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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

It's also crazy how in one thread the discussion is how we shouldn't do to our kids the things our parents/guardians did to us because of the unknown trauma it might've caused us as kids into adulthood but we're in this thread saying they should've let the girl fight or don't come inside because that's what our parents did to us.

Who said that
Also niggas always talking addressing mental health in our community...we don’t know what that young girl was going through at the hands of the girls factor in her being a ward of the state

She prolly just snapped and attacked her tormentors
she having hardtimes.

i don’t know anyone who was ok with foster care outside of abuse.
Lol the Outsiders carried knives and that was the 50s what you talking about
The outsiders is madeup fam. I grew up in Hyde park around rollin 60s

Realife ain't the movies. You can't tase someone and stop them cold. You can't shoot them in the damn leg, and btw people die form shots in the leg all the time. Some of yall need to live life and learn what's really going on.
The outsiders is madeup fam. I grew up in Hyde park around rollin 60s

Realife ain't the movies. You can't tase someone and stop them cold. You can't shoot them in the damn leg, and btw people die form shots in the leg all the time. Some of yall need to live life and learn what's really going on.

Not the "shoot them in the leg and arm!!!!" foolishness. You shoot center mass. The biggest part of the body for accuracy. And can't shoot for limbs (more so arms and hands) anyway as that's maiming people
I think this whole shit getting redundant til more details come out. First she lives in a foster home with some of the people involved then it was her home only and nobody else stays there.

Yet how is she in a foster home but dad's there to "help" while she's getting jump and mom/aunt clearly in the picture since they came thru after the whole incident.

Let the details come forth
I think this whole shit getting redundant til more details come out. First she lives in a foster home with some of the people involved then it was her home only and nobody else stays there.

Yet how is she in a foster home but dad's there to "help" while she's getting jump and mom/aunt clearly in the picture since they came thru after the whole incident.

Let the details come forth
thats why i said everyone failed her.

Every last one of them threw her to the wolves
They released the 911 call. They said they were be attacked by grown women who put hands on their grandmother. Definitely understand why the knife was needed and why somebody can’t hear through chaos
They released the 911 call. They said they were be attacked by grown women who put hands on their grandmother. Definitely understand why the knife was needed and why somebody can’t hear through chaos
Irrelevant as there no active THREAT from the pink girl. Not too long ago on this very site, a thread was made about an incident where a man shot at home invaders as there were already fleeing, striking one in the back and killing him. His ass got charged. So you can she was being jumped trespassing ect all you want. In the court of law, that's irrelevant if they weren't actively posing a threat. Even in a stand your ground law state.
Who needs white supremacists

You cowardly niggas doing their jobs