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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

When you put it like that, no but it should be basic procedure.

They had the forethought to pull this dumb ass move you'd think they'd know how to lock a computer before getting up.


ayo this post right here made me sick it was so dumb they did that
Like Los said

all of these devices are encrypted

and compartmentalization and “need to know” is real

Just because you can get the access doesnt mean you need it

Even for someone as high up as Pelosi

im honestly surprised they dont have CACs (Common Access Cards) for their credentials vice a username and password...

thats literally the only way the computers were still open. With CACs once you pull it the machine auto locks
There's no sensitive information that can be taken off of any of those laptops, computers, or phones that were taken.

All Federal phones are encrypted.

The hard drives on all of their laptops and computers are encrypted.

The data on those computers cannot be shared remotely off site without being authorized by the users. So unless they got Nancy Pelosi's password they ain't sharing shit. All of the accounts for those members of congress were locked and shutdown before they breached the building so all of their passwords were changed that day. They're not going to announce that to the public but I will bet my life savings that none of those members left those grounds without changing their passwords. There's not some IT dude in a secret closet in the basement of the building managing their data. It's all being done remotely.

Another thing that people don't realize is that sensitive government information is not on the same public network that we're on now. They use 3 networks.

Regular public network like us

NATO for international

And a SIPR network which is locked down and is a 100% private network that can only talk to other devices on that same private network.

In other words the absolute only way that you're going to get anything sensitive off of Nancy Pelosi's or any other member of Congress computer is if you have another device that is also on that same secret network and you have the credentials to login in.

So we're gonna see a lot of stories about data that was stolen and people gaslighting. Don't believe it.

lol You have way too much faith in people. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those computers had the cards left in them. Encryptions can be broken too. You're right that the data may not be easy to access, but none of it is impossible to access either.
Lmao at the shit people get stuck on.

Armed mfers are literally breaking in coming to kill me and im supposed to be like let me lock this laptop before i run out

Or... or... you take the fucking laptop with you lmao. Tf.

A mess.
The fact that slack jawed yokel think people wanna see them.... They aint teeth them calcium deposits... STALAGTITES!

Shit i forgot my joke.
Lmao at the shit people get stuck on.

Armed mfers are literally breaking in coming to kill me and im supposed to be like let me lock this laptop before i run out
Actually they are SUPPOSED to run drills and go over the protocols for such instances this. Called an EAP (Emergency Action Plan)
Actually they are SUPPOSED to run drills and go over the protocols for such instances this. Called an EAP (Emergency Action Plan)

You dont think all that goes out the window when guns are drawn though?

Dont get me wrong. Me and you both work in technology. We both seen people that actually understand how technology works leave their laptop unlocked, click phishing emails etc.

So I can def see these old ass mfers that dont even know how to open an attachment just leave their shit unlocked on the regular.

But you add mfers storming the building spcifically to kill them ontop of that, i can easily see why they said fuck locking these laptops and just dipped