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Trump's Strategist Steve Bannon On Black Males "We get 50% of their vote we can govern for another 100 years"

Both political parties love to lie and play with words and numbers. With a lot of black people the last few years speaking on sitting out on voting. If a good amount actually follows through on that. We just talked about the slight increases in black men voting repub. If in a cycle that large group decides to sit out and the black males who do vote and that vote gets anywhere above 30%. As a people that might not be something we can come back from. I mean from a standpoint us trying to unite to fight against all the shit that happens to us a people. IMO what trust we do have might be completely broken.

Repubs will use that against us in terms of how shit played out. When the reality is majority of black men didn't vote for anybody not more actually voted for repubs. At that point Dems basically going to say fuck us like repubs have been. Add to that folks think shit bad between black men and women now. That shit will reach a whole new level IMO

The second paragraph has been going on for a minute now. There's been this narrative of black men becoming more "like white men" and it's a flat out lie. The truth is we just tired of being ignored. Nobody gives a shit about black men and boys until we dead or in jail. I said this in another thread. We have resources and programs aimed directly at our women and girls (which I support wholeheartedly so miss me with the bullshit) but our men and boys have been left out the equation. Now we have an imbalance the works against us in more ways than one.

There are little to no policy changes ever done to address issues specific to us (and as black ppl as a whole) yet what they have been doing is pandering and tokenism and symbolism to black women. And anytime there ARE actual policies or initiatives it's often criticized because it's exclusive to black males.

This had led to black men feeling more and more disconnected, as if we're on our own. Which is fucked up because black men by and large are community minded, always have been. When we first got the right to vote it was a family decision. We took our wives and children to the polls with us. Black women on the other hand by and large aren't as community minded. They're more sub group focused and that's not to blame them for it, just an observation.

If we're going to make any progress as a community, we have to get on the same page. We been having a gender war that wasn't even our fault (Gen X and younger). Them damn boomers decided they wanted to party do drugs and have free sex, add in a whole lotta government intervention and here we are.
Ah shit, get ready for the backlash lol

I don't bash people for not voting. I just don't understand how that strategy would help black people if we adopted it en masse.

We'd essentially be giving up all our political power. Reps would be happy because black people tend to vote against them anyway. Dems would be hurt for a little while, but they've already demonstrated they don't mind losing. Also, with other groups like Hispanics gaining more political power, Dems would be free to ignore black people altogether and court those other groups.

People seem to think that black people have enough political leverage to bully the politicians into doing what we want them to do. We do and we don't. If we raise a fuss use our votes to hold them accountable (i.e., consistently putting our vote behind candidates that have plans for black people and have fought to help black people) then we may see politicians more inclined to actually take us seriously. If we just get up and walk away from the table altogether, there's really nothing stopping the politicians from simply looking for our replacement.
I don't bash people for not voting. I just don't understand how that strategy would help black people if we adopted it en masse.

We'd essentially be giving up all our political power. Reps would be happy because black people tend to vote against them anyway. Dems would be hurt for a little while, but they've already demonstrated they don't mind losing. Also, with other groups like Hispanics gaining more political power, Dems would be free to ignore black people altogether and court those other groups.

People seem to think that black people have enough political leverage to bully the politicians into doing what we want them to do. We do and we don't. If we raise a fuss use our votes to hold them accountable (i.e., consistently putting our vote behind candidates that have plans for black people and have fought to help black people) then we may see politicians more inclined to actually take us seriously. If we just get up and walk away from the table altogether, there's really nothing stopping the politicians from simply looking for our replacement.

I get that and Im with you somewhat. The part about putting our votes behind candidates that claim to want to meet our agenda and holding them accountable. Thats how politics are supposed to be played.

But we dont do that. Its vote dem or die for much of us. And when the dems fail and ignore us (like they are now) we shuffle pur feet and make excuses.

Thats wht I understand how some of us say its pointless and fuck it
I get that and Im with you somewhat. The part about putting our votes behind candidates that claim to want to meet our agenda and holding them accountable. Thats how politics are supposed to be played.

But we dont do that. Its vote dem or die for much of us. And when the dems fail and ignore us (like they are now) we shuffle pur feet and make excuses.

Thats wht I understand how some of us say its pointless and fuck it

I get the sentiment on a base level but when we see in real time how decisions involving everyone's lives are affected by people in power it makes the not voting thing seem very ineffective. For instance two of the biggest things right now in the media are voting and abortion rights. We've seen how having certain people in power leads to laws and policies that can impact everyone's day to day life. So how does not voting solve that problem? It doesn't make people immune to the results of these issues. And that's an attitude that some on the not voting side carry.
I get the sentiment on a base level but when we see in real time how decisions involving everyone's lives are affected by people in power it makes the not voting thing seem very ineffective. For instance two of the biggest things right now in the media are voting and abortion rights. We've seen how having certain people in power leads to laws and policies that can impact everyone's day to day life. So how does not voting solve that problem? It doesn't make people immune to the results of these issues. And that's an attitude that some on the not voting side carry.

How effective is continuing to vote for a party that constantly ignore your issues and concerns and instead offers you smbolism and tokenism? The same party that by the way been working to replace us as a base since at least the 08 election which is where all their immigration and lbgt focus was born from.

We flat out misused our right to vote long ago and I dont think theres any coming back at this point. I do vote, but my vote goes to who I think the better candidate is to address my concerns and not staright party
How effective is continuing to vote for a party that constantly ignore your issues and concerns and instead offers you smbolism and tokenism? The same party that by the way been working to replace us as a base since at least the 08 election which is where all their immigration and lbgt focus was born from.

