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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

I don’t know the difference in degrees bro


Here are some examples of these common types of murder:

  • First-degree murder. A deliberate, premeditated killing is generally considered first-degree murder. Where the defendant planned the killing (as in a poisoning), she will usually be charged with first-degree murder. The Los Angeles district attorney charged O. J. Simpson with two first-degree murder counts in the deaths of his ex-wife Nicole Simpson and another person. The district attorney brought the first-degree murder charges based on crime scene evidence, including a bloody glove, and on evidence that Simpson allegedly spied on his wife prior to the killings. Such evidence could have indicated a plan or premeditation to commit the crimes.
  • Second-degree murder. In the widely-reported shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, the prosecutor in Seminole County, Florida, charged neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman with second-degree murder. The reason that the prosecutor charged Zimmerman with second-degree murder is that Zimmerman shot Martin but there was no evidence that the killing was premeditated. To win a conviction of Zimmerman on the charge, the prosecutor needed to prove to the jury that Zimmerman intended to inflict grievous bodily harm on Martin.
  • Felony murder. Let’s assume by way of example that Bonnie and Clyde rob a bank. Clyde shoots and kills the guard during a confrontation. Clyde is charged with first-degree murder. Bonnie is charged with felony murder because the guard died during Bonnie’s participation as an accomplice in committing the dangerous felony of armed robbery. Now let’s assume instead that Bonnie waits behind the wheel of the getaway car while Clyde robs the bank. After the robbery, Clyde jumps into the car and Bonnie speeds off, accidentally hitting and killing a pedestrian. Both Bonnie and Clyde are charged with felony murder because they accidentally killed the pedestrian while committing a dangerous felony.
  • Aggravating circumstances. Murder committed under certain circumstances, such as by laying in wait or targeting a person in a particular position, such as a police officer, judge, or firefighter, can lead to a more severe sentence, including the death penalty.
You did not need to write an essay. Bro you didn’t refute what I said about social media bringing light to these stories many of us would not hear about. If you don’t like other opinions that are stupid it is just as easy not to follow them or listen. This is social media and you come back everyday debating. I could care less if you have twitter. People like you and yes I’m assuming like we all do say things like social media is the downfall of society because you overly focusing on the negative and I’m surprised you didn’t say it’s too pc since we want to sound like Fox News.

All I’m saying is you and people like just bitch about social media because opinions you don’t agree with go viral. There was no problem with the screen shot I posted and if it is point it out. Otherwise your just talking to be talking

I think the issue is people tend to post/repost social media OPINION/Conjecture posts as FACTS that are not to be disputed when thats clearly not the case
Getting lost in this like gabi and jamel posted is the training...

“neutralize the threat” and all other synonyms and buzzwords are equated to “kill” directly or indirectly. In addition to the biases that are ingrained into law enforcement officers ESPECIALLY the white ones.

Lethal training tactics should be removed for regular patrol officers. Thier training should mostly consist of de-eacalation and soft-skills with some self defense and takedown tactics and none of them should be issued lethal weapons. If you cant handle yourself in hand to hand altercations if need be then you shouldn't have a badge.

That young lady DID NOT HAVE TO DIE. The different angles show that. He was close enough to attempt non lethal means but he reached for his lethal weapon FIRST.
Getting lost in this like gabi and jamel posted is the training...

“neutralize the threat” and all other synonyms and buzzwords are equated to “kill” directly or indirectly. In addition to the biases that are ingrained into law enforcement officers ESPECIALLY the white ones.

Lethal training tactics should be removed for regular patrol officers. Thier training should mostly consist of de-eacalation and soft-skills with some self defense and takedown tactics and none of them should be issued lethal weapons. If you cant handle yourself in hand to hand altercations if need be then you shouldn't have a badge.

That young lady DID NOT HAVE TO DIE. The different angles show that. He was close enough to attempt non lethal means but he reached for his lethal weapon FIRST.

I said it before. I wished he rushed in there with his taser or wrestled her down.
She walked out the house (safe place) with two other people to charge a girl and to stab another one that was holding a knife.
the cop yelled stop stop ✋ and immediately fired shots..he was going to pull that trigger regardless she should never have left the safety of her home

oh just read the beef was with her foster siblings?..ima have to read up on this before I comment any further
This seems to have gotten overlooked

@Hellczar @TheNightKing
That question implies legality as that’s the only thing a DA would go by. Given that:

Father gets some level of assault on a minor if the girl was underage, simple assault if not.

