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Uncomfortable Truth???

Was the person who killed you friebd parent ever caught? Did he get off Scott free. I get you bro you want people to be outraged by the loss of life over the injustice of it. If we treated the cop murders like ours nobody would care about anything. If we rioted every time somebody died that’s 1,000s of riots a year. If a white man kills a white man they won’t burn down the city. If a white cop shot a white man for no reason they would have a full investigation. Do you think they just view the white crime as just white people shit?

When y’all abd its a lot of y’all who come from bad areas talk like “black folks don’t care about crime, we don’t trust each other, we need a leader or whatever. It comes off like y’all just believe what outsiders are telling us because you saw some examples that fit the stereotype.

But again a cop not even being a suspect in a murder they commit causes a lot of the outrage
If that’s your perspective, that’s your perspective
what's also true is, while they were gone on the girls trip, me and my bros also went on a liitle trip back at your moms. we took a train!
(just fuckin witchu, mane. i couldn't resist this setup)
All good famo but the shit wasnt funny
And the impacts of climate change are rarely advertised the way you just outlined because they know that doesn’t really move the needle for most people in Western society

I can't really speak to how you feel climate change has been advertised. In my experience, it's been a struggle just to get people to understand that manmade climate change is real. I'm not going to say there aren't doomsday type people pushing certain narratives, but from what I've seen most people who understand what climate change is about are really more concerned with trying to get people to take it seriously than anything else.

On a different note, I feel like all these pro-black people got the game wrong. White supremacy is the enemy for sure, but, at the end of the day, we have no chance at defeating white supremacy as long as so many of us see other black people as the enemy. Too many black people are too invested in killing other black people for the black race to ever prosper. That's worldwide. We think shit is bad in America, and don't even realize that black solidarity isn't even a thing in Africa. Black people kill other black people like it's a sport over there. We can never expect others to value our lives if we don't start valuing each other.
climate change happens regardless of humans.

Shit happened numerous times before we got here

It does. The issue is whether or not the things humans do have an impact on climate change. The science says it does.

Climactic shifts happen on the order of tens of thousands of years. The issue is that a change that might not have happened for another 5000 years might happen in the next 100 because of the shit man has done (numbers made ups just as an example).
The path to peace is only through the Sith teachings of a select few.

Humans have the abundance of potential and squander it through useless endeavors instead of focusing what must be done.

Reality is often ignored and detested by the most self aware of us all because ultimately we are a billion years awat from nothing we do will even matter. Reality is that what we do with the time given to us is to enjoy everything and build up for the next to enjoy and experience even greater and higher while being attuned to the other living things around us.
No sir

Citizens are not sworn to serve and protect, cops are. That's what makes their murders more egregious. Also, the average murderer is held accountable ASAP, cops are protected to the fullest while the public gets gaslit

Shits apples and papayas. The chief was deflecting

Police have a higher responsibility and should be held by a harsher accountability

I agree with this

But it still doesn’t change the fact that one of the main reasons why blacks fear walking down the street are due to other blacks that are illegally possessing firearms, committing crimes and acting violently

This topic will always be a hot one for the media because it’s easy to go back and forth with the blame game…

The harsh reality is that people do fucked up shit due to traumatic experiences whether they have a badge, a criminal record or a college degree
All hear me out..........am I tripping but every major network have a TV shows about either a fire department, police force, or a hospital.

Are they secretly brainwashing us to obey the law and respect first responders?

Also.......after of years maturity and growth mentally. Tyler Perry movies/series (albeit mostly bad) does less damage to "us" than say a Snowfall or a Power.
All hear me out..........am I tripping but every major network have a TV shows about either a fire department, police force, or a hospital.

Are they secretly brainwashing us to obey the law and respect first responders?

Also.......after of years maturity and growth mentally. Tyler Perry movies/series (albeit mostly bad) does less damage to "us" than say a Snowfall or a Power.
I feel a lot of cop shows actually make folks not like them more for how they do things during most cases lol
All hear me out..........am I tripping but every major network have a TV shows about either a fire department, police force, or a hospital.

Are they secretly brainwashing us to obey the law and respect first responders?

Also.......after of years maturity and growth mentally. Tyler Perry movies/series (albeit mostly bad) does less damage to "us" than say a Snowfall or a Power.

do you feel the urge to respect police officers more after watching cop shows?

All hear me out..........am I tripping but every major network have a TV shows about either a fire department, police force, or a hospital.

Are they secretly brainwashing us to obey the law and respect first responders?

Also.......after of years maturity and growth mentally. Tyler Perry movies/series (albeit mostly bad) does less damage to "us" than say a Snowfall or a Power.

During 2020 through now, it was sparked the George Floyd protests, there were alot of articles and a few documentaries done about what's been termed "copaganda" which is basically shows that always excuse the shit police do and that shit actually carries over into real life. I read an article that broke down how Law and Order SVU while on one hand had led to more rapes and assaults being reported it also had given rape victims such a false perception of how the legal system works for them that it's actually damaging. They actually addressed the whole topic of how their show excused police brutality by their main characters in the past in a few episodes over the past few years because of the public backlash against that type of shit.