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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

In most states , someone travels to your residence to cause you harm you have all the right to defend ur self and property
I was under the impression that goes out the window the second you either

a) leave your house to pursue them which results in a murder

b) you go back inside then return with a weapon
if cops cant de-escalate situations where teen girls are fighting. they should be abolished

Did you actually watch the video? How was he supposed to de-escalate the situation in the 5 seconds between him getting on the scene and her charging the other girl with a knife.

I ain't saying what the cop did was completely right, but now people are just throwing buzzwords out without actually paying attention what happened. He might have been able to use a tazer or other less than lethal option, but there's no way he could have talked that girl down that quick especially when she wasn't even responding to his instructions to put the knife down.
The pigs gun stopped a potential stabbing.

If you should be mad at anyone be mad at the adults allowing all this shit.

Them adults and everybody out there was responsible for that child getting killed.

black people got to do better.

You got that historic court ruling going on, and we out there acting like animals.
You got boys fighting girls.
a child with a deadly weapon going after other kids.
Just a bunch of nonsense and we still blaming the cops and not ourselves in this situation