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You know those are nicknames, right?

Yes I also know your post simply mentioned people going around calling themselves something and said nothing about whether the names they called themselves were real or not.

This video is appropriate...

Not attacking the point you're making with the video or anything, but what do people think gossip is? Umar and Tariq have basically put their feud on front street. Do people consider discussions around what is out there for everyone to see to be gossip? Just curious.
Yes I also know your post simply mentioned people going around calling themselves something and said nothing about whether the names they called themselves were real or not.

Not attacking the point you're making with the video or anything, but what do people think gossip is? Umar and Tariq have basically put their feud on front street. Do people consider discussions around what is out there for everyone to see to be gossip? Just curious.
Did you watch the video?
About the first third, but he didn't really seem to be saying much of worth. Maybe he made good points after I cut it off.
So then why comment on the video? Anyway. The point is (and this applies to this thread on a smaller scale) that the very people that have something to say about this beef are the ones that dislike these guys in the first place, and when these guys do positive stuff these same people are quiet about that. Why wasn't there a Hidden Colors thread to promote a documentary about black history? Where's the 1804 thread? But this gets y'all going.
Yes I also know your post simply mentioned people going around calling themselves something and said nothing about whether the names they called themselves were real or not.

Not attacking the point you're making with the video or anything, but what do people think gossip is? Umar and Tariq have basically put their feud on front street. Do people consider discussions around what is out there for everyone to see to be gossip? Just curious.

I'm not going to play the game of nitpicking over semantics on the internet; I think my point was pretty clear that the guy has obviously been trying to pass himself off as an actual PhD which is pretty fucked up.

Let's say you had to get your appendix removed and the surgeon that showed up to do it was actually just some dude that decided to put "Dr." in front of his name because he read a few medical journals. Would you be like... "well Doctor Who isn't a real doctor either so fuck it"?
I'm not going to play the game of nitpicking over semantics on the internet; I think my point was pretty clear that the guy has obviously been trying to pass himself off as an actual PhD which is pretty fucked up.

Let's say you had to get your appendix removed and the surgeon that showed up to do it was actually just some dude that decided to put "Dr." in front of his name because he read a few medical journals. Would you be like... "well Doctor Who isn't a real doctor either so fuck it"?
Umar proved his credentials last year though.
So then why comment on the video? Anyway. The point is (and this applies to this thread on a smaller scale) that the very people that have something to say about this beef are the ones that dislike these guys in the first place, and when these guys do positive stuff these same people are quiet about that. Why wasn't there a Hidden Colors thread to promote a documentary about black history? Where's the 1804 thread? But this gets y'all going.

I didn't comment about the video. I specifically said I wasn't trying to attack any point you were making with the video. I asked a question about people's perception of gossip after seeing the video was about gossip. And you're wrong to say that the people who are commenting on the beef are the ones don't like these guys. They each have their supporters that have a whole lot to say about it also. Also, I don't know about this site, but Hidden Colors did have a thread on the IC at one point and had been discussed on many occasions. I don't know what 1804 is, so maybe the fact that it doesn't have a thread is because some haven't heard about it.

I'm not going to play the game of nitpicking over semantics on the internet; I think my point was pretty clear that the guy has obviously been trying to pass himself off as an actual PhD which is pretty fucked up.

Let's say you had to get your appendix removed and the surgeon that showed up to do it was actually just some dude that decided to put "Dr." in front of his name because he read a few medical journals. Would you be like... "well Doctor Who isn't a real doctor either so fuck it"?

lol Bruh you taking it too seriously. I was just kidding around with that comment.
I didn't comment about the video. I specifically said I wasn't trying to attack any point you were making with the video. I asked a question about people's perception of gossip after seeing the video was about gossip. And you're wrong to say that the people who are commenting on the beef are the ones don't like these guys. They each have their supporters that have a whole lot to say about it also. Also, I don't know about this site, but Hidden Colors did have a thread on the IC at one point and had been discussed on many occasions. I don't know what 1804 is, so maybe the fact that it doesn't have a thread is because some haven't heard about it.

lol Bruh you taking it too seriously. I was just kidding around with that comment.
My post correlates with the video that's why I posted it. I don't recall seeing any Hidden Colors threads or 1804 thread, (1804 is about the Haitian revolution) but I remember a lot of y'all disliking these men but here y'all are commenting on this.
My post correlates with the video that's why I posted it. I don't recall seeing any Hidden Colors threads or 1804 thread, (1804 is about the Haitian revolution) but I remember a lot of y'all disliking these men but here y'all are commenting on this.

