Welcome To aBlackWeb

Uncomfortable Truth???

You also overlook Kanye’s daughter sitting on the lap of a man know to make jokes about fucking babies…..said she somehow deserved it because who her dad was…

But I guess that was ok

Was he convicted of an actual sex crime? Comparing apples to potatoes bro
*(politics) Republicans, Democrats, Non-Voters, Independent, etc: The worst option are Democrats. They been misguiding they own constituents and bringing a lot of shenanigans to the States far greater than the others mentioned.

*Your life/society has already been planned for you. You prolly just never read the correct book or documentation.

*There are secret societies/cults/clubs in high places. You could start right there in Cali. Got a book on the way about the weird shyt they doin' there.

*Jews been a problem. (personally I could care less if they were all exiled)

*Some of the shootings you been seeing on tv is fake. Just hard to determine which ones. This has already been documented.

*The fake alien landing you all bout to see is exactly that. Fake. Don't believe the hype and nonsense about aliens. (Ronald Reagan)

*Climate change: Smh. To no surprise, quite a few ABW posters fell for the "Chicken Little" fear mongering about this issue.

*There are agendas. (manifestos, books, demands/requests, platforms, memorandums, etc...)

Just a couple......