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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

Me too.

I still don’t understudies the other police that was there before him was so far back while this girl had a whole knife.

He had just got there and was the closest cop

What’s your theory though?
I think the group of girls showed up, but I think only one wanted the fair one. The girl in the pink supports this as at no point in the video we've seen she tries to give the dog to someone or just drop the dog.

Makiyah unfortunately doesn't seem to think so and just rushes to the first girl she sees because she assumes all of them are going to jump in at some point.

The cop that does the shooting comes up and as he arrives, he just sees shit pop off. He's don't know who's who and just sees two girls tumbling. One gets up with a knife headed to the girl in the pink and let's off shots.

I'm not saying he was right or it was a justified killing at all but based on the video, that's the story they're going to run with I have to assume.

It also looks like as he pulling up, his fellow officers take their eyes off the girl to look at him pulling up and that's all it takes which might explain why they didn't have any weapons drawn out.

Just a theory though
We don’t know what led to the video

But ask yourself why would she think she needs a knife?

U ran and got weapons every time niggas pressed u?

Folks don’t really fight where I’m from and that’s irrelevant as fuck.

Was she alone? Naw. She had an entire male adult there.

Again. The cop should have did something different but you can’t try and stab folks that ain’t posing a threat to you which was the girl in pink that had the dog.

Yea. That first girl, I’ll say that was fair due to them being all in each other space being violent.
They should feel bad because they should have stopped it and we would not be here.

muss me with the hindsight.Why are you ok with leaving thesafety of our kids to people who hate us?

i am about solutions for shit.
im about de escalating shit.

Again, why not stop it and why leave it up to cops who you hate?

You missed my point again the adults failed we all see that saying it again don’t change the fact the cop did not have to react that way. Yes I’m for adults stopping it. But they didn’t. So the adult police officer with authority was called and he killed her. My point again is he did not have to kill her y’all point is the parents shoulda stoped it
It's also crazy how in one thread the discussion is how we shouldn't do to our kids the things our parents/guardians did to us because of the unknown trauma it might've caused us as kids into adulthood but we're in this thread saying they should've let the girl fight or don't come inside because that's what our parents did to us.
When a video surfaces of a teenage WHITE girl attempting to stab somebody gets shot in the chest four (4) times by cops, I will sit down and kindly shut the fuck up.


This was a grownass crazy white woman who got capped in front of her kids. Notice how the taser didn't do shit. You keep stepping around the girl in pink though. Did she not deserve protection or nah?

You missed my point again the adults failed we all see that saying it again don’t change the fact the cop did not have to react that way. Yes I’m for adults stopping it. But they didn’t. So the adult police officer with authority was called and he killed her. My point again is he did not have to kill her y’all point is the parents shoulda stoped it
I can agree he shouldn’t have killed her.
but preventative measures should have been taken