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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

The bolded is the entire issue I have and have been arguing. Credibility. We shouldn’t need credibility to receive justice/dignity/fair treatment. The fact that we are willing to argue to keep Credibility is what bothers me the most.

I’m just replying because this needs to be said often
Has this been confirmed or is it just a random social media post?

I was mainly posting for the second part of it. But it’s only rumors and I think dude in here from that city said the same but nothing fully confirmed. Now I know I’m wrong for the insults but I felt like niggas was giving the cop benefit of the doubt
What point are you trying to make with this?

I just said the second part was my main point. The other stuff so far is hearsay but dude in here I think @ajackson17 said that girl in the pink was grown and fucking with her and he from there. Still tho not confirmed. And I still think the cop had other options and I don’t think this was justified.
You only say that when it’s something you don’t agree with. Social media got these cases on the front page you wouldn’t know about majority of them had it not been for social media. Downfall of of society brother please you on social media right now.
Nah I say this about all social media because some people don’t have the mental capacity to think for themselves so anything that supports their view is taken for gospel. Then the algorithms continue pushing those same views to that person to get them coming back to the app. And the cycle continues.

And look at your replies to others questioning that post as proof. When you posted it you didn’t say “well the second part...and some of that is rumor...”. You posted it as a basis to support your point of view with no context or basis in confirmed fact. That is the issue.
I just was able to watch the new angle.

While I think she was in the heat of the moment......she hesitated. I don’t think she wanted to stab pink....frfr but it was still bad optics.

I stand by my stance the father was trash. He had more than enough time to control the situation or at least grab his daughter and pull her to the side.

Cop didn’t have to shoot.

It didn’t have to get there had he grabbed his daughter instead of focusing on kicking the girl in the head.

Yes it all happened fast.....but he didn’t even attempt to .

Shit is sad
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Nah I say this about all social media because some people don’t have the mental capacity to think for themselves so anything that supports their view is taken for gospel. Then the algorithms continue pushing those same views to that person to get them coming back to the app. And the cycle continues.

And look at your replies to others questioning that post as proof. When you posted it you didn’t say “well the second part...and some of that is rumor...”. You posted it as a basis to support your point of view with no context or basis in confirmed fact. That is the issue.

When asked by inori I further explained I do agree with both parts but the second part was the main thing. You hate social media because you don’t want to hear other opinions or whatever but yet you still here. Maybe just follow what you like and keep it moving
look at these clowns backpedaling lmao

yall are truly the weakest links. my expectations for the majority of yall were already low but holy fuck this thread takes the cake

6 “Black” men rationalizing whether a Black girl deserved to die for days on end.

sounding like a bunch of red necks weilding the american flag around like a machete

yall are some sick ass niggas and im so happy i know none of you in real life
When asked by inori I further explained I do agree with both parts but the second part was the main thing. You hate social media because you don’t want to hear other opinions or whatever but yet you still here. Maybe just follow what you like and keep it moving
You contradict yourself yet again. Do I not want to hear other opinions or am I here hearing other opinions?

I told you specifically why I hate social media and you chose to ignore it and make an assumption about me, a person you don’t know.

Let me make it plain for you. Social media is a haven for misinformation and idiocy where any couch potato can become an “expert” and people like you propagate that idiocy by re-posting it on the social media you frequent and it spreads like a virus.

All of the information in the world at our fingertips now and people would rather listen to the dumbest people in the world that have absolutely zero credibility because they can relate.

And for the record, so that you don’t have to assume about me any further, I’m not on Twitter at all and the only things I follow on Instagram is basketball, workout pages, and a comedian or two. I only follow close friends and family on FB.
Yo that cop was right there.
He coulda yoked her ass down while she was stumbling backwards to go at the other girl.

It's like he was about to, stopped and went for his weapon.
Idk why some of yall are throwing this cop the alley oop when the first thing out his mouth was a lie. He said she lunged at him. His first instinct wasn't to protect the girl that coulda got stabbed cuz if it was he woulda said that. All this tells me is that he woulda killed anyone under any circumstances because his training told him to do it and make himself the victim.

Even when these scary ass pigs are "justified" they wrong af. You can parse out whatever you want about who shoulda did what, but im lookin funny at whoever taking this nigga side when he lied when he didn't have to.
Thank yall, finally