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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

^^ nothing to go to court over. It's tragic someone loss there life but would charge would you even throw at the officer there? He did nothing out of the books.
Jesus Crust

-I think we can ALL agree that had the girls not gone over there with the intent to fight, she is still alive
-I think we can ALL agree that had the girl stayed in her home, she is still alive
-I think we can ALL agree that based on what happened with the Floyd case and previous instances that the first conclusion to come to is that the officer could've tried something else

BUT what is missing for a few of you is that this girl was armed and from the video, she looked like she had every intention of stabbing the girl in the pink. We weren't in her head, but the video is pretty compelling and THIS is what is going to be used should this go to trial.

This conversation is so easy to have from the comfort of your PC b/c you not there in the blink of an eye when some shit can get real.

I AM IN NO WAY ABSOLVING this officer but at the same time, for those of you thinking this will go the way of the Chauvin trial are going to either be sadly disappointed or use this as another bullet to use in your view of law enforcement.

SOME of you really lack nuance and the ability to place things within proper context. SOME of you are too absolute in the way you view things.

YES this is a fucked up situation for everyone involved but the same people who are quick to point the finger at the officer have not said shit about the damn adults standing there looking at shit go down.

its so fucking exhausting
We all agree the adults shoulda broke it up tho. But the adults didn’t shoot her bruh.
Y’all niggas just seen a cop kill a man and go to jail but now y’all got understanding for the cop who killed a 15 year old. Y’all ain’t say this in any other thread. Her parent ain’t shoot her
That situation ain't this situation
those two instances are not even remotely the same

Cop kills black person one an unarmed man the other a 15 year old girl with a knife who was bout to get jumped he pulls up and ends her life. To you the cop had no other choice I don’t believe that at all
Falls on the person who actually shot somebody and held authority

Sure doesn't that's what you want. Ole girl is in the motion of stabbing someone up and niggas like you think there's some magic training skills other than force that would've ended this with the victim not getting sliced up 🤣

Niggas gotta stop being dishonest and say they're always going to side against law enforcement no matter how in the right they were.
Sure doesn't that's what you want. Ole girl is in the motion of stabbing someone up and niggas like you think there's some magic training skills other than force that would've ended this with the victim not getting sliced up 🤣

Niggas gotta stop being dishonest and say they're always going to side against law enforcement no matter how in the right they were.

I never sided with the law so wtf are you talking about bruh
We all agree the adults shoulda broke it up tho. But the adults didn’t shoot her bruh.
i agree, but since people playing the "if only this had happened" game, then im submitting my entry
Y’all ain’t heard of one White teen being shot dead by cops or at least not recently y’all ain’t stupid if she was white this would’ve been different and we know it. But y’all literally blaming everybody but the shooter
Y’all ain’t heard of one White teen being shot dead by cops or at least not recently y’all ain’t stupid if she was white this would’ve been different and we know it. But y’all literally blaming everybody but the shooter
It's just easier and less stressful to not care

These niggas are relieved they don't have to care because she had a knife
Cop kills black person one an unarmed man the other a 15 year old girl with a knife who was bout to get jumped he pulls up and ends her life. To you the cop had no other choice I don’t believe that at all
Fam, I cant believe im actually doing this but George Floyd was approached on the suspicion he was using counterfeit money. The police had already had weapons drawn on him when they approached him. They subdued him then proceeded to hold him down to the ground until he died. HE WAS UNARMED WHEN HE WAS APPROACHED!!!

how is this the same as this girl?
ABW just a microcosm of the world in general right now my friend

And you are right...it's very exhausting


I got maybe 5 more posts left in me if that.

this "im more right than you are" shit is so fucking juvenile
Cop kills black person one an unarmed man the other a 15 year old girl with a knife who was bout to get jumped he pulls up and ends her life. To you the cop had no other choice I don’t believe that at all

How the fuck was she getting jumped by someone standing there with a dog in her hands not even paying any mind to her? 🤣 Any prior altercation is IRRELEVANT when she was the aggressor when the cops showed up and the only one with a weapon and using it.

Shit, she probably wasn't even being jumped as other stuff from the family was debunked. The aunt claimed she already dropped the knife as officers arrived but that's clearly a lie.

It’s not clear whether the teen was armed. Police have suggested she was, but Bryant’s aunt told The Dispatch that her niece had dropped the knife by the time of the shooting.

Protestors began to gather at the site of the shooting on Tuesday evening. Video from the scene shows protestors gathering and decrying the use of lethal force in the incident.

from https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/...e-killing-of-a-black-teen-in-columbus-tuesday
A taser is an option

I've acknowledged that.

I don't know that it would have been as effective in that situation as some of you believe, and I think police protocol probably dictated that the cop go for the gun in that situation over the taser.

That said, I accept that as an alternative to his action as long as you acknowledge that it wouldn't have necessarily taken the girl in pink out of immediate danger and that you're ok with that.

And why are you and other on here acting like anyone is celebrating this child's death. No one is happy she died and no one is big upping the cop for killing her. The fact that ya'll have to twist shit that much to make your point seem right is telling.