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Breaking News Viacom severs ties with Nick Cannon amid alleged "antisemitic" statements

His statements weren't anti-semitic, but I don't know how accurate they are. I've honestly never understood the whole "blacks are the original Jews" stuff. I've seen a lot of people claim it, but I've never seen any real proof. It's not like when people argue about Kemet and have actual evidence that the original Egyptians were black. People that believe the original Jews were black, kinda just say it and expect it to be accepted as fact without question.

some think because the tribes were in Egypt for so long gotta be black peoples. But idk I know it’s Ethiopian Jews
Nick Cannon went full hotep. You never go full hotep.


Good luck with that "Dr" Sebi doc, though.
The one thing I respect about them is that they don’t let nothing slide. We should take notes...
they are always on code with each other and have each others back.

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they not from a poor area.

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they never left america

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they are successful.

as if ws aint enough....we place too many limits on ourselves and let too much shit pass and then dont let dumb shit pass.

ownership is the only way out of all this.
they are always on code with each other and have each others back.

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they not from a poor area.

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they never left america

you will never hear a jew say someone isnt a jew because they are successful.

as if ws aint enough....we place too many limits on ourselves and let too much shit pass and then dont let dumb shit pass.

ownership is the only way out of all this.
It’ll be nice if black people can be given resources like the Jews....
Nah we gone have to take it. The jews are white supremacist and are blocking black Americans even thoughs who ascribe to Judaism. Nick Cannon gone have to learn when you have no white bosses you take no losses.
Of course you have to take it. But there is a debt to black folks that has not been paid yet...
Nah we gone have to take it. The jews are white supremacist and are blocking black Americans even thoughs who ascribe to Judaism. Nick Cannon gone have to learn when you have no white bosses you take no losses.
i actually agree with this.

no white bosses.

i said in another thread.......
i am sure you guys are tired of code switching. and why was it even a thing? i get it....but the shit gets me angry.
i know you guys are tired of not being able to express yourself at work.
can seem to militant and even nick cant say what he wants or he can be fired.

we need our own.....

imagine walking into work on Monday with a "Farrakhan said fuck all white people" shirt on.
how long would you have a job?
Of course you have to take it. But there is a debt to black folks that has not been paid yet...
and until we understand what was lost.....we wont be able to settle.
they can do like they doing now.....10 mil over 10 years....
that aint shit.

i think it was target that said they will give $140mil
target made $78 bil in 2019. but they want to donate $140mil and niggas celebrating?

this is why im disgusted.
I'm honestly not sure what you're trying to argue. If he had said "some Blacks are Semitic" everything you're saying would make sense. Just saying "Blacks are Semitic" is way too general a statement. It's like saying "Americans are Black." That's an imprecise statement, and you know that. Nick is making a claim on a connection to ancient Hebrew lineage that he most likely has no right to make. If you disagree with that statement fine, but I need some proof that African Americans have some strong connection to ancient Semitic peoples. This silly word game you're playing here serves no purpose.
It's not a silly word game. It's understanding how to master the language in which you speak.

I recommend that everyone take at least one course in propositional logic. I've come to realize that the general public suffers from a lack of comprehension, which is why "all/not all" has become such a popular retort to any assertion.

"Whites are racist"
"Not all!"

"Rap music is bad"
"Not all!"

"Black lives matter"
"All lives matter!"

The lack of the use of words such as "some/all/a few/most/etc) is not an implication of universal encompass.


I hope I'm speaking over your head and I do not mean to be condescending. What I am saying is, Americans are speaking a language we don't take the time to learn, speak, or understand properly.