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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

The taser is the only reasonable alternative I've seen. I'm assuming the people making that suggestion are ok with the fact that the chick in pink would have still been at risk as long as it preserved the life of the girl with the knife.

I don't think anyone is saying the girl in the pink deserve it. I think people are talking past each other and conflating two different issues: 1) whether or not the girl with the knife was justified to have a knife and go after the people around her and 2) whether or not the cop was justified to shoot her.

The taser is only 60% successful and people don't realize that. To get the best success the prongs have to hit both the upper and lower body and be 12 inches apart. Was it possible, yes? Was it the best option for the cop and the girl in the pink, no.
I never said someone had to die. It's possible the taser would have stopped her, and everyone would have walked away safe. It's also possible that it would have missed at that range and the girl would have made it to her target and stabbed her. None of us knows what would have happened had he not shot her. The cop had about 5 seconds to make his decision, and he chose to put down the person that he thought was the attacker.

I don't know if that was right or wrong according to protocol. I just want people to stop making bad comparisons between this an other much different cases and stop acting like there was some magic thing he could have done other than shooting that would have instantly stopped the chick with the knife.

It also possible the cop coulda shot the girl he was defending too so had he hit both y’all would still cape for him or what?
I never said someone had to die. It's possible the taser would have stopped her, and everyone would have walked away safe. It's also possible that it would have missed at that range and the girl would have made it to her target and stabbed her. None of us knows what would have happened had he not shot her. The cop had about 5 seconds to make his decision, and he chose to put down the person that he thought was the attacker.

I don't know if that was right or wrong according to protocol. I just want people to stop making bad comparisons between this an other much different cases and stop acting like there was some magic thing he could have done other than shooting that would have instantly stopped the chick with the knife.
The cop didn't have time to pull a taser, he already has his gun out as he sees her running with a knife. He then literally shouted get down 5 times, before discharging his weapon as she wields a knife and goes in to stab another person.
BODY CAM VIDEO: Police kill Ma'Khia Bryant, 16, who attacked 2 with knife (kwwl.com) Like here's the bodycam footage, I can't cosign someone wielding a weapon endangering someone else's life. There's plenty of police brutality and wrongful deaths but this isn't one.
It also possible the cop coulda shot the girl he was defending too so had he hit both y’all would still cape for him or what?

Who is caping bruh? It's pathetic how ya'll can't do anything but misrepresent and spout bullshit. Who on here is praising the cop? Some of us are just capable of looking at shit objectively. I don't give a fuck about the cop one way or the other. I'm just saying this killing is not the same thing as what has happened in other cases like with Floyd. If you can't understand that, then I don't know what to tell you.

And I agree with you about him endangering the other chick. Do you think think the alternatives were less risky?
I don’t follow Shaun king get off my dick man I saw the video this morning I feel like he ain’t have to kill her you feel he did wtf else you want me to say bro
I don't know if you talk like this to niggas irl, so I'ma just chalk it up to you internetting and just let it slide this time. You on a message board. People gonna interact with you from time to time. This get off my dick shit is childish af being that I've probably quoted you 3x in this thread.

You want everybody to see things from your pov but you not trying to see anything from anyone else's pov.

We are ALL still speculating based on what we saw. You're no right than I am, I'm no more right than you are. The difference is I ain't getting disrespectful with you when I disagree.

It's ok to be passionate about this topic. Again, everyone's lives have changed after this but to continue this crusade you on that somehow you care more about black people than anyone else in here is disrespectful af.

