at the store i never take the front product. I feel like its been tampered with.
My mama did this so much when I was a child. Would make me put the product back if I got it from the front. I'm like ..it's soup..it's in a can....they all expire 3 years from now.

I roll up all my windows and turn my radio full blast when driving over bridges.
I check my back seat and trunk before getting in the car.
I have the urge to clear my throat when the room is too quiet.
I have to touch my hair somehow throughout the whole day.
I sometimes frown when listening to people, lmao my face gives away what I'm thinking often
lol that reminds me of people who reach deep into the bag of bread and pass up 8 slices to find the "right one" , I be lookin at em like

I smell food that I am not familiar with before tasting it.

I lift my feet up to tuck the blankets under my legs because I am scared dena mug.
~ Can't have freddy or that grudge chick crawling up under there man.

I love to smell tiny babies breathes. ~ Like breastfed babies cause formula fed babies, in my experience, have stinky little mouths! lol.. but they still cute too. :)
I smell food that I am not familiar with before tasting it.

I lift my feet up to tuck the blankets under my legs because I am scared dena mug.
~ Can't have freddy or that grudge chick crawling up under there man.

I love to smell tiny babies breathes. ~ Like breastfed babies cause formula fed babies, in my experience, have stinky little mouths! lol.. but they still cute too. :)
I love to smell babies hair/head.
thats how ya'll be smelling babies hair/breaths

damn, another joke that didnt go over well

im 0/2

lemme go use the bathroom real quick and press restart
Bite my bottom lip
Take deep sniffs to enjoy the aroma of sex
Wear a hat 90% of the time
Avoid any physical contact with other people
I can't decide to watch a movie I've already seen, if it's already on tv and I catch it through a scan of channels. That's cool, but i can never bring myself to choose and watch a movie on digital or physical if I've already seen it.
I change my socks several times a day

I change my shirt several times a day

I get bored when I'm talking to people and start speaking incoherently.

If something happens in ur state, city, town, apartment complex. I will not call u, if there's an issue call me.
I hate...hate, hate hate hate, 90 degree sharp angles on finger nails.

If my s/o has them I will cut them while she sleeps. If I have them, I have a lot of anxiety till I cut them
I dunno if it's necessarily a "bad habit" but I have involuntary muscle spasms in my throat and face due to meds I took for breastfeeding. Shit like winking and quick half ass smiles an shit. Music triggers it a lot.
I smell food that I am not familiar with before tasting it.

I lift my feet up to tuck the blankets under my legs because I am scared dena mug.
~ Can't have freddy or that grudge chick crawling up under there man.

I love to smell tiny babies breathes. ~ Like breastfed babies cause formula fed babies, in my experience, have stinky little mouths! lol.. but they still cute too. :)
I do the thing with the blanket and covers