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Trump Reportedly Called Africans,Haitians ‘People From Sh*thole Countries’

25th Amendment.

25th motherfucking Amendment, Goddammit.

Seriously, how much more of this bullshit is Congress really going to allow?

If I was Haitian and I lived in DC, I’d be driving to the Klan House right now with six cartons of eggs, testing out how strong my right arm really is, with a giant speaker playing the “Fuck Donald Drumpf” song on maximum repeat.
His base agrees with his comments. Trump has drawn a line in the sand and he has no interest in sitting on the fence. Of course if the US were to have immigrants then why not just the white ones.

Anne Coulter had this to say..

"He's trying to win me back." — Conservative commentator Ann Coulter.
This shouldnt be the straw that breaks the camels back.. that camels back has been broken long ago. I hope he dies an embarrassing death live on tv like foaming at the mouth and everything
Here's the sad (or funny, depending on how you look at it) thing about all this:

Most of these fuckin MAGAs that cheer this bullshit on live in some Shithole states. You don't hear us complaining that most of the Bible Belt people are a bunch of:

Dumbass (8 of the 10 BB states are below the US average for HS grads)
Fatass (9 of 10 top obese states are BB states)
Poor ass (9 of bottom top state for median income are in BB states)
Mega violent (7 of Top 10 states with violence crime rate)
Shitty life expectancy having (8 of bottom 10 states for LE)

Fake-ass Christian hypocrites. Those muhfuckas DEFINE the term "Shithole" in all its forms.