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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

Like what?

People have been suggesting that he aim for the leg or shoot in the air, both of which were not options.

The only other suggestion I heard was him using a taser. I don't know enough about tasers to say whether he could have hit her from that range and put her down before she managed to attack. That might have been an option, but I'm betting police protocol is to use deadly force when you believe another person's life is in danger.

No one's debating whether she should be here or not. We all believe she should be alive right now.

A taser is an option
The same thing he would've done with white people


Like bruh if they was white nobody woulda got shot and we all know this but these devils advocate niggas kill me. A 15 year old with a knife don’t need to be shot 4 times and we know this
Like bruh if they was white nobody woulda got shot and we all know this but these devils advocate niggas kill me. A 15 year old with a knife don’t need to be shot 4 times and we know this

I agree but say the entire thing

A 15 year old trying to stab another teenager don’t need to get shot 4 times.
Jesus Crust

-I think we can ALL agree that had the girls not gone over there with the intent to fight, she is still alive
-I think we can ALL agree that had the girl stayed in her home, she is still alive
-I think we can ALL agree that based on what happened with the Floyd case and previous instances that the first conclusion to come to is that the officer could've tried something else

BUT what is missing for a few of you is that this girl was armed and from the video, she looked like she had every intention of stabbing the girl in the pink. We weren't in her head, but the video is pretty compelling and THIS is what is going to be used should this go to trial.

This conversation is so easy to have from the comfort of your PC b/c you not there in the blink of an eye when some shit can get real.

I AM IN NO WAY ABSOLVING this officer but at the same time, for those of you thinking this will go the way of the Chauvin trial are going to either be sadly disappointed or use this as another bullet to use in your view of law enforcement.

SOME of you really lack nuance and the ability to place things within proper context. SOME of you are too absolute in the way you view things.

YES this is a fucked up situation for everyone involved but the same people who are quick to point the finger at the officer have not said shit about the damn adults standing there looking at shit go down.

its so fucking exhausting
Y’all niggas just seen a cop kill a man and go to jail but now y’all got understanding for the cop who killed a 15 year old. Y’all ain’t say this in any other thread. Her parent ain’t shoot her