There was discussion about Hidden Colors as well as its sequel. Did you ever go to the Social Lounge? It may have been there if no in Grown and Sexy. And I don't understand how dudes can be so overprotective of other men. Why does it offend you so much that they have critics? Them niggas ain't gods. People can have problems with them without being against their causes.
There was discussion about Hidden Colors as well as its sequel. Did you ever go to the Social Lounge? It may have been there if no in Grown and Sexy. And I don't understand how dudes can be so overprotective of other men. Why does it offend you so much that they have critics? Them niggas ain't gods. People can have problems with them without being against their causes.
Maybe but I've never seen any threads for those movies and I've been on there a long time. You're not gonna get me to argue some inane point. Stick to the point or we have no reason to continue this discussion.
So then why comment on the video? Anyway. The point is (and this applies to this thread on a smaller scale) that the very people that have something to say about this beef are the ones that dislike these guys in the first place, and when these guys do positive stuff these same people are quiet about that. Why wasn't there a Hidden Colors thread to promote a documentary about black history? Where's the 1804 thread? But this gets y'all going.

Hidden colors aint all the way accurate tho
Maybe but I've never seen any threads for those movies and I've been on there a long time. You're not gonna get me to argue some inane point. Stick to the point or we have no reason to continue this discussion.

lol You alway think someone is trying to goad you into something. I don't really care what you want to discuss. I already asked the question I had, you took offense to it and didn't bother answering that's fine. Then you went into the tried and true tactic of trying to condemn anyone with a criticism of someone you worship. No real worthwhile discussion can come from someone taking that stance, so we can dead it.
lol You alway think someone is trying to goad you into something. I don't really care what you want to discuss. I already asked the question I had, you took offense to it and didn't bother answering that's fine. Then you went into the tried and true tactic of trying to condemn anyone with a criticism of someone you worship. No real worthwhile discussion can come from someone taking that stance, so we can dead it.
The ironing. I know how to discuss a point. Let's stick to talking about the point which is why are people like yourself who claim they're so critical of these guys seem so invested in their beef. Especially considering when they do positive stuff y'all don't care enough to want to talk about it. If you not gonna discuss that point then there's nothing to talk about. That deflection tactic isn't going to work with me.
The ironing. I know how to discuss a point. Let's stick to talking about the point which is why are people like yourself who claim they're so critical of these guys seem so invested in their beef. Especially considering when they do positive stuff y'all don't care enough to want to talk about it. If you not gonna discuss that point then there's nothing to talk about. That deflection tactic isn't going to work with me.

lol How am I supposed to discuss some false shit that you made up? I'm not invested in their beef. I think it's stupid and harmful to the black community. I don't like either one of them. That doesn't mean I think in-fighting like this is good. The only comment I really made on this beef was to call people out who bashed others for criticizing Umar, but are now jumping on that same bandwagon just because Tariq is criticizing him too. That's fuck shit.

And who said we don't care about them doing good? When I learned about Umar and his school idea, I gave him props. Even now I hope he can get it off and do what he said he wanted to do. You keep calling it a deflection, but really what I pointed out is the heart of your whole stance. You are committed to passing this lie that anyone who is critical of Umar or Tariq is against what they stand for. I don't just hate on them dude for no reason. I've stated specifically what I don't like about them and why I think they can be harmful to the movements they represent.
lol How am I supposed to discuss some false shit that you made up? I'm not invested in their beef. I think it's stupid and harmful to the black community. I don't like either one of them. That doesn't mean I think in-fighting like this is good. The only comment I really made on this beef was to call people out who bashed others for criticizing Umar, but are now jumping on that same bandwagon just because Tariq is criticizing him too. That's fuck shit.

And who said we don't care about them doing good? When I learned about Umar and his school idea, I gave him props. Even now I hope he can get it off and do what he said he wanted to do. You keep calling it a deflection, but really what I pointed out is the heart of your whole stance. You are committed to passing this lie that anyone who is critical of Umar or Tariq is against what they stand for. I don't just hate on them dude for no reason. I've stated specifically what I don't like about them and why I think they can be harmful to the movements they represent
Why are you in a thread about 2 people you don't care for?
So you're only allowed to discuss people or things you like? I'm in the topic because I wanted to know why they were beefing.
Why are you discussing people you claim you dislike so much? Do you see me in the Eminem thread discussing his latest album? You see me in Rick Ross threads? And if those two began beefing I damn sure wouldn't spend no more than ONE post max about it.