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Trump Reportedly Called Africans,Haitians ‘People From Sh*thole Countries’

Dont slander Game of Thrones



Report: Many of Mar-A-Lago’s Foreign Workers Come From Haiti

President Trump is said to have referred Thursday to Haiti and other countries as “shithole countries.” But Mar-a-Lago, the President’s club and frequent retreat in Palm Beach, Florida, reportedly hires a large number of Haitian guest workers.

CNBC flagged Mar-a-Lago’s hiring practices Friday, citing a New Yorker reportfrom March of last year.

The magazine’s Sheelah Kolhatkar reported that the 64 foreign workers expected to be brought in to help staff the club “tend to come from two countries, Haiti and Romania, according to someone who works at Mar-a-Lago as an employee of an outside contractor.”

In a closed-door immigration negotiation Thursday with several lawmakers, Trump asked: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump was referring to migrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and unnamed African countries, the Washington Post first reported.

The White House did not initially deny the report. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who was in attendance, confirmed Friday that Trump called certain nations shitholes “repeatedly.”

Cotton, Perdue Attended Trump Meeting But ‘Do Not Recall’ Sh*thole Comment

Sens. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA) said in a statement Friday that they “do not recall” whether President Donald Trump called certain countries “shitholes” during a meeting with lawmakers Thursday.

“In regards to Senator Durbin’s accusation, we do not recall the President saying these comments specifically but what he did call out was the imbalance in our current immigration system, which does not protect American workers and our national interest,” they said in a joint statement.

Cotton and Perdue, both staunch conservatives on immigration, are co-sponsors of the RAISE Act, which aims to dramatically reshuffle how America’s visa application process works in favor of migrants with certain marketable skills. The proposal would disadvantage those with family connections in the United States, relative to the status quo, eliminate the so-called diversity visa lottery and, overall, severely cut the number of immigrants entering the United States legally.

They promoted the legislative effort with President Trump at the White House last August (pictured above).

The Washington Post first reported Thursday that, in reference to Haiti, El Salvador and unnamed African countries, Trump said: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

The White House initially did not deny the report in a statement. Trump, the next day, said that “this was not the language used,” without specifying further what he meant.

But Sen. Dick Durbin, who was in attendance at the meeting, told reporters Friday that Trump called certain countries shitholes “repeatedly.”

And Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said Friday that Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), who was in attendance, told him that Trump’s reported comments were “basically accurate.”

Graham has not commented on the reported remark himself. Nor have other attendees at the meeting. According to Politico’s count, that includes House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL).

Diaz-Balart came close, though. “I’m not going to be diverted from all possible efforts to continue to negotiate to reach a deal. So statements at the eleventh hour are not going to distract me,” he said, Politico reported.

Smh.. It’s very convenient that can’t recall Trump’s racism...

‘Sh*thole’ Comments Spark Global Furor

President Donald Trump’s comments about “shithole countries” have set off a global furor and put American and foreign diplomats in the hot seat.

State Department officials were reportedly scrambling Friday to give diplomats guidance on how to affirm the United States’ commitment to their host countries, CNN reported.

The Botswana government summoned its U.S. ambassador “to clarify whether Botswana is regarded as a “shithole” country,” The Washington Post reported.

And Haitian ambassador Paul Altidor told MSNBC that Haiti believes Trump was “either misinformed or miseducated about Haiti and its people.”

Both Altidor and the government of Botswana released statements condemning the comments and asking U.S. officials for a formal explanation of the remarks.

Nicholas Burns, a widely respected former top diplomat, tweeted:

Trump reportedly made the comments during a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers discussing immigration reform.

In addition, U.S. Ambassador to Panama John Feeley announced his resignation on Thursday, hours before The New York Times and The Washington Postreported on Trump’s “shithole” remarks, according to reports from a local Panama newspaper. The career diplomat told the State Department that he no longer feels that he is able to serve under Trump, Reuters reported.

“As a junior foreign service officer, I signed an oath to serve faithfully the president and his administration in an apolitical fashion, even when I might not agree with certain policies,” Feeley, a former aide to Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, said in a resignation letter shared with Reuters. “My instructors made clear that if I believed I could not do that, I would be honor bound to resign. That time has come.”

Feeley will continue to serve in his Panama post until March 9, Reuters reported.

Other foreign officials like Hugo Martinez of El Salvador and representatives of the African National Congress are seeking an official response from U.S. authorities regarding Trump’s comments.
Because white supremacists helped to make places like Haiti what it is by taking away resources and giving little to nothing back to the people. Then turn around and say it's a shithole is insulting.
Bro we know why Haiti is like it is.. we should focus on making it better but we dont
Why do you have a problem with what he said. Nigga it's African who say the same shit..

It’s not just the fact that he said African country’s are shitholes it’s also that he went forward to compare them to a white and ironically socialist leaning country.

The shithole comment along with previous comments and actions confirm what a lot of people know that he is racist.