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Trump To Terminate Birth Right Citizenship

Stop thinking about the parents and think about the child. The child was born here. In most cases like that, all it knows is the U.S. Why wouldn't it be given citizenship. It's not like this is some weird thing. 33 other nations have the same rules. I guess you can be mad at the parents for being here illegally, but it's a good thing that our laws don't punish the children for the sins of the parents.

How can you not think about the parents when they're not legal citizens?

It just doesn't make sense.

It's also not about punishing the child either.

Basically comes down to the belief that children born of illegal immigrants shouldn't automatically become U.S. citizens.

Their status should be the same as their parents.
How can you not think about the parents when they're not legal citizens?

It just doesn't make sense.

It's also not about punishing the child either.

Basically comes down to the belief that children born of illegal immigrants shouldn't automatically become U.S. citizens.

Their status should be the same as their parents.

That doesn't make sense though. Their situation isn't the same as their parents. Their parents were born abroad. The kids were born here. It's one thing if we're talking about a baby, but how you going to tell a 10 y/o that has only known this country that they aren't a citizen and have to go back to a country they know nothing about and have no real connection to?
the mother of trumps three oldest kids wasn’t a citizen when she gave birth on american soil

so does that mean trumps kids will get deported?

It wouldn't apply to them since the law was......and still is.......intact regarding children born to non-U.S. citizens.

However, if Trump is successful...........then any children in a similar situation would not be citizens.
That doesn't make sense though. Their situation isn't the same as their parents. Their parents were born abroad. The kids were born here. It's one thing if we're talking about a baby, but how you going to tell a 10 y/o that has only known this country that they aren't a citizen and have to go back to a country they know nothing about and have no real connection to?

Why cant they all get deported way before the kid hits 10? That way he gets to know his home country.
Nobody is fina tell me america has the right to tell people where they do and dont belong. All the countries we've invaded, civil wars and coups we've funded, people we've killed. Idgaf what no white man believes what niggas get to stay somewhere. Maybe mad illegals coming here is what this country deserves.

I'm not on illegal immigration side...I'm just keeping it a buck. Anything trump say and do is bullshit. So even if this has the right intentions, foh and fuck that nigga.
This does not help black people at all. I aint with it. Shit was cool for 2 centuries now it aint

To white people after they massacred the natives it was never cool

But as the Depression of 1873 took its toll on white working men, they began to look for scapegoats. Mob violence, arson and overt racist derision swept through California, powered by slogan “the Chinese must go.” Congress enacted the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, designed to put an end to the flow of Chinese. But that was not enough for the building anti-Chinese wave.

To white people after they massacred the natives it was never cool

But as the Depression of 1873 took its toll on white working men, they began to look for scapegoats. Mob violence, arson and overt racist derision swept through California, powered by slogan “the Chinese must go.” Congress enacted the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, designed to put an end to the flow of Chinese. But that was not enough for the building anti-Chinese wave.


That's by design. For the entire history of this country, white elites have shit on poor whites and used racism to scapegoat minorities. Poor white people are generationally stupid. They never learn. Even now many of them ride the Trump bandwagon because he's led them to believe that he's saving them from the marauding brown people. Meanwhile he's doing his best to strip away their healthcare and any other social programs that might help them, all so he can make the rich richer.
Nobody is fina tell me america has the right to tell people where they do and dont belong. All the countries we've invaded, civil wars and coups we've funded, people we've killed. Idgaf what no white man believes what niggas get to stay somewhere. Maybe mad illegals coming here is what this country deserves.

I'm not on illegal immigration side...I'm just keeping it a buck. Anything trump say and do is bullshit. So even if this has the right intentions, foh and fuck that nigga.

Basically this... only people I ever wanna hear from about who should be able to stay here and who should get the fuck out is native Americans

Everybody else (niggas included) opinion about it will not be respected

Edit: not saying ima jump right up and leave if the NAs tell me to get up and go lol

But they the only ones who got the right to say it
My aunt is 85. Born in the sticks of alabama. She cant get her b.c. if my cousins had to prove her citizenship to retain theirs thats gonna be hard as hell. They aint anchor babies. Most of us are not but how would this law read? Who all must show proof of citizenship? Clearly a b.c. wouldnt cut it. Elderly blacks have limited docs that would prove citizenship meaning us young folks could not prove our citizenship.

Word. Elderly black people have been catching hell trying to get a birth certificate so they can vote. These cacs been trying their damnedest to suppress the black vote with 50 layers of bullshit. Closing polling places in black neighborhoods is just the tip of the iceberg.

Over the past decade, Republican elections officials have been shuttering polling places in minority neighborhoods, low-income districts, and on college campuses at a feverish pace. When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, the U.S. had more than 132,000 polling places; by the time Donald Trump ascended to the White House, eight years later, more than 15,000 of them had been closed nationwide. After 2013, when the U.S. Supreme Court basically lifted federal Voting Rights Act oversight from states that were particularly notorious for racial discrimination in elections—including Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, and Texas—the pace of poll closures went into hyperdrive.


Studies saying this voter suppression shit doesn't have a major effect are misleading and ignore the reality of racism in Amerikkka. all you need is to shift a couple thousand votes and you can win a district, win a state.....win the presidency.

In the 2000 election they purged 50,000+ black voters in Florida.....claimed they were all felons trying to illegally vote. Bush won by a few hundred, officially.

In 2004, the key state was Ohio and most of the "voter irregularities" conveniently occurred in black areas. Black People were forced to stand in line 10+ hours to vote and others were getting fake letters/phone calls saying the election date had changed.

After the 2008 election, North Carolina banned early voting on Sundays.....because black churches were bussing people to the polls after church. The rest of the slave states followed suit.

Census Bureau confirmed that Black People used early voting at twice the rate of whites.

"Concern" about "illegal voting/voter fraud" is just a right wing cover story for this bullshit. These ain't the old Boardwalk Empire days where you can get Al Capone to stuff a ballot box for you. Fuck outta here.

As always, these rich CACs think they slick and ignorant muhfuckas make it easy for them.

Nobody is fina tell me america has the right to tell people where they do and dont belong. All the countries we've invaded, civil wars and coups we've funded, people we've killed. Idgaf what no white man believes what niggas get to stay somewhere. Maybe mad illegals coming here is what this country deserves.

Yup. Lol @ yelling "FUCK AMERIKKKA....but we can't have open borders fam"

Btw they're trying to suppress the Native American vote too, all so they can win a senate seat. Smh...


They want anybody who votes to have a traditional residential mailing address knowing DAMN WELL native americans on reservations rely on P.O boxes for mail instead
