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COMMUNITY Toxic Masculinity vs Healthy Masculinity

Are you asking “naive” questions now?

No. Ijs trying to figure out do yiu think.this shit is an.issue or not? If you don't think toxic masculinity is real and I do its pretty much going to have to be what it is. You not seeing my way im not seeing yours.
No. Ijs trying to figure out do yiu think.this shit is an.issue or not? If you don't think toxic masculinity is real and I do its pretty much going to have to be what it is. You not seeing my way im not seeing yours.
I been said toxic masculinity is not real. It looks to me as if you’re asking these questions pretending to be naive and I don’t engage with people that do that.
No i cant. Being that im still with women and have a girl child. Relationships with the other gender aint just sex related either. Are things not interconnected?
No, it's not just about sex.

But you're in a space where sex clearly plays a significant factor. Sexuality is predicated upon sex.

Now I don't know this, but if how you feel about women interconnects with how you feel about men, then that disqualifies you from speaking on heterosexual relationships because that's not your life. You have a woman and a daughter, but if how you feel about men influences and informs how you view and interact with them, then you aren't explicitly in the arena of heterosexuality even if you are a man with a woman.
im sure its slightly different in other cultures....but I think its real across the board

in my own experience, it was literally like everything that was supposed to be "good" or "right" was frowned upon.....no lie lol

anything from doing homework to actually being nice to a girl was roast material for older homies, uncles, etc

I've watched people over indulge and fuck themselves up cuz they said they had enough but everybody laughed at em

"nah....nah im straight, gimme some more"

I've watched people get boosted to go fight somebody for nothing and get fucked up

shit I got kicked out of school doing shit to prove a point.....or just for laughs......"the homies gone love this shit"

thats what it is to me
Real shit. In new Orleans where I grew up at that shit was just like that. For me though I just went dolo man because niggas all around me was trying to fit in and fucked up their future.

Btw I asked my uncle one time how did he feel about football during a play. This dude told me don't ask him how he feel, it's too many feelings and emotions and men don't suppose to feel so much. Lmao that's textbook toxic masculinity.
The irony is that the woman was wearing height altering footwear aka heels, but him standing on a bucket is toxic.

You putting a woman wearing heels on the same level as standing on a bucket for 5 mins? I know women wear heels because they look attractive and men want to be tall because women like height but sheesh
man when my wife wears them fucking heels she got me a bit

shit im 6'1".

i find myself needing to push her just to let her know...shit aint sweet.<-------joke
man when my wife wears them fucking heels she got me a bit

shit im 6'1".

i find myself needing to push her just to let her know...shit aint sweet.<-------joke
Lmao @ this a joke. Man PC culture in 2018 man I'll tell you. My girl, who considers her self a feminist ( which she ain't at all) jokes about this all the time.

Plot twist... What if Black lives matter started this whole "PC era"????? Not saying it did, but after thinking about it it's possible..
Lmao @ this a joke. Man PC culture in 2018 man I'll tell you. My girl, who considers her self a feminist ( which she ain't at all) jokes about this all the time.

Plot twist... What if Black lives matter started this whole "PC era"????? Not saying it did, but after thinking about it it's possible..

Pc era probably started when gay people became more demanding. Although conservatives probably thonk it started with Obama.
A man standing on a bucket is toxic masculinity? And I’m supposed to take that seriously?

I said he was probably joking bruh. Toxic masculinity would be trying yo appear taller than a woman just because she taller than you. But call it what you want
I said he was probably joking bruh. Toxic masculinity would be trying yo appear taller than a woman just because she taller than you. But call it what you want
Is there a scenario where you give men the benefit of the doubt over women?