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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

Did you actually watch the video? How was he supposed to de-escalate the situation in the 5 seconds between him getting on the scene and her charging the other girl with a knife.

I ain't saying what the cop did was completely right, but now people are just throwing buzzwords out without actually paying attention what happened. He might have been able to use a tazer or other less than lethal option, but there's no way he could have talked that girl down that quick especially when she wasn't even responding to his instructions to put the knife down.

im not having this conversation with you.
every situation involving cops you are working overtime to excuse their behavior

we disagree completely when it comes to how police should function in society both in thought and theory.

be blessed.
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if this piece of shit who ACTUALLY killed two people and be taken in unharmed. so can our babys.

the fucking end

Can ya'll please stop with all these false equivalences and parallels. Rittenhouse wasn't taken in safely while in the process of shooting someone. He was taken in safely after the fact and after he had surrendered his weapon. This chick was literally a step away from stabbing someone. They aren't the same thing.

If this was Sarah about to stab Becky, there's a good chance Sarah gets shot too.
It’s not like she was standing and holding a knife....that shit is cocked and ready to go.

i want to defend her and I originally did.

but that still photo,
I can’t .....like I said, if that were my child about to be poked and it got stopped.
It’s mine versus theirs.

Sorry for your loss but I rather not plan a funeral.

for anyone who ever lost a child, you know what I’m talking about. And if you don’t have a child.....just saying

I’m done here
Looks to me like the cop saved a life. That was bout to end bad for the girl in pink.

that kid turned into the aggressor.... all while adults watched it happen

the girl in the pink is your daughter getting ready to be stabbed up... what you want the cops to do... ask everybody to “calm down” in a nice voice?
Can ya'll please stop with all these false equivalences and parallels. Rittenhouse wasn't taken in safely while in the process of shooting someone. He was taken in safely after the fact and after he had surrendered his weapon. This chick was literally a step away from stabbing someone. They aren't the same thing.

If this was Sarah about to stab Becky, there's a good chance Sarah gets shot too.

NEWSFLASH: IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER. Who poses more of a threat??? A PERSON THAT SHOT TWO PEOPLE WITH AN ASSUALT RIFLE or a 16 yr old weilding a knife trying to defend herself?!?

after watching countless videos of whites being taken in alive even after doing some wild shit like ACTUALLY harming cops you still believe YOU STILL BELIEVE BECKY WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT LIKE A DOG IN THE STREET IF SHE WAS BRANDISHING A KNIFE?!?

youre an opp and im disengaging with you
You coming at my daughter with a knife, you getting popped.

but then... she had time to call the police, and then go outside with a knife? Why she ain’t stay her ass in the house if she calling the cops for help?
When we gonna hold ourselves accountable to not be out acting like animals?

Ban this pussy. Anybody saying black people act like animals is suspect
My heart goes out to them girls who she was fighting with

Hopefully the community is protecting them babies at this moment
What if that knife caused the death of your kid?

you can hate cops all day.
But if one can save my child, I’ll take it on the chin as long as MY child makes it back to me.

Bruh if you kid came to somebody house 5 deep to jump them and got poped are you accepting that.
Niggas can’t defend themselves can’t talk back can’t eyeball like I’m sorry I can’t see how non police can make it seem like she was wrong