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COMMUNITY Toxic Masculinity vs Healthy Masculinity

Pc era probably started when gay people became more demanding. Although conservatives probably thonk it started with Obama.
you know...i never understood this...

i know alot of gay people and they dont push their agenda on me or anyone else.
my problem is why does it matter what you do in your bedroom? i dont need to know or need to like it. you do you.
i just know i aint got competition when the hoes come
you know...i never understood this...

i know alot of gay people and they dont push their agenda on me or anyone else.
my problem is why does it matter what you do in your bedroom? i dont need to know or need to like it. you do you.
i just know i aint got competition when the hoes come

I dont think they care what people think. Just they not with the bad treatment like every other group. I mean they couldnt get married until a few years ago and people still protest it even though marriage aint always religious. But no gay people dont be out hear forcing gayness on people which everybody thinks is happening for whatever reason.
Politically correct.

Saying black people over negroes
Saying lbgqt instead of trannys and fags
Mexican over wetbacks.

As far as era goes people were cool with alot if stuff that they not cool with now.
Stop it.

Fag and wetback are insults. They always have been. But less than 100 years ago black people commonly referred to themselves as negro and it didn't evolve out of a slur.

"pc culture" is social engineering aimed at monetary profit. Anyone who steps outside of it puts themselves at risk of losing their jobs. Black people on the other hand are still fighting to be seen as human beings deserving to live.
Stop it.

Fag and wetback are insults. They always have been. But less than 100 years ago black people commonly referred to themselves as negro and it didn't evolve out of a slur.

"pc culture" is social engineering aimed at monetary profit. Anyone who steps outside of it puts themselves at risk of losing their jobs. Black people on the other hand are still fighting to be seen as human beings deserving to live.

We can use negro with each other. Pc complaints are about outsiders using certain words or phrases. Two gay men can say fag you cant. I can say nigga white folks cant. Like bruh if you think every movement is fake and false well so be it.

And black people exist in other groups it aint just black and thats it.
We can use negro with each other. Pc complaints are about outsiders using certain words or phrases. Two gay men can say fag you cant. I can say nigga white folks cant. Like bruh if you think every movement is fake and false well so be it.

And black people exist in other groups it aint just black and thats it.

Stop projecting. You're not good at it and nobody here is falling for it.

As for your intersectionalist comment, there's only 2 things you know about a black person before they're even born: they'll be black and they'll be human. Gender, sexual preference, political opinion, taste in music.... all that shit comes behind being black.
Foh with this shit. Words matter nigga. This whole "toxic masculinity" shit is designed to create an automatic association of the two words - toxic and masculine (male). You know kinda like white ppl do with "black on black crime"

Aint shit nit picky about calling out bullshit that tries to attribute certain behavior to a certain group of ppl as if said behaviors are exclusive to them. Its a fucking marketing ploy and doesnt have shit to do with we as black men gaining a better undstanding of true manhood. The whole catch phrase is meant to tear us down and make us docile (I see its worked for some).

You call it nit pcky, I call it bullshit. Tomatoes tomotoes

I never said words didn't matter..but you also shouldn't let your emotions override your logic which is what you're doing by blatantly ignoring the point, which you admit has truth to it, simply over it being called "toxic masculinity". Anyone with a functional brain knows that the term isn't all encompassing of masculinity as a whole but rather specific behaviors that have been associated with being masculine so for you to perpetrate that belief just shows either a lack of understanding on your part or you just engaging in willful ignorance. Neither of which is good
The problem stems from the fact that pretty much every behavior deemed as "Toxic masculinity" exists within both sexes, but only spoken about with reference to males. If it exists with both sexes, then it's toxic behavior.

