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Breaking News Viacom severs ties with Nick Cannon amid alleged "antisemitic" statements

Why are you assuming that I don't know?
Because you said
"How hard is it to accept that we're from west Africa?"

It seems like you only think black folks trace their lineage to West Africa when it goes deeper than that. Many West African tribes claim their origin from the Nile including the Yoruba tribe. If you already know that than excuse me for assuming that you didn't know
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I don’t know.

I just made a statement and you can’t tell a group of people what they can and cannot be offended about.

Its threads on here where folks do that.
Now someone can be fired for something they didn’t do? They set the precedent with Nick Cannon.
Joe Rogan just singed a huge deal to get his podcast on Spotify...he's about to be under the same rules he's been preaching against.
From my understanding, they came to him to sign an exclusive rights deal, not hire him. So idk if them paying him to just have his podcast exclusively on their platform is the same as being an employee.
But we'll see....i doubt it tho.
No we not, Dog was back on TV, Hogan back in WWE HOF, Imus was back on the air and Riley Cooper did not get cut. Trump still president too.

All those people begged for forgiveness and at least pretended to walk back what they said. I'm pretty sure Nick was given that opportunity and chose to stand on what he said. That's basically what came across from his response.

And Trump can't lose the presidency for saying and doing dumbshit. If he could he would have been cancelled three weeks in.
Is it a stretch of an idea that a black man in america would express the idea that the people that have terrorized his people for CENTURIES as evil and devoid of compassion?

Again, like has been said, if you're going to make a statement like that, be specific. The Jews that helped fund slavery, the Jews that robbed black musicians, the Jews that profited from the exploitation of blacks, etc... When you come out and make open ended statements about whole groups you're always inviting blowback from people within those groups who don't fit into that category. When white people run around saying shit like "blacks are violent" or "blacks are criminals," do we let that go and give them the benefit of the doubt that they are only talking about the criminals or do we call them out on making racist generalizations?
All those people begged for forgiveness and at least pretended to walk back what they said. I'm pretty sure Nick was given that opportunity and chose to stand on what he said. That's basically what came across from his response.

And Trump can't lose the presidency for saying and doing dumbshit. If he could he would have been cancelled three weeks in.
False. They all made excuses and never admitted that what they said was racist.
False. They all made excuses and never admitted that what they said was racist.

From Dog

My sincerest, heartfelt apologies go out to every person I have offended for my regrettable use of very inappropriate language. I am deeply disappointed in myself for speaking out of anger to my son and using such a hateful term in a private phone conversation. It was completely taken out of context. I was disappointed in his choice of a friend, not due to her race, but her character. However, I should have never used that term. I have the utmost respect and aloha for black people – who have already suffered so much due to racial discrimination and acts of hatred. I did not mean to add yet another slap in the face to an entire race of people who have brought so many gifts to this world. I am ashamed of myself and I pledge to do whatever I can to repair this damage I have caused.

From Hogan

"Eight years ago I used offensive language during a conversation," Hogan says in a statement. "It was unacceptable for me to have used that offensive language; there is no excuse for it; and I apologize for having done it."

From Imus

"(I) Want to take a moment to apologize for an insensitive and ill-conceived remark we made the other morning referring to the Rutgers women's basketball team," Imus said Friday. "It was completely inappropriate, and we can understand why people were offended. Our characterization was thoughtless and stupid, so, and we're sorry."

They all apologized and walked back what they said. Whether you believe they are sincere or not is up to you, but they all publicly retracted their statements. Nick is not doing that.