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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

You right my bad.

I put justified in quotations because that's the narrative. That's not my opinion. Imo, he killed that girl because he wanted to.

But anyone that's taking his side based off "he was protecting the other girl" foh.
That's the cowardly part imo

Pretending he saved a life = i don't have to care about this
You contradict yourself yet again. Do I not want to hear other opinions or am I here hearing other opinions?

I told you specifically why I hate social media and you chose to ignore it and make an assumption about me, a person you don’t know.

Let me make it plain for you. Social media is a haven for misinformation and idiocy where any couch potato can become an “expert” and people like you propagate that idiocy by re-posting it on the social media you frequent and it spreads like a virus.

All of the information in the world at our fingertips now and people would rather listen to the dumbest people in the world that have absolutely zero credibility because they can relate.

And for the record, so that you don’t have to assume about me any further, I’m not on Twitter at all and the only things I follow on Instagram is basketball, workout pages, and a comedian or two. I only follow close friends and family on FB.

You did not need to write an essay. Bro you didn’t refute what I said about social media bringing light to these stories many of us would not hear about. If you don’t like other opinions that are stupid it is just as easy not to follow them or listen. This is social media and you come back everyday debating. I could care less if you have twitter. People like you and yes I’m assuming like we all do say things like social media is the downfall of society because you overly focusing on the negative and I’m surprised you didn’t say it’s too pc since we want to sound like Fox News.

All I’m saying is you and people like just bitch about social media because opinions you don’t agree with go viral. There was no problem with the screen shot I posted and if it is point it out. Otherwise your just talking to be talking
I just was able to watch the new angle.

While I think she was in the heat of the moment......she hesitated. I don’t think she wanted to stab pink....frfr but it was still bad optics.

I stand by my stance the father was trash. He had more than enough time to control the situation or at least grab his daughter and pull her to the side.

Cop didn’t have to shoot.

It didn’t have to get there had he grabbed his daughter instead of focusing on kicking the girl in the head.

Yes it all happened fast.....but he didn’t even attempt to .

Shit is sad

Does the cop hold in responsibility fir anything in your eyes?

Angela Moore told CNN that two of her former foster children had come to celebrate her birthday when the dispute started that led to the death of Bryant, who was 16.

Moore, who was at work at the time of the shooting, related what one of the former foster children told her had happened."The older one told them to clean up the house because 'Mom doesn't like the house dirty,'" she said.

It is not clear exactly what followed. Somebody - it's unclear who - called 911, telling dispatchers that somebody was trying to stab them.