And this where the part in a previous post where I said there's a large portion of the toxic masculinity narrative I disagree with. It's this here. A good portion of the shit deemed "toxic masculinity" is just being a shitty person in general and aren't gender specific behaviors. But there are certain things brought up that are specific to men and how we raise generations of men going forward. To ignore those truths simply because there's issues with some parts of the narrative is dumb because you will never 100% agree with anything and if that is the qualifier then there's no point in ever discussing anything.
I never said words didn't matter..but you also shouldn't let your emotions override your logic which is what you're doing by blatantly ignoring the point, which you admit has truth to it, simply over it being called "toxic masculinity". Anyone with a functional brain knows that the term isn't all encompassing of masculinity as a whole but rather specific behaviors that have been associated with being masculine so for you to perpetrate that belief just shows either a lack of understanding on your part or you just engaging in willful ignorance. Neither of which is good

Nigga I aint doing this with you. You being dense on purpose. If its anybody ignoring shit, it's you. Same as always going back to the ic days. Its like you come in every last one of these kind of threads sounding like a female.
I made point after point and you talking about I was being "nit picky as fuck" and now you talking about my "emotions" which I never inserted. Thats typical deflection shit. You couldn't counter anything I said with a sound argument. You just love talking niggas into circles.

I'm done with the futility.
Nigga I aint doing this with you. You being dense on purpose. If its anybody ignoring shit, it's you. Same as always going back to the ic days. Its like you come in every last one of these kind of threads sounding like a female.
I made point after point and you talking about I was being "nit picky as fuck" and now you talking about my "emotions" which I never inserted. Thats typical deflection shit. You couldn't counter anything I said with a sound argument. You just love talking niggas into circles.

I'm done with the futility.

And same as the IC many of yall definition of sounding like a female is agreeing with any criticism of something a man does. I did counter your point very clearly and even pointed out where our views are the same..but you Can't even see that much because you're not reading logically.
There is no "thingism" in the bolded thought it was attributed to that person not to a particular sex..

as far as your bit on toxic femininity as far as the Kardashians. i dont think thats applies..as the label thats being slung around.. its just opportunism mch the same as many "entertainers"and reality tv stars
Idk what you were tryna say in the first paragraph chief...

But to the 2nd point...I would disagree that the Kardashians don't apply. As much as most people wouldn't like to admit or give them credit for, they're cultural icons. And also what people wouldn't like to admit is that they're feminist icons. They're a group of women who get together and decide how they're gonna make their own money independent of what a man gives to them...and even further what people don't wana admit is that their brand is kept afloat by women. They're the FUBU of women!

Now with them (and male/female dynamic as a whole) there's the chicken or the egg thing going on...do women alter themselves to get male attention or do men simply go for what's presented to them? And is it feminist for women to capitalize off what's always been thought of was their only social currency - their looks?

TL; DR the point I'm making is that the Kardashians have influence on what everyday people think and do. I can throw a rock in a club and hit 40 bitches who did their makeup like Kylie. So when women call Kardashians out, and I don't mean just leaving dumb comments under their IG pics, I mean like really calling them to task on fuck shit.... they're going against the grain in a way that's much bigger than any other random celeb.
Idk what you were tryna say in the first paragraph chief...

But to the 2nd point...I would disagree that the Kardashians don't apply. As much as most people wouldn't like to admit or give them credit for, they're cultural icons. And also what people wouldn't like to admit is that they're feminist icons. They're a group of women who get together and decide how they're gonna make their own money independent of what a man gives to them...and even further what people don't wana admit is that their brand is kept afloat by women. They're the FUBU of women!

Now with them (and male/female dynamic as a whole) there's the chicken or the egg thing going on...do women alter themselves to get male attention or do men simply go for what's presented to them? And is it feminist for women to capitalize off what's always been thought of was their only social currency - their looks?

TL; DR the point I'm making is that the Kardashians have influence on what everyday people think and do. I can throw a rock in a club and hit 40 bitches who did their makeup like Kylie. So when women call Kardashians out, and I don't mean just leaving dumb comments under their IG pics, I mean like really calling them to task on fuck shit.... they're going against the grain in a way that's much bigger than any other random celeb.

I don't know if we can honestly say they decide how they're gonna make their own money independent of what a man gives to them unless the owners of the broadcasting station their show is on is a woman and the endorsement deals they do are by companies owned by women.

At the end of the day rich white men are allowing the Kardashian's businesses thrive and get money.