No one deserved to die. Whether it was the girl who was shot or the girl/woman who was could've gotten stabbed. Most of us have been saying from jump if the adults involved in this situation had intervened like they were supposed to in the first place, these girls probably all wake up today and go about their business but you're too busy in here hurling insults to see anything past the tip of your nose.
This is definitely one of those, everyone jumped on the bandwagon of social justice until the official bodycam footage came out that shows the 'victim' ass out wielding a knife like a maniac.
The cop didn't have time to pull a taser, he already has his gun out as he sees her running with a knife. He then literally shouted get down 5 times, before discharging his weapon as she wields a knife and goes in to stab another person.
BODY CAM VIDEO: Police kill Ma'Khia Bryant, 16, who attacked 2 with knife (kwwl.com) Like here's the bodycam footage, I can't cosign someone wielding a weapon endangering someone else's life. There's plenty of police brutality and wrongful deaths but this isn't one.

This probably isn't as good of a defense as you believe because it begs the question of why he had his gun out instead of the taser to begin with. If he had the taser out first, he probably wouldn't have had to scream out all those warnings and could have used it quicker.
It also possible the cop coulda shot the girl he was defending too so had he hit both y’all would still cape for him or what?

Was just about to make this same point.

No matter how yall try to justify it... it was reckless as fuck for dude to hop out the car and start lickin off shots when the person he's so called trying to protect could have been hit as well
Was just about to make this same point.

No matter how yall try to justify it... it was reckless as fuck for dude to hop out the car and start lickin off shots when the person he's so called trying to protect could have been hit as well
Who has argued that he wasn't reckless?
Did you guys not watch the video of him hopping out and the assailant with the knife immediately being within 15 feet of HIM. He immediately draws his weapon which is proper in this situation from normal police training. Cops go by something called the 21 foot rule in police training. If someone is within 21 feet of you with a knife you don't have the time to draw your weapon and discharge it before they can stab YOU. 21 Foot Rule and "proportional threat" - YouTube

Even with his weapon drawn he gave AMPLE warnings for the assailant to stop before the assailant then attempts to stab the other person there which he then discharges his weapon while she's trying to stab someone. If you sitting stabbing someone police have all rights to fire at you.
Police actually protected someone in danger of losing their life this instance so I'm giving him a pass. Not like the situations where you have people doing nothing and being shot.

I marched for George Floyd, who died innocently to police brutality. The fuck I look like marching for a crazy bitch trying to stab somebody and getting shot because of it, that would make me a psychopath.
Did you guys not watch the video of him hopping out and the assailant with the knife immediately being within 15 feet of HIM. He immediately draws his weapon which is proper in this situation from normal police training. Cops go by something called the 21 foot rule in police training. If someone is within 21 feet of you with a knife you don't have the time to draw your weapon and discharge it before they can stab YOU. 21 Foot Rule and "proportional threat" - YouTube
Some of them are gonna refuse to listen or understand how cops work. If anything was wrong with the cop it goes towards his training because his response was correct based on it. People are upset and I get it but they are offering no real alternatives on how it could've been handled.
People have never shot someone, or a gun, and don’t understand stopping power, ballistics.

Police see Black and its terminate with extreme force, no in between.

If our police are so untrained and scared, then we need to defund them and reallocate funds from them having tanks, grenade launchers and military equipment to de-escalation training, fucking humility training.... no such thing but damn
People have never shot someone, or a gun, and don’t understand stopping power, ballistics.

Police see Black and its terminate with extreme force, no in between.

If our police are so untrained and scared, then we need to defund them and reallocate funds from them having tanks, grenade launchers and military equipment to de-escalation training, fucking humility training.

I agree with most of what you said in this post, but I find the first sentence strange. What do you think the cop should have done?
This wasn'
People have never shot someone, or a gun, and don’t understand stopping power, ballistics.

Police see Black and its terminate with extreme force, no in between.

If our police are so untrained and scared, then we need to defund them and reallocate funds from them having tanks, grenade launchers and military equipment to de-escalation training, fucking humility training.
This was a situation where the force was necessary in proportion to the threat presented. You can't pull a taser out to someone wielding a knife, no police training would even recommend it in that situation. She's actively endangering someone else's life, is warned multiple times to stop, and then attempts to stab someone with the knife before she's stopped by the officer with his firearm. 21 Foot Rule and "proportional threat" - YouTube