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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

Some background on that bodycam video..... our mayor hasn't got along with our police department since the George Floyd protests started last year. He didn't agree with their tactics and use and force, he openly stood with the people, got the chief outta there and it divided the community. The police department retaliated by slacking off on their duties and murder and crime skyrocketed (can't go to the mall without risking being shot).

With that said, the mayor thought this was a good shoot so he rushed to have the bodycam released which says a lot. There was already tension from the Chauvin verdict looming but if the cop has acted improperly our mayor would've handled it differently.

Shit is sad across the board because it never should've escalated to the point where the cops were needed with all those people around.
For the people saying the cop was wrong, what could've he done differently that would've satisfied y'all? And be realistic (he couldn't shoot the knife out her hand, he couldn't sweep the leg, tasers aren't 100% successful, pocket sand wouldn't work, he's not shooting her pinky toe), so what?
People need to fall back on this one. It deteriorates the credibility we need when real situations happen that are unjust.

And for those saying the cop shouldn’t have shot her, are you so against cops you’d allow an innocent black girl get stabbed?

Are you for us or just against cops?
this speaks volumes.
but its seems a few people think the girl in pink may have deserved it, while the chick with the knife didnt.
so black life only matters when THEY feel it does but other black lives are ok to gamble with.
or the white man shouldnt kill us but its ok to kill each other..
For the people saying the cop was wrong, what could've he done differently that would've satisfied y'all? And be realistic (he couldn't shoot the knife out her hand, he couldn't sweep the leg, tasers aren't 100% successful, pocket sand wouldn't work, he's not shooting her pinky toe), so what?
pocket sand

For the people saying the cop was wrong, what could've he done differently that would've satisfied y'all? And be realistic (he couldn't shoot the knife out her hand, he couldn't sweep the leg, tasers aren't 100% successful, pocket sand wouldn't work, he's not shooting her pinky toe), so what?

The taser is the only reasonable alternative I've seen. I'm assuming the people making that suggestion are ok with the fact that the chick in pink would have still been at risk as long as it preserved the life of the girl with the knife.

this speaks volumes.
but its seems a few people think the girl in pink may have deserved it, while the chick with the knife didnt.
so black life only matters when THEY feel it does but other black lives are ok to gamble with.
or the white man shouldnt kill us but its ok to kill each other..

I don't think anyone is saying the girl in the pink deserve it. I think people are talking past each other and conflating two different issues: 1) whether or not the girl with the knife was justified to have a knife and go after the people around her and 2) whether or not the cop was justified to shoot her.
I love to put up the social justice banner, but I can't cosign the officer being out of line on this one. The assailant is literally waving around a knife attacking an innocent victim. The assailant is told to stop and continues to attack with the knife. In a situation like that officers have to make a split-second call you can't blame them. If the other young lady was killed the narrative would be 'why did the officer sit there and do nothing.'
The taser is the only reasonable alternative I've seen. I'm assuming the people making that suggestion are ok with the fact that the chick in pink would have still been at risk as long as it preserved the life of the girl with the knife.

I don't think anyone is saying the girl in the pink deserve it. I think people are talking past each other and conflating two different issues: 1) whether or not the girl with the knife was justified to have a knife and go after the people around her and 2) whether or not the cop was justified to shoot her.

Why y’all think this had to end with somebody dying? That’s my problem with y’all right now y’all see no alternative either the bully would’ve died or her and that’s some bullshit
Why y’all think this had to end with somebody dying? That’s my problem with y’all right now y’all see no alternative either the bully would’ve died or her and that’s some bullshit
Czar, brah

Did you even watch the video?

You post as if you haven't and are just going off what Shaun King and others have posted
People need to fall back on this one. It deteriorates the credibility we need when real situations happen that are unjust.

And for those saying the cop shouldn’t have shot her, are you so against cops you’d allow an innocent black girl get stabbed?

Are you for us or just against cops?

You gotta stop that mindstate you say this often that black credibility get ruined. Like if a dope boy got killed by a cop in an illegal way and we protest it that should be just as valid if a cop killed a non felon. And why y’all keep saying the girl in the pink innocent like she wasn’t there to jump her.
People need to fall back on this one. It deteriorates the credibility we need when real situations happen that are unjust.

And for those saying the cop shouldn’t have shot her, are you so against cops you’d allow an innocent black girl get stabbed?

Are you for us or just against cops?
The bolded is the entire issue I have and have been arguing. Credibility. We shouldn’t need credibility to receive justice/dignity/fair treatment. The fact that we are willing to argue to keep Credibility is what bothers me the most.
Why y’all think this had to end with somebody dying? That’s my problem with y’all right now y’all see no alternative either the bully would’ve died or her and that’s some bullshit

I never said someone had to die. It's possible the taser would have stopped her, and everyone would have walked away safe. It's also possible that it would have missed at that range and the girl would have made it to her target and stabbed her. None of us knows what would have happened had he not shot her. The cop had about 5 seconds to make his decision, and he chose to put down the person that he thought was the attacker.

I don't know if that was right or wrong according to protocol. I just want people to stop making bad comparisons between this an other much different cases and stop acting like there was some magic thing he could have done other than shooting that would have instantly stopped the chick with the knife.