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Breaking News Viacom severs ties with Nick Cannon amid alleged "antisemitic" statements

Why would anyone get fired on purpose? It's more than just a contract, Nick's career on TV could end very fast with that rhetoric.
I wouldn't call it rhetoric

ppl do shit to get fired all the time to get unemployment

Not saying Nick could even get unemployment,but I think he's smart enough to know the ledge with his business relationships.

He knows what he's doing and saying can risk his shit because he already got dropped before for talking about NBC in his stand up.

Evidently Nick doesn't give a fuck.
You really talking about whipping other black people in 2020 while subscribing to the what about black on black crime brigade?

cut that shit out.....you and your selective memory.....i also said shit happens....and i stand on stopping us from hurting us while also speaking on how we are better an....

you know what......imma beat your ass.

fuck it....hypocrisy.

but imma need the 5
She’s a coon man.
I can't act like I know her whole track record.

I see her in headlines when something happens.

I remember her beefing with Trump and also recall her shitting on black men,but then heard her saying some pro black shit.

I heard an interview but don't know her full history of coonage.
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I can't act like I know her whole track record.

I see her in headlines when something happens.

I remember her beefing with Trump and also recall her shitting on black men,but then heard her saying some pro black shit.

I heard an interview but don't know her full history of coonage.
She’s a liberal coon.
It's not a silly word game. It's understanding how to master the language in which you speak.

I recommend that everyone take at least one course in propositional logic. I've come to realize that the general public suffers from a lack of comprehension, which is why "all/not all" has become such a popular retort to any assertion.

"Whites are racist"
"Not all!"

"Rap music is bad"
"Not all!"

"Black lives matter"
"All lives matter!"

The lack of the use of words such as "some/all/a few/most/etc) is not an implication of universal encompass.

View attachment 317682

I hope I'm speaking over your head and I do not mean to be condescending. What I am saying is, Americans are speaking a language we don't take the time to learn, speak, or understand properly.

No bruh, this isn't a matter of logic. It's just irresponsible and reckless wording. There is no reason to say something ambiguous like "rap music is bad" if you don't mean that all rap music is bad. Leaving it general like that opens the statement to interpretation as an absolute. If you didn't want it to be taken that way and you were being intellectually honest, you'd specify what you meant e.g.,, rap music that promotes violence and misogyny is bad. When people don't do that, it's usually because they don't know enough about what they are addressing to distinguish.

I took logic, critical inquiry, and a bunch of other philosophy courses. That's why I know a lot of arguments come about not because of disagreements in thought but because of poorly expressed views.

And it's silly trying to apply formal logical syntax to casual speech because the people speaking often aren't using those rules. It's just like how you see people say "and/or" when logically that's no different than just saying "or."
I wouldn't call it rhetoric

ppl do shit to get fired all the time to get unemployment

Not saying Nick could even get unemployment,but I think he's smart enough to know the ledge with his business relationships.

He knows what he's doing and saying can risk his shit because he already got dropped before for talking about NBC in his stand up.

Evidently Nick doesn't give a fuck.

Most people don't do shit like this to get fired though. Nick Cannon has a lot to lose. I do not understand why he would have a public conversation that most likely would be viewed as insensitive, racist, anti semitic and problematic. TV/Media that's his platform and he's basically asking for serious trouble that can get him canceled on so many levels....It's his life, he can do whatever he wants. Let's see how this plays out.
Hebrew has come to be associated with Jewish ppl,but really means "Nomad" basically or "passes over"

The area of Israel and Palestine back then would have been a brown/black ppl before the ppl who live there now were there.

Before trans Atlantic slavery,there wasn't as much division among brown/black ppl and a need to separate to be closer to white ppl.

Basically the reason why ppl say blacks were the OG Jews is because that area would have been black /brown ppl right there close to Africa and the ppl in Israel just moved there like 70 yrs ago after kicking all the brown ppl out who didn't agree with the UN putting Israel there in the late 40's.

The UN made a plan for Arab's and Jews to share that area,but the UN failed and war led to Israel being ran by the Jewish ppl who run it now.

That area of west Asia at the time wouldn't have been the Jews we see now at all.

I agree with this. Like I said early on, the racial divisions that people use in the U.S. weren't a thing back then. A lot of these older civilizations were more racially diverse by today's standards than most people realize.
Most people don't do shit like this to get fired though. Nick Cannon has a lot to lose. I do not understand why he would have a public conversation that most likely would be viewed as insensitive, racist, anti semitic and problematic. TV/Media that's his platform and he's basically asking for serious trouble that can get him canceled on so many levels....It's his life, he can do whatever he wants. Let's see how this plays out.
he'll be aight w/ a net worth of 60 million
She lost her job for being too black

I've never understood why Jamelle gets so much praise. I remember she wrote an article about Kobe being a better basketball player than MJ and proceeding to back the claim up with a bunch of stuff that had nothing to do with actually playing basketball. She just habitually speaks recklessly, and the time that cost her, she happened to be speaking on some black shit. There are others on ESPN that have made better points in a better way about black shit and didn't get fired.
Nick should have not said what he said... knowing the reprecussion, knowing that they are in a realm of their own where anti-semtism cant be questioned.. cant says the same for anti blackness.. smh

but im tired of niggas carrying the water for people who in general.. wouldnt even give your ass a sip of that water you are carrying
they are always on code with each other and have each others back.

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they not from a poor area.

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they never left america

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they are successful.

as if ws aint enough....we place too many limits on ourselves and let too much shit pass and then dont let dumb shit pass.

ownership is the only way out of all this.

I agree with everything but that last sentence. Ownership isn't the sure fire way out of this because will always be people and create divisions amongst themselves...and ownership of things doesn't cure that.