The mother got a lot of hustle and that definitely plays a part but their business success is not independent of men.
I dont think they care what people think. Just they not with the bad treatment like every other group. I mean they couldnt get married until a few years ago and people still protest it even though marriage aint always religious. But no gay people dont be out hear forcing gayness on people which everybody thinks is happening for whatever reason.

They could always get married, it just wouldn't' be a legal marriage, and the reality is that the only benefit homosexuals got from being able to get married legally was to be able to check off "married filing joint" or "married filing separate" on their taxes. Otherwise every other benefit imaginable had already been handed to them.

Gay pride marches, pushing gay imagery everywhere, everybody "coming out" on TV and whatnot, "outing" closeted gay/bisexuals made into a sport, every tv show, movie, etc now has to have a mandatory extra feminine gay dude in it, etc.

Back in the day you could be hangin out with you boy and nobody thought shit of it. Nowadays folks wonder if y'all are a couple or just flat out assume that's the case.

If you don't see how any of that is "forcing gayness on to people" I don't know what to say.
Idk what you were tryna say in the first paragraph chief...

But to the 2nd point...I would disagree that the Kardashians don't apply. As much as most people wouldn't like to admit or give them credit for, they're cultural icons. And also what people wouldn't like to admit is that they're feminist icons. They're a group of women who get together and decide how they're gonna make their own money independent of what a man gives to them...and even further what people don't wana admit is that their brand is kept afloat by women. They're the FUBU of women!

Now with them (and male/female dynamic as a whole) there's the chicken or the egg thing going on...do women alter themselves to get male attention or do men simply go for what's presented to them? And is it feminist for women to capitalize off what's always been thought of was their only social currency - their looks?

TL; DR the point I'm making is that the Kardashians have influence on what everyday people think and do. I can throw a rock in a club and hit 40 bitches who did their makeup like Kylie. So when women call Kardashians out, and I don't mean just leaving dumb comments under their IG pics, I mean like really calling them to task on fuck shit.... they're going against the grain in a way that's much bigger than any other random celeb.
they whole thing started with three men, the dad, ray j and homo jenner
they whole thing started with three men, the dad, ray j and homo jenner

I'd argue that Ray J did more to launch the Kardashians as a "brand" than anyone outside of Kim. The sex tape is what put their name on the map. A genuine R&B celeb fucking Paris Hilton's weed holder on camera? Nobody knew who the fuck Kim K was before that shit and most people forgot all about Robert being one of OJ's lawyers if they even knew it at all; everybody remembers Johnnie Cochran.
I don't know if we can honestly say they decide how they're gonna make their own money independent of what a man gives to them unless the owners of the broadcasting station their show is on is a woman and the endorsement deals they do are by companies owned by women.

At the end of the day rich white men are allowing the Kardashian's businesses thrive and get money.

The mother got a lot of hustle and that definitely plays a part but their business success is not independent of men.
I meant the Kardashian "brand" didn't start with looking for niggas to subsidize their lifestyle. They already came from money through the dad and you could argue ray j put em on the map...but they were already socialites and running with those crowds. The TV shows, the cosmetics lines, the fashion shows, the tv/movie appearances...that's all them.
they was already making their own money before the kanyes and james hardens came around.
I meant the Kardashian "brand" didn't start with looking for niggas to subsidize their lifestyle. They already came from money through the dad and you could argue ray j put em on the map...but they were already socialites and running with those crowds. The TV shows, the cosmetics lines, the fashion shows, the tv/movie appearances...that's all them.
they was already making their own money before the kanyes and james hardens came around.
gabi ...you my girl.
and i dont want no smoke.

but uh....them hoes find fatherless insecure rich black males to use thier witchcraft on. only one of them has a white dude with money.
kim , frankberry, and them too little ones all date a sort of rapper or basketball player, have them sign dumb ass contacts and milk them for money.
how the money like the youngin ride around with tyga and she underage?
even the mom getting black snake.
and frankberry is OJs kid.

their whole thing is funded with negro money.

shis even the yuoungest got a gofundme page ...asking for $100mill to add to her already $900mil so she can be the first youngest billionaire.

the naivete of the negroes and white blind kids are getting them somewhere ...all based of a sextape with rayj.