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Trump Reportedly Called Africans,Haitians ‘People From Sh*thole Countries’

So he pretty much said a whole fucking continent, Caribbean country and south America was a shithole. How the fuck can you even come out your mouth to agree with any of this? @Olorun22 explain yourself, bruh!

Never said I agree with Africa being a shithole but for Haiti we know why that is.

Again it's Africans that say their country is backwards and it's bad sooo how can I tell them it isn't true
How about they lining up to go to South Africa? Every country in the African Union has immigration problems. Also you have people in Europe and China trying to move the US. Are you saying they shitholes too?

Please explain this logic. No Judge, I just want to know fr........

I'm talking about in history not 2018. So yeah to say we never had a chance to become great. Nations is a lie
LOL at how people been puttin on to Lemon since this year started.


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We know Trump is racist but to say it not fair to compare is a lie we had the same opportunity as white folks.. the moors sold us out along with Islam

You want me to go into a history lesson to point out a time in history where we could won against the white man?

Yeah. I’m trying to understand how this all ties together.

The relation between “what’s not fair to compare is a lie”, and Africa’s history in regards to Trump words about Africa countries being shitty. As well as Trump going forward and saying that this country needs more Norwegians.
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Automatic weapons werent widely made till like ww1. Africa had been colonized by then. European powers used soldiers from all their colonies too. Africans, Asians, SouthEast Asians.

Anyway majority of African nations stopped being official colonies in like the 60s. Thats maybe 50 years of slight independence because they all still being exploited by a colonizer. Why do people think these countries are going to turn into Wakanda over night. The US had a civil war just 90 some years after it was a country.

I think its kind of foolish to compare the struggles of relatively young developing nations and say oh why cant they get it together.
I feel like some folks took Nas "I Can" song as a history lesson rather than actually learning any actual history to realise Nas fucked up his facts. Haitian Revolution took 13 years and was hardly a bloodless short term coup that lead to them easily conquering their oppressors and seizing their lands. As for them winning against the white man... anyone want to recall who Haitians looked to provide aid after the quake in 2010? Or even their most recent 2.9 quake? Because it certainly isn't Africa.

I'm all for black empowerment but selective ignorance and distorting the facts doesn't actually serve anything properly or prove anyone wrong. Haiti's been a liberated independent nation for more than 100 years now but they've not exactly developed much in that time through their own resources, being an independent country with little security, social mobility or opportunity is like being the goth at prom: sure, people will acknowledge the effort but nobody's going to dance with you outside of doing so because of pity. Haiti and Belize are not exactly places you think of going unless you're an aid worker whose is a relentless optimist/deluded idiot or rich enough to hire a security team to go with you. It's not exactly Cabo San Lucas.
I feel like some folks took Nas "I Can" song as a history lesson rather than actually learning any actual history to realise Nas fucked up his facts. Haitian Revolution took 13 years and was hardly a bloodless short term coup that lead to them easily conquering their oppressors and seizing their lands. As for them winning against the white man... anyone want to recall who Haitians looked to provide aid after the quake in 2010? Or even their most recent 2.9 quake? Because it certainly isn't Africa.

I'm all for black empowerment but selective ignorance and distorting the facts doesn't actually serve anything properly or prove anyone wrong. Haiti's been a liberated independent nation for more than 100 years now but they've not exactly developed much in that time through their own resources, being an independent country with little security, social mobility or opportunity is like being the goth at prom: sure, people will acknowledge the effort but nobody's going to dance with you outside of doing so because of pity. Haiti and Belize are not exactly places you think of going unless you're an aid worker whose is a relentless optimist/deluded idiot or rich enough to hire a security team to go with you. It's not exactly Cabo San Lucas.
But why is that?
But why is that?
Lack of direction, selfish government, dependence on foreign support, resources and investment. You can have all the freedom you want but with no plan of action or selfless leaders willing to do the right thing for the right reasons, you end up with powermongers that take care of themselves but not the people that elect them and empower them rather than work towards enriching the nation and increasing status on the world stage to become an investable opportunity and not a charity case demonised when they do ask for help. Same deal as with the DRC and Zimbabwe.