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Trump Reportedly Called Africans,Haitians ‘People From Sh*thole Countries’

The poverty situation in Haiti is interesting. I'm hearing that it's rich with natural resources, particularly iridium. Also, there are corporations that have purchased land there and the country has a presence of foreign military operating shit in the region. He's calls it a shit hole, but people like him contribute shitting in it.

Dem Rep.: Trump ‘Absolutely Knows That He Is Playing To The Racists’

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) isn’t buying President Donald Trump’s denial that he’s a racist.

The Democrat appeared Monday on CNN to discuss Trump’s incendiary remarks during a bipartisan meeting on immigration, during which POTUS reportedly called Haiti, El Salvador, and unnamed African countries “sh*thole countries” and suggested allowing more people from Norway to enter the country.

“I think what the President is doing is diabolical, that he absolutely knows that he is playing to the racists,” said Meeks, who is also a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Listen, those individuals that we know who were former members of the Ku Klux Klan, they’re the ones coming out supporting the President in a very big way.”

“The President said ‘I’m not a racist’ and he told reporters he is the least racist person they have ever spoken to. Is that correct?” asked John Berman.

“That’s a joke,” Meeks responded. He then listed several examples of Trump’s racism, including his birther conspiracies about former President Barack Obama and calling the neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville white nationalist rally “fine people.”

“His words are clear, the words and actions of a racist,” said Meeks.

Trump did indeed tell a journalist that he was “the least racist person you will ever interview” and that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who attended the meeting and confirmed reports of Trump’s language, had “totally misrepresented” his comments.

Durbin said Monday that he stands by his confirmation, and challenged the White House to release any recording they might have of the meeting.

“Do you support a formal censure of the President?” Berman asked Meeks.

“Absolutely,” said the congressman.


Pence Reportedly Gets ‘Visibly Red-Faced’ at Church Service When Pastor Denounces Trump

Vice President Mike Pence attended a Maryland church service on Sunday morning where the pastor chastised President Donald Trump as part of his sermon.

Trump, as you very well know, has come under fire for an Oval Office meeting in which he is alleged to have referred to El Salvador, Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries.”

Pence was reportedly turning “visibly red-faced” during the sermon, according to onlookers who spoke to WUSA9.

Pastor Dr. Maurice Watson did not mince words as he discussed the president’s alleged remarks.

“I stand today as your pastor to vehemently denounce and reject any such characterizations of the nations of Africa and of our brothers and sisters in Haiti,” he said, going on to call the comments “hurtful” and “dehumanizing.”

The pastor added, “There are members of this church who are from Africa, who are from Haiti. They call me pastor.”

Dr. Watson also called out the idea that America should welcome immigrants from Norway rather than from African nations.

“A statement was made that we ought to welcome people from Norway more than we welcome people from Haiti,” he said.

“Whoever made such a statement, and whoever used such a visceral, disrespectful, dehumanizing adjective to characterize the nations of Africa, whoever — do you hear me, Church? —whoever said it is wrong, and they ought to be held accountable.”

The Metropolitan Baptist Church was founded in 1864, just one year after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
Every time Trump does or says something like this, I think of those coons and/or political ignoramuses who said that he was better than Hillary.

Trump Boasts Approval Ratings With African Americans Have Doubled (They Have Not)

President Donald Trump got back on Twitter this morning, and at one point, he issued a bit of misleading information about a supposed boost in his approval ratings.

The president got the most out of his “Executive Time” today, issuing statements about several of his favorite talking points. (Many of these subjects came up on today’s Fox & Friends, in case you were wondering)

It would seem that Trump’s approval ratings quote is a spin based on a recent Breitbart piece that positively compares his 2016 vote share to his approval ratings.

Among black men, Trump’s “2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share,” admitted a January 11 article in the Atlantic by author Ronald Brownstein. “23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women,” said the article.

That score averages out to 17 percent, or twice the 8 percent score he was given in the 2016 exit polls.

As Washington Post explains, the problem with Brietbart’s article is that it draws misleading averages from the data collected by SurveyMonkey and CBS, which were then compared to exit polls from the 2016 election. Even though Trump’s approval rating as a candidate was enough to topple Hillary Clinton, many of the surveyed voters do not have a favorable opinion of his job in office.

