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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

Who actually made the 911 call hasn't been determined yet. All this information is in the story in this thread. I even quoted the story so people wouldn't have to click the link.

And either way on the 911 call somebody said they were being jumped by adults. I’m still thinking she was in the right to defend herself
Who actually made the 911 call hasn't been determined yet. All this information is in the story in this thread. I even quoted the story so people wouldn't have to click the link.
Fam, Czar hasn't read a single thing that

1) addresses these questions he keeps asking

2) contradicts his already made up mind about what he thinks happened

When he said he was just in here being extra, that told me all I needed to know
Fam, Czar hasn't read a single thing that

1) addresses these questions he keeps asking

2) contradicts his already made up mind about what he thinks happened

When he said he was just in here being extra, that told me all I needed to know

He admitted he didn’t watch the the video till a day later and was already full go with saying what happened and not what he think happened
I’m sorry i didn’t watch a video of a kid get killed on your time guys. As I stated 60 fucking time and as others have stated the cop had options besides shooting her. I was not the only person saying this but y’all haven’t debated anybody else about it. Black Samson said it three time and Boru did and blackrain but yet no smoke. Is this because I didn’t say sorry?
I’m sorry i didn’t watch a video of a kid get killed on your time guys. As I stated 60 fucking time and as others have stated the cop had options besides shooting her. I was not the only person saying this but y’all haven’t debated anybody else about it. Black Samson said it three time and Boru did and blackrain but yet no smoke. Is this because I didn’t say sorry?

It's because you keep making straw man arguments and you being disingenuous af
Fam, Czar hasn't read a single thing that

1) addresses these questions he keeps asking

2) contradicts his already made up mind about what he thinks happened

When he said he was just in here being extra, that told me all I needed to know

What questiones have you addressed?

It's because you keep making straw man arguments and you being disingenuous af

But yet you have no problem with my main point and you obviously complaining just to complain. You made up a whole no realistic hypothetical and everything. Cmon now
With how things are going if I was a cop I wouldn't want to come to a call involving black people. I especially would get a white cop not wanting to come. Even justified shootings get you attacked.

Cops just shouldn't come out. Let that girl kill the girl in pink, then they can finish jumping and kill the girl that was on the ground. Just call 911 to pick up the bodies.
See the source image

This does not say she wasn’t jumped. It’s saying they did not come over there to fight. But an argument did happen and she had a knife. So how can we say she was not fighting both of them because y’all just said she was not jumped. Article does not say that
There is no time limit on forming an opinion. We always have the choice to wait for more information before having a fully formed opinion.

It's also OK to abandon an opinion when new information is presented. There's no need to be married to uninformed opinions.
This shit right here is the fucking truth! Goes back to my social media issue. People post the most uninformed shit and either stay married to it in the face of all opposition or allow it to stand and never correct themselves, allowing other misinformed people to be further misinformed.
This does not say she wasn’t jumped. It’s saying they did not come over there to fight. But an argument did happen and she had a knife. So how can we say she was not fighting both of them because y’all just said she was not jumped. Article does not say that

It doesn't say that she was, either. But you're basing your whole opinion on the hearsay that she was. That article has the only real information we have outside of the videos. Everything else is hearsay and speculation.
So you saying a 15 year girl beat up two grown women?

She's not 15, she's 16. You're saying 15 because that's what the first reports said, and you stopped caring about any facts after hearing the initial story.

Maybe, I don't know. We just saw her get into it with 2 of them. Looked like she wasn't handling herself fine.
She's not 15, she's 16. You're saying 15 because that's what the first reports said, and you stopped caring about any facts after hearing the initial story.

Maybe, I don't know. We just saw her get into it with 2 of them. Looked like she wasn't handling herself fine.

Ok she 16. Don’t see how that changes the whole narrative. And it don’t rationalize that bullshit you just posted.
Ok she 16. Don’t see how that changes the whole narrative. And it don’t rationalize that bullshit you just posted.
Wasn't travonne 16 when he was giving Zimmerman the beats? Stop acting like a teen couldn't get the best of an adult.
If both the women in the video are adults, did you see her have any problem handling either? She took one down with ease and had the other hemmed up. You say you've watched the videos.

That 10 second video can’t be their whole altercation. If she was handling them with ease why need the blade. We both know that part don’t mean she was winning
That 10 second video can’t be their whole altercation. If she was handling them with ease why need the blade. We both know that part don’t mean she was winning

I hope you getting rewards for all the goal post moving you doing.

Oh man

"The double down is gonna get a lot of you in trouble"