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Breaking News We can't catch a break: 16-year-old Makiyah Bryant shot and killed by a police officer in Columbus, Ohio. *Trigger Warning Body Cam Footage*

That still has nothing to do with the cops actions.

He had other choices. Just like the other cops on the scene did.

You notice none of the other cops fired any shots and they were right there.
I wasn't saying that, I'm talking in the sense of many are making it out like Makiyah was trying to attack the girl in the pink, well what if Pink is related to Makiyah or is her friend...
I wasn't saying that, I'm talking in the sense of many are making it out like Makiyah was trying to attack the girl in the pink, well what if Pink is related to Makiyah or is her friend...

I know.

I'm just saying that in situations like this people get caught up too fast in the actions of the others and lose focus on the cops.

In doing that, we sort of absolve the cops of any wrongdoing by questioning the actions of others.

I'd prefer that we focus all of our energy on the cops and then once that well has run dry we can talk about the others.

In these case the cops actions need to be tried and evaluated and discussed ad nauseam.
Stop isn't the point.

Nothing will stop it except for the complete removal of the police force. Do you see that happening anytime soon? Me neither.

Think about it like this. When a cop discharges their service weapon that cop is usually put on administrative leave 99% of the time. IT' not like they will get in a shootout and their back on the beat the next day.

My proposal is that if a cop discharges their duty weapon then that should be the last time that they ever carry that weapon.

Our crisis with the police is not with them running us over with cars or beating us with batons or even using tasers on us. It's their guns.

So if you take the gun away from a cop then what is that cop? They're still a cop. They are just more of a resource officer than a murdering pig like they are portrayed to be.

You also have to take into account on the impact that taking away guns from cops that use them would have on other cops. If you knew that your gun was going to be taken away no matter what as soon as you use it you would not be as reckless using it and if you didn't give a fuck about the consequences anyway well then there was nothing we could do to stop that cop regardless.

We'll have to agree to disagree then.

I wouldn't want experienced cops who have justifiably fired there weapons off the street. I would trust that person more than some cop who has never fired their weapon.

Cops that don't justifiably fire their weapons should be arrested and charged anyway. Theoretically, that should be deterrent enough.

If im not mistaken, in the daunte wright case the officer who killed him was on the force for 20+ years without ever firing her weapon.
"They was jumping her"

Well it looked like her n her dad knockn one girl down...dad kicks her in the back of the head...she about to shank someone next...the girl in pink is holding a fuckn poodle in her arms
We'll have to agree to disagree then.

I wouldn't want experienced cops who have justifiably fired there weapons off the street. I would trust that person more than some cop who has never fired their weapon.

Cops that don't justifiably fire their weapons should be arrested and charged anyway. Theoretically, that should be deterrent enough.

If im not mistaken, in the daunte wright case the officer who killed him was on the force for 20+ years without ever firing her weapon.

You don't have to be removed from the streets. Cops can still do their jobs in the field without guns.

The whole point of this is to diminish the power of guns in the hands of police officers.

Guns and racism are at the center of our problems with police.

There is not quick fix to the racism issue other than simply removing racist individuals.

But with guns, there's no reason that a cop needs a gun to justify his or her job.

Just as you mentioned there are cops who have been on the force for decades without firing their weapons.

In other countries cops don't even carry guns.

We have to starts removing the power that guns have in this country. The fastest and quickest way to start addressing that would be to take guns away from cops that use them.

Only a bad cop would be against this because like I said before, If you're a cop and you feel like you cannot do your job without a gun then you should not and cannot be a cop.
She's a 15 year old girl with a knife, there is ways you could disarm her without killing her. You have more strength than her. I understand why he killed her but it could've been avoided.
No, don't let the conditioning set in brother. I know what you mean obviously but he killed her because he's a white supremacist and because he wanted to
You don't have to be removed from the streets. Cops can still do their jobs in the field without guns.

The whole point of this is to diminish the power of guns in the hands of police officers.

Guns and racism are at the center of our problems with police.

There is not quick fix to the racism issue other than simply removing racist individuals.

But with guns, there's no reason that a cop needs a gun to justify his or her job.

Just as you mentioned there are cops who have been on the force for decades without firing their weapons.

In other countries cops don't even carry guns.

We have to starts removing the power that guns have in this country. The fastest and quickest way to start addressing that would be to take guns away from cops that use them.

Only a bad cop would be against this because like I said before, If you're a cop and you feel like you cannot do your job without a gun then you should not and cannot be a cop.

I agree that cops shouldn't have guns, but part of the reason they do is because the citizens are so well armed. You're never going to get guns out of the hands of cops while we have more guns in this country than people.
What do you think he should have done in this situation?
The same thing he would've done with white people

The same thing he would've done with white people


That's not an answer bruh because we don't know what he would have done with white people in that situation. White people get killed by cops all the time.

You think his actions were wrong, so I just want your honest opinion on what he should have done.