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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

Looks to me like the cop saved a life. That was bout to end bad for the girl in pink.

that kid turned into the aggressor.... all while adults watched it happen

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the girl in the pink is your daughter getting ready to be stabbed up... what you want the cops to do... ask everybody to “calm down” in a nice voice?
Alright yall doin fox news job for them now

Yes, the cop is probably legally justified but yall are pretending this isn't just another lynching by police because the details are sketchy

We gotta be perfect victims for yall niggas
A situation has to already be pretty bad when, in this day an age, any black person feels desperate enough bring the cops into the mix.
It’s ok for her to be afraid and call the police. She’s a teen.

but the men should not have not let it get this far.

whats crazy to me is a full grown man can’t place fear in teen girls and keep them at bay AND keep his child in the house.
And then other niggas chillin.

Shits disgusting.
That's not an answer bruh because we don't know what he would have done with white people in that situation. White people get killed by cops all the time.

You think his actions were wrong, so I just want your honest opinion on what he should have done.
We both know no teenager white girls get shot by cops. He would've physically Intervened had they been white
We both know no teenager white girls get shot by cops. He would've physically Intervened had they been white

I agree he would have been more hesitant to shoot a white girl. There's no question about that.

Do you think he should have prioritized keeping the girl with the knife alive over stopping the potential stabbing. If that's what you believe, that's fine, but no one has come out and said that. Everyone seems to be acting like there is some magical tactic that could have instantly stopped that chick before she was able to attack.
You're just being biased, I look at it as a black girl being saved from being stabbed to death.
4 shots

center mass

he had to murder a little girl just to “potentially“ save another one

the other girl must be close since her life is in “danger” and 4 shots for a child?

im not going try to rationalize that but our community should take this to heart
I agree he would have been more hesitant to shoot a white girl. There's no question about that.

Do you think he should have prioritized keeping the girl with the knife alive over stopping the potential stabbing. If that's what you believe, that's fine, but no one has come out and said that. Everyone seems to be acting like there is some magical tactic that could have instantly stopped that chick before she was able to attack.
I think he should've tackled the girl. Shooting wasn't his last resort. If she was white he would've figured it out

The thing is yall are taking the details that we saw on video and using that as a way to excuse the hatred we know was in this white man's heart.

Television and movies have shown us 150 years of propaganda portraying cops as heroes. Getting physically involved, risking life and limbs to protect the public, right? Where's that energy at?
yall are weird. as if police need any more support.
I don’t give a fuck if it was justified or not.. what drives yall Black selves to come to abw to speak out against another Black young woman in the name of an institution that will put 4 in your chest with no knife at all?
ive said it before, I'll say it again

The Conditioning is real
I think he should've tackled the girl. Shooting wasn't his last resort. If she was white he would've figured it out

The thing is yall are taking the details that we saw on video and using that as a way excuse to the hatred we know was in this white man's heart.

Television and movies have shown us 150 years of propaganda portraying cops as heroes. Getting physically involved, risking life and limbs to protect the public, right? Where's that energy at?

The bold is wrong. I'm simply looking at the video and assessing what I see. That's the difference between me and some of you. I'm not trying to say what's in his mind. I'm not claiming he was acting out of racial hatred. I'm not claiming he was acting out of heroism. Based on what's in the video, he couldn't have tackled her as you say without risking the safety of the girl in pink. If you still think that was the right thing to do, I won't argue with that. It's a tough situation.
who said i would accept it?

i would hate that my child be in either situation.

now back to you,

if God forbid your daughter was about to be poked, and a cop shoots the girl who was about to stab her....is your first reaction to be thankful your child isnt hurt or tell the cop what he should did?

so again i say, them adults are responsible for this. john law shouldnt be n option

Daughter wouldn’t be about to jump nobody that got a knife so moot