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Trump To Terminate Birth Right Citizenship

As of right now, birthright citizenship is only common in The Americas. Many American countries have it set up similar to the US, but not all of them. The rest of the world might grant you citizenship based on bloodline but not because you happen to have been born there

Real good info. Thanks!
I am not necessarily against this move but i fear the doors this would open up. Right now their are people who dont get birth rights. Opening this door again puts native americans and black folks at risk. Huckabee once Said dred scott is still law. If that belief is held by the conservative supreme court then black folks have a problem. Native Americans are born on reservations and not subject to u.s. jurisdiction. They just became citizens. What he does to one he is going to do to us all.
if he can pull this off whats stopping him from trying to have a presidential term limits removed?

Its possible but he cant do it with an executive order. Congress has to amend the constitution. If republicans keep congress he can do it. He has the supreme court to uphold the amendment change.
They already let "us" determine so many factors with this country, now
they're scared of all the Latin migrants in that convoy, going forward and the impact of future america
They already let "us" determine so many factors with this country, now
they're scared of all the Latin migrants in that convoy, going forward and the impact of future america

This is not about that caravan. Caravans of immigrants are not new. Remember obama sent troops.

This is a form of voter suppression. Strip minorities of their right to vote.
Starts here then it ends up with you can't be American unless you have something ridiculous like 5 generations of family history
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The 14th Amendment was a direct response to the Dred Scott decision, where a fuckass Supreme Court majority ruled that anyone of African descent literally had zero legal rights, could never be U.S citizens, and any restrictions/bans on slavery were illegal.

Legally speaking, it should have been enough to prevent Jim Crow but we all know how that went.

fuckin with this Amendment is step one to either Trump or a future CAC tyrant stripping millions of "non-whites" of their citizenship, straight up


Past is Prologue....
Now lets see how many white immigrants this would apply too...also wanna know how the "Trump won't be that bad for black folks" crowd views this bullshit too..because you know black immigrants do make up a good portion of who this law would target

People need to chill with the "what about black immigrants" talk.

This isn't our problem, so I don't understand why some people are going out of their way to make it seem like it is.

It wouldn't even be an issue if there was a significant number of black immigrants because they wouldn't garner anywhere near the same level of sympathy.

Not about to be manipulated into taking up someone else's fight.

Their wake-up call has been long overdue.
Im against an executive order being used to overturn an amendment first and foremost so i say this shit needa be scrapped altogether.


The idea in and of itself..are yall cool with having completely open borders or somethin? This is an attempt at taking a shot at illegal immigration mind u, not legal immigration.

2 illegals have a baby, baby becomes citizen. Generally the family is low income, might not even pay income tax, baby can get access to benefits, at the cost of the tax payer which may give illegal parents access.

U cant be cool with this and also complain about taxes being too high. If ur a middle class worker/citizen who barely scrapes by but makes too much to get medicaid/food stamps....that a child with 2 illegal parents have access to, is that fair? If u think it is then by all means i take no issue with your stance. Its all about consistency.

There are people who have trouble getting and staying here legally, people who already find jobs and pay taxes while some illegals exploit the system to their advantage.

Where do u draw the line?
Im against an executive order being used to overturn an amendment first and foremost so i say this shit needa be scrapped altogether.


The idea in and of itself..are yall cool with having completely open borders or somethin? This is an attempt at taking a shot at illegal immigration mind u, not legal immigration.

2 illegals have a baby, baby becomes citizen. Generally the family is low income, might not even pay income tax, baby can get access to benefits, at the cost of the tax payer which may give illegal parents access.

U cant be cool with this and also complain about taxes being too high. If ur a middle class worker/citizen who barely scrapes by but makes too much to get medicaid/food stamps....that a child with 2 illegal parents have access to, is that fair? If u think it is then by all means i take no issue with your stance. Its all about consistency.

There are people who have trouble getting and staying here legally, people who already find jobs and pay taxes while some illegals exploit the system to their advantage.

Where do u draw the line?

Just because it’s an amendment don’t make that shit right at all so you can just stop with that.
Said it before,I'll say it again....We are witnessing the desperate acts of dying breed.
They know their days are numbered if something drastic isn't done in the next 10-20 years. (give or take)
Given that list posted on the other page

Most african countries dont allow for anchor babies either.

Is that bc they are a dying breed?

Starts here then it ends up with you can't be American unless you have something ridiculous like 5 generations of family history
And thats what i hate about american politics. Even if a policy had good intentions, whichever side supports it takes it so far to the extreme it loses its effectiveness. Its like we dont know how to stay balanced.

This is a form of voter suppression. Strip minorities of their right to vote.
Anchor babies cant vote for another 18 years. Do u think its okay for illegal non citizens who birth these children to vote and have a say but arent even here legally?
Just because it’s an amendment don’t make that shit right at all so you can just stop with that.
Not sure what ur referring to

Im against trumps unconstitutional process. I dont even think his executive order is possible. And it shouldnt be. Thats all im saying.

...yall do know this is all bullshyt...just a ploy to feed red meat to his base to rile them up for the midterms right?

Why do you think they pushin so hard on this, and the fake propaganda at FAuX NOoZ? This shyt is just a smokescreen. Enough of this...

GO VOTE!!!!!