The Breitbart piece cites an article written by The Atlantic’s Ron Brownstein, which was headlined The Voters Abandoning Donald Trump. Brownstein noticed that Trump’s approval among African American men is double his rating among black women, though a 2016 vote share of 13 percent is not a particularly difficult number to improve upon.

It’s also unlikely that Trump’s approval ratings will go up at the moment, since he’s still dealing with the controversy surrounding his remarks about “people from sh*thole countries.”


WaPo: Trump Also Dismissed Black Caucus In DACA Meeting Last Week

In the same meeting during which President Donald Trump referred to African countries as “shithole countries,” he also told congressional lawmakers that he did not care about any demands from the Congressional Black Caucus, the Washington Post reported Monday evening.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who was at the Thursday meeting to promote a bipartisan plan to restore the protections from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, told the President at one point that the Congressional Black Caucus would be more likely to back a deal that gave immigrants from certain countries protected status, the Washington Post reported, citing people familiar with the meeting. Trump told Durbin he was not interested in catering to the CBC, per the Post.

Trump’s combative and racially charged comments in last week’s meetings have endangered a deal on DACA. The President sided with immigration hardliners in his administration and in Congress, alienating the lawmakers working on a bipartisan proposal. In the wake of reports about his comments, Trump has attacked Democrats and specifically gone after Durbin, who confirmed that Trump said “shithole countries” during the meeting.


Rush Limbaugh Lauds Trump For Curtly Dismissing Congressional Black Caucus Demands: ‘Amen!’

Earlier this week, the Washington Post reported that during the much-discussed immigration meeting in which President Donald Trump called Haiti and African nations “shithole countries,” Trump acted combatively and erratically. At one point, much to the consternation of meeting attendees, Trump reportedly said he didn’t care about any demands made by the Congressional Black Caucus regarding immigration.

From the Post:

Trump was curt and dismissive, saying he was not making immigration policy to cater to the CBC and did not particularly care about that bloc’s demands, according to people briefed on the meeting. “You’ve got to be joking,” one adviser said, describing Trump’s reaction.

During today’s broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, host Rush Limbaughpraised Trump for sticking it to the CBC, calling it “one of the greatest news stories I’ve ever encountered.”

Stating that he was sure that the Democrats went into the meeting with an “air of superiority” because they felt that Trump was “an inferior” who doesn’t know what he’s doing, Limbaugh said the Democrats had “the audacity” to tell the president the Congressional Black Caucus had some demands as well.

“Trump said, ‘I don’t care what they want!’ Is. That. Not. Just. Fabulous?” The radio host told his audience. He added that the CBC was just another Democratic “special interest group” that everyone has bowed to in the past and that it was great that Trump didn’t cater to their demands this time.

“Amen!” Limbaugh exclaimed. “This is exactly why he was elected. This is the kind of disruption that when it happens you need to recognize it as another successful day, folks. Draining the swamp. Busting it up. Changing the direction of Washington.”


GOP Rep.: ‘Everywhere You Look in Haiti It’s Sheet Metal and Garbage’

On Tuesday’s episode of All In With Chris Hayes, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz spoke with Hayes about President Trump’s recent “shithole” comments, in which he referred to “shithole countries.”

The Republican congressman defended Trump’s harsh words, words that Trump has since denied. Gaetz maintained the same viewpoint as the president saying, “the conditions in some countries really are bad.”

Hayes presented Gaetz with an argument that hit close to home. The MSNBC journalist asked, “If I called Okaloosa County a shithole, you’d understandably be upset with that right?”

“Yes, I could also prove you wrong,” Gaetz said. “I could bring you to Okaloosa county and show you that it is the home of the most beautiful beaches in America. I don’t know if Haiti can make the same claim.”

The response had Hayes rolling his eyes a bit in discontent.

Things only escalated from there.

When the topic of “over-generalization” was brought up, Gaetz took the argument to a new level with some bewildering comments.

“I would not pick those terms but I would say that the conditions in Haiti are deplorable.” Gaetz said. “They are disgusting. I mean, everywhere you look in Haiti it’s sheet metal and garbage when I was there.”

Hayes struggled to collect his thoughts for several second before saying, “I think you should think — maybe — I would surest why people would find that kind of characterization of a place where people live, and have pride, and have love of the place they’re from as derogatory.”
Look on the bright side. Now he'll be forced to throw minorities and immigrants a bone just to continue to try to save face.