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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

The point some of y’all seem to be missing is THIS:

Cops need to treat everybody the same!

No exceptions!

If they use deadly force on this 15 year old (BLACK) girl, then they need to use deadly force on ALL 15 year old girls, regardless of race.

Or don’t use deadly force on anybody at all.

I hear some of y’all talking about the cop had no choice and the victim appeared to be the aggressor...

Cool, whatever... I don’t know if he was justified or not.

But the cop needs to be just as trigger happy when he’s dealing with white youths as he is when he dealing with black youths.

For some reason y’all keep skipping over that part.
The point some of y’all seem to be missing is THIS:

Cops need to treat everybody the same!

No exceptions!

If they use deadly force on this 15 year old (BLACK) girl, then they need to use deadly force on ALL 15 year old girls, regardless of race.

Or don’t use deadly force on anybody at all.

I hear some of y’all talking about the cop had no choice and the victim appeared to be the aggressor...

Cool, whatever... I don’t know if he was justified or not.

But the cop needs to be just as trigger happy when he’s dealing with white youths as he is when he dealing with black youths.

For some reason y’all keep skipping over that part.

Lmao. Not one person skipping ove that AT ALL.
Stop adding stuff that ain’t there

We are talking about THIS situation when that girl was trying to stab someone in front of police and her parents. And yes, stabbing someone can take their life.

The act it self is so serious. Ain’t no such thing is I’m was just trying to stab her a lil bit. You’re tying to kill someone when you doing that
Lmao. Not one person skipping ove that AT ALL.
Stop adding stuff that ain’t there

We are talking about THIS situation when that girl was trying to stab someone in front of police and her parents. And yes, stabbing someone can take their life.

The act it self is so serious. Ain’t no such thing is I’m was just trying to stab her a lil bit. You’re tying to kill someone when you doing that
Yeah, you’re still missing the point.

Notice the restraint used when the armed and dangerous suspect is white?

But, nevermind.

Have a great day.
Yeah, you’re still missing the point.

Notice the restraint used when the armed and dangerous suspect is white?

Looks like he’s trying to kill someone, too.

But, nevermind.

Have a great day.

I hate when yall compare situations between different departments and even officers
Bruh, niggas getting sidetracked, going into her background and shit. This shkt looking real Foxnewsish around here.

This is a case of Police and society treating our people with no compassion, dignity or understanding like they do whites.

Again, KNOWN mass shooters with assault rifles can be apprehended alive and taken to Burger King, and live to see a jury after They have killed multiple people whereas a teenaged girl with a knife is shot 4 times center mass, no attempts at compassion or reasoning, just skip straight to terminate on sight.

Bottom line, the.girl should be alive REGARDLESS of backstory.
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Bruh, niggas getting sidetracked, going into her background and shit. This shkt looking real Foxnewsish around here.

This is a case of Police and society treating our people with no compassion, dignity or understanding like they do whites.

Again, KNOWN mass shooters with assault rifles can be apprehended alive and taken to Burger King, and live to see a backstop after They have killed multiple people whereas a teenaged girl with a knife is shot 4 times center mass, no attempts at compassion or reasoning, just skip straight to terminate on sight.

Bottom line, the.girl should be alive REGARDLESS of backstory.

Again, KNOWN mass shooters with assault rifles can be apprehended alive and taken to Burger King, and live to see a backstop.

As they surrendered and/ or weren't aren't active threats. Yall gotta stop with these black and white (no pun) comparisons. It isn't the same cause it's literally not the same. Roof Rittenhouse or whoever you wanna name weren't aiming down the sights of their weapons when they were apprehended
As they surrender and/ or aren't active threats. Yall gotta stop with these black and white (no pun) comparisons. It isn't the same cause it's literally not the same. Roof Rittenhouse or whoever you wanna name weren't aiming down the sights of their weapons when they were apprehended
Bruh, are you serious?

Please tell me you’re trolling.

This ain’t funny.
As they surrender and/ or aren't active threats. Yall gotta stop with these black and white (no pun) comparisons. It isn't the same cause it's literally not the same. Roof Rittenhouse or whoever you wanna name weren't aiming down the sights of their weapons when they were apprehended
They are afforded the OPPORTUNITY to surrender. Blacks are not given that same courtesy.
But they're apart of the same establishment that kill niggas with impunity

We can't talk about bad apples without discussing the tree that it came from

Every department is not the same. How many of these shootings the past few years have come from minnestota? Where i live, there hasn't been THAT level of fuckery in my lifetime.
So, armed and dangerous WHITE mass shooters aren’t a threat if they surrender?


No, and there literal aren't? roof or rittenhouse shoot anybody when they were apprehended? Nobody is arguing those dudes aren't scum but there weren't doing scum in that moment.
The point some of y’all seem to be missing is THIS:

Cops need to treat everybody the same!

No exceptions!

If they use deadly force on this 15 year old (BLACK) girl, then they need to use deadly force on ALL 15 year old girls, regardless of race.

Or don’t use deadly force on anybody at all.

I hear some of y’all talking about the cop had no choice and the victim appeared to be the aggressor...

Cool, whatever... I don’t know if he was justified or not.

But the cop needs to be just as trigger happy when he’s dealing with white youths as he is when he dealing with black youths.

For some reason y’all keep skipping over that part.
No one is skipping shit

They need to use desdly force on all 15 yo ...that sounds wild and unrealistic
The point some of y’all seem to be missing is THIS:

Cops need to treat everybody the same!

No exceptions!

If they use deadly force on this 15 year old (BLACK) girl, then they need to use deadly force on ALL 15 year old girls, regardless of race.

Or don’t use deadly force on anybody at all.

I hear some of y’all talking about the cop had no choice and the victim appeared to be the aggressor...

Cool, whatever... I don’t know if he was justified or not.

But the cop needs to be just as trigger happy when he’s dealing with white youths as he is when he dealing with black youths.

For some reason y’all keep skipping over that part.
Bruh, niggas getting sidetracked, going into her background and shit. This shkt looking real Foxnewsish around here.

This is a case of Police and society treating our people with no compassion, dignity or understanding like they do whites.

Again, KNOWN mass shooters with assault rifles can be apprehended alive and taken to Burger King, and live to see a jury after They have killed multiple people whereas a teenaged girl with a knife is shot 4 times center mass, no attempts at compassion or reasoning, just skip straight to terminate on sight.

Bottom line, the.girl should be alive REGARDLESS of backstory.
I get what you both are saying but they won’t change and at this point it’s insane to think they will until people are ready to start hitting back.

so take the power out their hands.
And I mentioned some shit because it was kinda needed in my eyes.
yes she should be alive.....but she was left unprotected and misguided by adults. Thus leaving trigger happy white people to dirt it out.

In order to protect others we need to learn from shit like this.

everyone over 18 failed her.

they left her in a vulnerable position.

hate the cops for what they did. But also hate the adults present for allowing it to escalate.