Cop might get something for reckless endangerment, but even that would be tough to stick. Cop training usually says you meet deadly force, which legally stabbing is considered deadly force, with an equal force or one step above.

Those are the only two people that I actually saw do something. If the other girls had assaulted anyone they’d get assault too. Maybe trespassing if they were there uninvited.
You did not need to write an essay. Bro you didn’t refute what I said about social media bringing light to these stories many of us would not hear about. If you don’t like other opinions that are stupid it is just as easy not to follow them or listen. This is social media and you come back everyday debating. I could care less if you have twitter. People like you and yes I’m assuming like we all do say things like social media is the downfall of society because you overly focusing on the negative and I’m surprised you didn’t say it’s too pc since we want to sound like Fox News.

All I’m saying is you and people like just bitch about social media because opinions you don’t agree with go viral. There was no problem with the screen shot I posted and if it is point it out. Otherwise your just talking to be talking
True I feel y’all I’m just being extra
Cool, we’ll end on this note.
That question implies legality as that’s the only thing a DA would go by. Given that:

Father gets some level of assault on a minor if the girl was underage, simple assault if not.

Cop might get something for reckless endangerment, but even that would be tough to stick. Cop training usually says you meet deadly force, which legally stabbing is considered deadly force, with an equal force or one step above.

Those are the only two people that I actually saw do something. If the other girls had assaulted anyone they’d get assault too. Maybe trespassing if they were there uninvited.
I think this is similar to what @Dwayne said
Does the cop hold in responsibility fir anything in your eyes?

The difference between you and I is,

You want the cop to do right
I don’t want the cop present.

If a dog keeps biting you when you open the gate, why are you still opening the gate hoping he will be friendly?

I am ok with the fact a lot of cops ain’t shit.
I understand they are upholding the system made for them, that also benefits them.

You will never get them on your side. If they do, great. But I’m not holding my breath

So I blame those for allowing the hound to bite one of us.

So you can be mad at the cop for acting like a cop and how cops do when interacting with black people.

I’m mad a father decided to be tough guy with a female and leaving his daughter open to that cops discretion.

Look at that video again. All he had to do was hold her. The other girl was already down. Why kick her? While she was down, he could have grabbed his daughter.

The cop was distracted by his fucking kicking the girl. Trying to break that up. He turns see a knife and shoots.

I don’t blame her. Look at the nigga she came from.

And with this new info, she wasn’t being bullied nor about to be jumped , yet he’s punting bitches?

She didn’t need to die.

His lack of action made someone else have to act.

And that someone was a cop. Who shot four times. Be mad at four times, be mad at how he reacted. But I’m pissed a nigga rather fight a female than pull his daughter out of harms way.

Y’all say how close the cop was.
The dad was closer.

Why should the cop save her when her dad was right there?

Her dad

If he’s not going to pull her to his safety.....if he’s not going to be the deciding factor of who has access to her,

He failed her and here we are.

Waiting on the wack race

The difference between you and I is,

You want the cop to do right
I don’t want the cop present.

If a dog keeps biting you when you open the gate, why are you still opening the gate hoping he will be friendly?

I am ok with the fact a lot of cops ain’t shit.
I understand they are upholding the system made for them, that also benefits them.

You will never get them on your side. If they do, great. But I’m not holding my breath

So I blame those for allowing the hound to bite one of us.

So you can be mad at the cop for acting like a cop and how cops do when interacting with black people.

I’m mad a father decided to be tough guy with a female and leaving his daughter open to that cops discretion.

Look at that video again. All he had to do was hold her. The other girl was already down. Why kick her? While she was down, he could have grabbed his daughter.

The cop was distracted by his fucking kicking the girl. Trying to break that up. He turns see a knife and shoots.

I don’t blame her. Look at the nigga she came from.

And with this new info, she wasn’t being bullied nor about to be jumped , yet he’s punting bitches?

She didn’t need to die.

His lack of action made someone else have to act.

And that someone was a cop. Who shot four times. Be mad at four times, be mad at how he reacted. But I’m pissed a nigga rather fight a female than pull his daughter out of harms way.

Y’all say how close the cop was.
The dad was closer.

Why should the cop save her when her dad was right there?

Her dad

If he’s not going to pull her to his safety.....if he’s not going to be the deciding factor of who has access to her,

He failed her and here we are.

Waiting on the wack race
This.... This is the post