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TI destroys Coondace Owens

In reality, there’s no such thing as white supremacy but then you have to acknowledge your choice to be a victim

Are there racists, sure but what the fuck are you gonna do about it beside bitch and namecall?

This was an opportunity to discuss ideas, move the conversation forward. She sat in there in a room full of niggas she knew wasn’t trying to hear what she had to say, let her talk. Make her make you understand even if you don’t agree.

“She’s on the left, he’s on the right, supremacy, slavery, wahhh” dawg I’m not trying to hear that bitch shit. We going forward, ideas

So you want people to be more open minded?
I disagree with most of the things that comes out of her mouth but she was invited. They gave her a platform so.... Let her finish.

I wanted to hear her full response. If Owens is horribly wrong then let Owens embarrass herself. There are also topics she could have been right about, so listen to what she has to say and drag her if her full response is trash. I'm not really a fan of most of these debates.
In reality, there’s no such thing as white supremacy but then you have to acknowledge your choice to be a victim

Are there racists, sure but what the fuck are you gonna do about it beside bitch and namecall?

This was an opportunity to discuss ideas, move the conversation forward. She sat in there in a room full of niggas she knew wasn’t trying to hear what she had to say, let her talk. Make her make you understand even if you don’t agree.

“She’s on the left, he’s on the right, supremacy, slavery, wahhh” dawg I’m not trying to hear that bitch shit. We going forward, ideas
You keep pretending white supremacy doesn't exist as if it's a slight to your manhood or something. White people are the majority. Alot of them are code with each other to oppress non whites. Fact. You know this. You could pretend there isn't systematic racial inequality for the sake of your ego if you want but its a facade. And again, Candace's agenda has no benefit for self respecting black people so motherfuck what she has to say
You keep pretending white supremacy doesn't exist as if it's a slight to your manhood or something. White people are the majority. Alot of them are code with each other to oppress non whites. Fact. You know this. You could pretend there isn't systematic racial inequality for the sake of your ego if you want but its a facade. And again, Candace's agenda has no benefit for self respecting black people so motherfuck what she has to say

Facts. Like Niggas think the kkk is made up or something? Saying it exists does not mean we think white fools are superior
Haven't watched yet. But tip's heart is in the right place and he means well. But he is not the best person to debate and articulate these topics

They should always go w killer mike, David banner or immortal technique
100% kill em with logic not with 'feelings'
Do some research b4 y'all jump out phone booth tryna save the ho.
Bitch wasn't bout to say shit.

The question :
When was america great

Candace: well all countries had slaves
Tip: bish wut
Ablackweb: I was really interested to see where she was going, fuck TI

Man y'all gtfoh

That's the thing though. We all know she wasn't about to say shit. The key is to let her talk so that we can then point out that she didn't say shit. But it wasn't really allowed to get that far. Instead of interrupting her, the thing to do would have been to let her give her long ass, meandering ass, nonsense ass statement that didn't directly the question, let the audience see just how trash she is and realize that she just said a bunch of stuff, and then say 'Ok cool. Thank you. None of that answered my very direct question. I'll ask it again: What period was American great that we're trying to replicate?'

Or...just interrupt her dumbass and circumvent all that. Whatever the fuck. I'm about to go get some wing stop.
That "best master" line was flames

He says that while cheering for Bernie Sanders, which also means the democrats.
That makes him a hypocrite and just the dems version of Candace.
People that are truly free would do all the great ideas he's mentioned, which came from many black activists before him, regardless of who's in office.

And for those that don't know, the energy y'all had for Isaiah Washington and Kanye should go to Candance as well
I'm glad she was cut off
Confusion is a weapon of bullshitters, especially white supremacist, who love nothing more than wasting blacks folks time

Here's a video of Killer Mike, David Banner, and TI talking on stage amongst themselves that's far more enlightening than conversing with our enemies
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He says that while cheering for Bernie Sanders, which also means the democrats.
That makes him a hypocrite and just the dems version of Candace.
People that are truly free would do all the great ideas he's mentioned, which came from many black activists before him, regardless of who's in office.

And for those that don't know, the energy y'all had for Isaiah Washington and Kanye should go to Candance as well
I'm glad she was cut off
Confusion is a weapon of bullshitters, especially white supremacist, who love nothing more than wasting blacks folks time

Here's a video of Killer Mike, David Banner, and TI talking on stage amongst themselves that's far more enlightening than conversing with our enemies

dont steal my shit.
you want smoke
Hard to have a real conversation about "MAGA" without first understanding the non colloquial definitions of "great" and "good" and the difference between the two.

Babylon was great. Hitler was great. But that doesn't mean they were good. Word to Louis Farrakhan.

Why the name calling

I’m not sure what your saying about her, Idk what a talking point is.

She say stupid shit, she give out more game than TI.

Idk what acting smarter than she is means, meaningless insult

That’s kid shit, that’s not progressive. She on a forum of us. It’s us in that room. Let her talk, retort, that’s how the conversation moves forward. She was brave enough to sit amongst her own people and stand on that shit, make her and don’t shut the conversation down. Go back to inherently loving your own, you work to understand
Lol @ needing to be brave to sit amongst your own people.

They're YOUR people. What would she be scared of?
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Niggas dense as fuck.
I thank the homie for creating this forum....but niggas don't want solutions.

The want free turkeys and to blame white people..

I'm bout to go full dos.......even full pralims on yalk
Lmao... damn @ the pralims level??? Long ass paragraphs and shit???
Candace Owens deserves no respect period. It's not the fact that she's a Republican or has a different viewpoint than most blacks, that's the problem. The problem is that we only know her because she so proudly shills herself out to the Republican party just like people like Sheriff Clarke and Ben Carson. They do and say things they can't possibly be good for the black community for the sole purpose of gaining notoriety and getting paid. Every now and then she might say something that make sense, but it's always a case of her mixing some truth in with bullshit to make it smell better.

TI is good at recognizing bullshit and calling it out. The problem is that all he knows how to do is bark when he sees it. Sometimes that's the best response, sometimes it isn't. It's one of those cases where the saying "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" applies. He doesn't really have the knowledge base or temperament to deal with every approach.

Mike does. It was kinda brilliant for him to point out Reconstruction as the time when Black America was great. Even knowing about that period, I never would have thought to argue from that perspective, but he's right. That's a point that needs to be made in front of black and non-black audiences. It needs to be made in front of black audiences so people understand that it is possible for us to thrive if we operate correctly. It needs to be made in front of non-black audiences to dead all those "why haven't black people ever achieved anything?" questions that non-blacks are always throwing out to try and make it seem as though we aren't about shit. For those that don't really understand how significant a time Wilmington was for blacks and the lengths to which whites went to stamp out black progress, check out this video for just one example of what happened during that period.
