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Trump Reportedly Called Africans,Haitians ‘People From Sh*thole Countries’

One thing I've always wondered bout Haiti is if some religious attack is in their future. Given how racist America is towards Islam, I'd say it's not far off for Vodou and it's branches to become targets at some point.


Laura Ingraham Spars With Rob Reiner About Whether Trump is Racist: ‘He Absolutely Is Not!’

While broadcasting live in Los Angeles, Laura Ingraham had a heated debate with filmmaker Rob Reiner over whether or not President Trump is racist.

That part of the discussion began when Ingraham asked Reiner if he was ever bothered that Archie Bunker was more of a beloved character than his character Michael Stivic even though his TV father-in-law was a “bigot.” Reiner admitted that Bunker was “lovable” and his show was criticized for making a “lovable bigot” but the love he had for his family “makes him human.”

“But you say Trump––you say he’s a racist,” Ingraham said.

“Well, he is,” Reiner responded.

The Fox News host took issue to his assertion.

“He absolutely is not,” Ingraham shot back. “Do I look like a person who would hang around with someone who is— I don’t hang around with him but I’ve known him for 15 years. I will tell you this, you have to believe me.”

Reiner then asked Ingraham why Trump questioned President Obama‘s birth certificate, to which she rebuked by saying “a lot of people did that.” He then brought up Trump’s remarks after Charlottesville and how there were good people on “both sides,” which she dismissed as the president is “not the most precise” in his linguistics. Reiner then mentioned Trump’s recent “s-hole” comments, which Ingraham shot back with Obama calling Libya a “sh*t show”and Lindsey Graham calling Mexico a “hell hole.”

“I’m just putting all of his things together. Central Park Five, not renting to blacks people, there’s a thing there,” Reiner continued. “I think he’s a racist.”

Trump letter to African leaders: Tillerson to make 1st visit

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — President Donald Trump in a new letter to African leaders says he “deeply respects” the people of Africa and that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will make an “extended visit” to the continent in March, his first in that role.

The letter dated Thursday is addressed to African leaders as they gather for an African Union summit this weekend in Ethiopia’s capital.

U.S. diplomats have scrambled for days to address shock and condemnation after Trump’s reported comparison of African nations to a dirty toilet. Trump has said he didn’t use such language, while others present say he did.

Many in Africa were taken aback by the comments after nearly a year of little attention by the Trump administration to the world’s second most populous continent. Concerns have been widespread over proposed deep cuts to U.S. foreign aid and a shift from humanitarian assistance to counterterrorism.

Trump’s letter, seen by The Associated Press and confirmed by two U.S. officials, says the U.S. “profoundly respects” the partnerships and values shared by the U.S. and Africans and that the president’s commitment to strong relationships with African nations is “firm.”

The letter offers Trump’s “deepest compliments” to the African leaders as they gather for Sunday’s summit of their 55-nation continental body. It also notes that U.S. soldiers are “fighting side by side” against extremism on the continent and that the U.S. is working to increase “free, fair and reciprocal trade” with African countries and partnering to “safeguard legal immigration.”

The letter gives no details on Tillerson’s upcoming visit. A State Department official said it was expected to include stops in four to six countries.

On Friday, Trump had a rare meeting with an African leader at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, calling Rwanda’s president and new African Union chair Paul Kagame a “friend.”

For his part, Kagame tweeted: “Had very good bilateral meeting with @realDonaldTrump!” The Rwandan government said Kagame had “observed that many of the world’s fastest-growing economies are in Africa.”

Neither side referred to Trump’s vulgar comment.

But African leaders are expected to respond to Trump during Sunday’s summit. The U.S. will be represented at the gathering by Ambassador Mary Beth Leonard, the U.S. envoy to the AU, instead of the traditional high-level Washington delegation.

An AU spokeswoman has said the organization was “frankly alarmed” by Trump’s remark, and a number of African nations have spoken out or summoned U.S. diplomats for an explanation. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, however, countered by expressing his love for Trump and saying he should be praised for not mincing his words.

Dozens of former U.S. ambassadors to African countries wrote a letter to Trump expressing “deep concern” over his comments and asking him to reconsider.

The State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, in trying to calm things down, has tweeted that “the United States will continue to robustly, enthusiastically and forcefully engage” with African countries.


Trump says he ‘deeply respects’ African people in letter to leaders

In a letter to African regional leaders, President Donald Trump has said he "deeply respects" the people of Africa and that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will make an "extended visit" to the continent in March.

The letter — a copy of which was obtained by NBC News — is dated Thursday and was sent ahead of the African Union summit this weekend in Ethiopia.

The correspondence comes after Trump caused widespread outrage by reportedly referring to African nations as "shithole countries" in a bipartisan immigration meeting earlier this month.

Trump has denied using this language but Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin told reporters the president repeatedly used the slur to refer to African nations at the meeting they both attended on Jan. 11.

The reports shocked African leaders who condemned Trump's vulgar remarks, with Ghana's president saying he would "not accept such insults, even from a leader of a friendly country, no matter how powerful."

President Nana Akufo-Addo added that Ghana was "certainly not a "shithole country," while Senegal's president, Macky Sall, said in a statement that "Africa and the black race merit the respect and consideration of all."

The African Union, which is made up of 55 member states, also took issue with Trump's remarks. "Given the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice," said spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo.

On Friday, Trump met with Rwanda's president and new African Union chair Paul Kagame at the World Economic Forum, calling him a "friend." African leaders are expected to respond to Trump's vulgar remark at their summit this weekend.

In the letter, Trump says the United States "profoundly respects" the partnerships and values shared by the U.S. and Africans. The president also underscores his commitment to "strong and respectful relationships with African states."

Trump offers his "best wishes for a successful summit" and notes that U.S. and African troops are "fighting side by side to defeat terrorists and build secure communities."

Four U.S. servicemen were killed in October after being ambushed by militants while on patrol in Niger. The body of Sgt. La David Johnson was not recovered until nearly 48 hours after the Oct. 4 attack.

The incident prompted a military investigation and questions in Congress about U.S. involvement in the region.

The president adds in his letter that the U.S. is working to increase "free, fair and reciprocal trade" with African countries and partnering to "safeguard legal immigration."

Trump gave no more details of Tillerson's scheduled trip but said he also hoped to welcome many of the leaders to the White House.