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COMMUNITY Toxic Masculinity vs Healthy Masculinity

They could always get married, it just wouldn't' be a legal marriage, and the reality is that the only benefit homosexuals got from being able to get married legally was to be able to check off "married filing joint" or "married filing separate" on their taxes. Otherwise every other benefit imaginable had already been handed to them.

Gay pride marches, pushing gay imagery everywhere, everybody "coming out" on TV and whatnot, "outing" closeted gay/bisexuals made into a sport, every tv show, movie, etc now has to have a mandatory extra feminine gay dude in it, etc.

Back in the day you could be hangin out with you boy and nobody thought shit of it. Nowadays folks wonder if y'all are a couple or just flat out assume that's the case.

If you don't see how any of that is "forcing gayness on to people" I don't know what to say.

Sounds like some conservative bullshit. Whats the point of marriage if it aint legal? Too earky for nonsense.
Sounds like some conservative bullshit. Whats the point of marriage if it aint legal? Too earky for nonsense.

A whooooole lotta Black folks in the 70's got married that way on some "I don't need this white government to tell me who my husband/wife is". Broom jumping ceremony and all.
gabi ...you my girl.
and i dont want no smoke.

but uh....them hoes find fatherless insecure rich black males to use thier witchcraft on. only one of them has a white dude with money.
kim , frankberry, and them too little ones all date a sort of rapper or basketball player, have them sign dumb ass contacts and milk them for money.
how the money like the youngin ride around with tyga and she underage?
even the mom getting black snake.
and frankberry is OJs kid.

their whole thing is funded with negro money.

shis even the yuoungest got a gofundme page ...asking for $100mill to add to her already $900mil so she can be the first youngest billionaire.

the naivete of the negroes and white blind kids are getting them somewhere ...all based of a sextape with rayj.
You know what.....I started to type some shit but I decided I'm not gon be the person defending the fuckin Kardashians anymore. Lol
You know what.....I started to type some shit but I decided I'm not gon be the person defending the fuckin Kardashians anymore. Lol
They could always get married, it just wouldn't' be a legal marriage, and the reality is that the only benefit homosexuals got from being able to get married legally was to be able to check off "married filing joint" or "married filing separate" on their taxes. Otherwise every other benefit imaginable had already been handed to them.

Gay pride marches, pushing gay imagery everywhere, everybody "coming out" on TV and whatnot, "outing" closeted gay/bisexuals made into a sport, every tv show, movie, etc now has to have a mandatory extra feminine gay dude in it, etc.

Back in the day you could be hangin out with you boy and nobody thought shit of it. Nowadays folks wonder if y'all are a couple or just flat out assume that's the case.

If you don't see how any of that is "forcing gayness on to people" I don't know what to say.

That's not true, doggy. The most aggressive pushes for gay marriage came after the HIV epidemic hit the gay community. A lot of gay couples faced a legal issues relating to health and life insurance policies and wills after their partners got the disease. There is also a social stigma against unwed couplestoo, so they wanted to have that social aspect of marriage.
That's not true, doggy. The most aggressive pushes for gay marriage came after the HIV epidemic hit the gay community. A lot of gay couples faced a legal issues relating to health and life insurance policies and wills after their partners got the disease. There is also a social stigma against unwed couplestoo, so they wanted to have that social aspect of marriage.

That last part, nah. There's was more of a social stigma against homosexual couples in general than unwed hetero couples. The two can't be compared socially because at the time nobody gave a rats ass about unwed gay couples.

As far as life insurance and all of that, that's not true as well. Anyone can be made a beneficiary of your life insurance and in the early 90's you were allowed to add a live-in partner to your insurance. I know that because I had my ex on my insurance back in '94. The legal issues stemmed from the couple not getting legal protection for their assets (i.e. a legal will, making the partner executor of the estate, etc) and then crying about it when the family stepped in and took everything. That's why I say that, barring their legal tax status, homosexuals were afforded everything a heterosexual couple had.
That last part, nah. There's was more of a social stigma against homosexual couples in general than unwed hetero couples. The two can't be compared socially because at the time nobody gave a rats ass about unwed gay couples.

As far as life insurance and all of that, that's not true as well. Anyone can be made a beneficiary of your life insurance and in the early 90's you were allowed to add a live-in partner to your insurance. I know that because I had my ex on my insurance back in '94. The legal issues stemmed from the couple not getting legal protection for their assets (i.e. a legal will, making the partner executor of the estate, etc) and then crying about it when the family stepped in and took everything. That's why I say that, barring their legal tax status, homosexuals were afforded everything a heterosexual couple had.

Bruh, the early '90s were not the start of the HIV epidemic. Your timeline is off. I'm talking about the 1970s, 1980s. After Rock Hudson died and brought all that attention to it, a lot of gay men were dying and it left them in a precarious place.
Bruh, the early '90s were not the start of the HIV epidemic. Your timeline is off. I'm talking about the 1970s, 1980s. After Rock Hudson died and brought all that attention to it, a lot of gay men were dying and it left them in a precarious place.

I'm not saying it was the start of the HIV epidemic, what I'm saying is that these legal protections for assets were always there, especially when it comes to shit like life insurance and estate dealings after death. The fact of the matter is that most of these folks, just like heterosexual couples, didn't have their shit in order before dying and that left their families legally in charge of their possessions and money instead of that person's S/O.
I'm not saying it was the start of the HIV epidemic, what I'm saying is that these legal protections for assets were always there, especially when it comes to shit like life insurance and estate dealings after death. The fact of the matter is that most of these folks, just like heterosexual couples, didn't have their shit in order before dying and that left their families legally in charge of their possessions and money instead of that person's S/O.

That's precisely it, they didn't have the legal standing to do anything about it. But marriage, which they were denied, would have helped them with that. Instead of giving them gay marriage they placated them and Christians with the common law legislation you referenced. For a time though, it was about legal and financial problems.

Also, how can you say it was all gravy for gay Americans when there were still "don't ask don't tell" laws in place and other discriminatory practices?
That's precisely it, they didn't have the legal standing to do anything about it. But marriage, which they were denied, would have helped them with that. Instead of giving them gay marriage they placated them and Christians with the common law legislation you referenced. For a time though, it was about legal and financial problems.

Also, how can you say it was all gravy for gay Americans when there were still "don't ask don't tell" laws in place and other discriminatory practices?

They DID have them, that's my point, they just didn't have their paperwork in order before dying. No different than a hetero couple just living together and one of them dies. If your paperwork ain't in order, the surviving S/O is ass out, gay or straight.

And all of that existed in the 80's during the height of the HIV scare and only got more refined and better as we rolled into the 90's and beyond. By the time the first gay marriage law was passed the only thing left was taxes.
That last part, nah. There's was more of a social stigma against homosexual couples in general than unwed hetero couples. The two can't be compared socially because at the time nobody gave a rats ass about unwed gay couples.

As far as life insurance and all of that, that's not true as well. Anyone can be made a beneficiary of your life insurance and in the early 90's you were allowed to add a live-in partner to your insurance. I know that because I had my ex on my insurance back in '94. The legal issues stemmed from the couple not getting legal protection for their assets (i.e. a legal will, making the partner executor of the estate, etc) and then crying about it when the family stepped in and took everything. That's why I say that, barring their legal tax status, homosexuals were afforded everything a heterosexual couple had.

Except for the most important part