We flat out misused our right to vote long ago and I dont think theres any coming back at this point. I do vote, but my vote goes to who I think the better candidate is to address my concerns and not staright party

I'm not nor have I ever preached party allegiance. That's nowhere in my post or any I've made. I do however think intentionally pulling yourself out the game, especially without a long or short term strategy, is foolish. Especially if the reason is "they dont care about us anyway". How exactly does pulling yourself out of things supposed to make them pay attention again?

the post you quoted I specifically mentioned those who don't vote with the idea that "none of this matters because whoever was gonna win is gonna win anyway" which was a very widespread sentiment in the past 2 elections. Yet we're now living with the results of those decisions and those who chose that route for that reason can't sit and pretend as if the decisions made by the last and current administration isn't affecting their day to day life.
I'm not nor have I ever preached party allegiance. That's nowhere in my post or any I've made. I do however think intentionally pulling yourself out the game, especially without a long or short term strategy, is foolish. Especially if the reason is "they dont care about us anyway". How exactly does pulling yourself out of things supposed to make them pay attention again?

the post you quoted I specifically mentioned those who don't vote with the idea that "none of this matters because whoever was gonna win is gonna win anyway" which was a very widespread sentiment in the past 2 elections. Yet we're now living with the results of those decisions and those who chose that route for that reason can't sit and pretend as if the decisions made by the last and current administration isn't affecting their day to day life.

You pruposely didnt answer my question. How effective is continuing to vote for a party that ignores you, doesnt follow thru on its promises and is actively replacing you? Its not, its futile.

Im not going to go back and forth with you because we've beat this horse to death, dug it up and kicked the shit out of it.

Be blessed
I get that and Im with you somewhat. The part about putting our votes behind candidates that claim to want to meet our agenda and holding them accountable. Thats how politics are supposed to be played.

But we dont do that. Its vote dem or die for much of us. And when the dems fail and ignore us (like they are now) we shuffle pur feet and make excuses.

Thats wht I understand how some of us say its pointless and fuck it


Biden won the primaries thanks in part to black people (and some cheating by the party) and he won the main election with a lot of help from black people. It's crazy that so many black people voted for two people that were committed to locking black people up for any little thing.
You pruposely didnt answer my question. How effective is continuing to vote for a party that ignores you, doesnt follow thru on its promises and is actively replacing you? Its not, its futile.

Im not going to go back and forth with you because we've beat this horse to death, dug it up and kicked the shit out of it.

Be blessed

You asked a question based on nothing I said. Just some shit you assumed or made up. I did answer your question. It just wasn't the built in response you were expecting.
You asked a question based on nothing I said. Just some shit you assumed or made up. I did answer your question. It just wasn't the built in response you were expecting.

My question was counter to your thought of not voting is silly or whatever the hell you said. Point being, the whole vote just because is equally silly. Not to mention yo ass stay jumping out the phonebooth with your cape everytime theres a dem thread

What you'll eventually do, which is why I dont wanna go back and forth wit yo ass is to just do your usual gymnastics. And others have called you out on it for the longest.

Long back and forths with you is like talking the fucking wind.

I told you be blessed. Now let me be

Incase some of yall forgot or didnt know, the KKK started after the civil war in response to blacks getting the right to vote, voting in black officials and exercising their political power. Their whole purpose was to terrorize and discourage black people from voting. So they'd be happy and proud to know yall keeping their dream alive.
If you want a difference, need to start actually voting for the candidates that arnt with the typical bullshit. Those people are out there but get no funding or votes.

Link for reference
Incase some of yall forgot or didnt know, the KKK started after the civil war in response to blacks getting the right to vote, voting in black officials and exercising their political power. Their whole purpose was to terrorize and discourage black people from voting. So they'd be happy and proud to know yall keeping their dream alive.
If you want a difference, need to start actually voting for the candidates that arnt with the typical bullshit. Those people are out there but get no funding or votes.

Link for reference

The irony here is that the democrats was the klans party. Wasn't until they got tired of losing to the republicans that they decided to offer black ppl something and our ppl made the switch. Dems ain't done much since (other than help the reps fuck up the community) and the black community still overwhelmingly votes for em out of some misplaced loyalty. Sounds like that's also keepin their dream alive
My question was counter to your thought of not voting is silly or whatever the hell you said. Point being, the whole vote just because is equally silly. Not to mention yo ass stay jumping out the phonebooth with your cape everytime theres a dem thread

What you'll eventually do, which is why I dont wanna go back and forth wit yo ass is to just do your usual gymnastics. And others have called you out on it for the longest.

Long back and forths with you is like talking the fucking wind.

I told you be blessed. Now let me be

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I never said voting just to vote is the way to go. I never said not voting is silly on its own. So you just admitted you made up some shit to respond to. Good job.
Can you link me, who, has a trump supporter level of understanding, to Bannon racism? I don’t want to see anything about jews, gays, immigrants. I want to see his racism towards African Americans inside of America.

I would also like for you to explain to me how republicans controlled 75 million voters with fear and racism.

Bruh Steve Bannon told people that they should literally be proud to be called racist.

And if you really want to know how Republicans controlled using fear and racism, go look up the Southern Strategy. I'm not going back and for with you on this. If you want to believe the Reps love black people, go right on ahead.